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遠東第一所西方大學 Macau Primeira Universidade Ocidental do Extremo-Oriente

D. Domingos Mauricio Gomes da Silva

English, Chinese , 1994/01 Educational Studies Series, Education Policy Studies Series University of Macau

Tags: Education

250 x 180 mm , 98pp ISBN : 978-972-8147-31-0

  • US$7.00

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本書收錄了與書同名的學術論文,敘述了聖保祿學院建立肇始及早期發展歷史。書中除葡文原著外,還收錄了其中、英文譯本。 This book contains the academic paper by the same title, describing the establishment of St. Paulo College and its early history. Besides the original Portuguese version, it also collects the translated Chinese and English versions.

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