《明報》於2017年5月9日刊登文章〈長者藝術 在社群中尋找青春〉,作者何杏園訪問「社群藝術論壇:藝術老友記」嘉賓 Paul Margrave,談論長者藝術活動的籌辦經驗。英國金齡藝術節前總監 Paul 在訪問分享鼓勵長者參與活動的心得、組織者的定位,以及社群藝術的目標觀眾等見解,詳情請見https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20170509/s00018/1494266917811。
《明報》於2017年5月9日刊登文章〈長者藝術 在社群中尋找青春〉,作者何杏園訪問「社群藝術論壇:藝術老友記」嘉賓 Paul Margrave,談論長者藝術活動的籌辦經驗。英國金齡藝術節前總監 Paul 在訪問分享鼓勵長者參與活動的心得、組織者的定位,以及社群藝術的目標觀眾等見解,詳情請見https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20170509/s00018/1494266917811。
Prof. Lim Song Hwee will serve as a keynote speaker of conference on “Ubiquitous Cinema – Education, Mobility, and Storytelling in the Digital Age” at Beijing Film Academy from April 27 to 29, 2017. He will give a keynote lecture entitled “Towards a Poor Cinema: Ubiquitous Trafficking in Midi Z’s…
Prof. Oscar Ho served as a speaker at International Community Arts Festival in Rotterdam, Netherland from 29 March to 2 April 2017. He shared at an ICAF event entitled “A Conversation About Art & Activism in Hong Kong with Oscar Ho.” This event took place within a photo exhibition of…
Prof. Lim Song Hwee will serve as a speaker at the Association for Asian Studies annual conference in Toronto from 16 to 19 March 2017. Prof. Lim will present a paper entitled “Taiwan New Cinema as Soft Power: Documentary and Historiography” in a panel on “Reconfiguring Taiwan Cinema: Local, Regional and…
Prof. Pang Laikwan’s new book ‘The Art of Cloning: Creative Production during China’s Cultural Revolution’ is published by Verso in January 2017. Prof. Pang Laikwan investigates cultural production under Mao, and how artists and thinkers found autonomy in a culture of conformity. Pang examines the period of Cultural Revolution…
Prof. Wu Kaming and Dr. Zhang Jieying were interviewed by Chinadialogue on urban waste pickers in China and the book ‘The Life of Waste’. The interview is published by Chinadialogue and then by Guardian. They share their research of unknown lives of Waste pickers who work on the outskirts of Beijing, and…
[Professor Wu Kaming was interviewed by the Guardian on 17 January 2017] China: the secret lives of urban waste pickers By Tang Damin for chinadialogue, part of the Guardian Environment Network [Read more]: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jan/10/china-secret-lives-urban-waste-pickers
Prof. Elmo Gonzaga has been invited to serve as a speaker of the 2nd SEAARC (Southeast Asia Architecture Research Collaborative) Symposium from 5 to 7 January 2017 at National University of Singapore. Prof. Gonzaga presents a paper entitled “Window Displays and Movie Screens: architectural interfaces and media ecologies of capitalism…
Prof. Chung Peichi will serve as a speaker of a public seminar “Current Perspectives in Game Studies” at City University of Hong Kong on 16 December 2016. This seminar brings to together a snapshot of six contemporary viewpoints in game studies, ranging from game hermeneutics to game ontology, and from…
Prof. Pang Laikwan has been invited to be a spotlight speaker of the 11th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies from December 14 to 17, 2016 at Sydney University, Australia. Prof. Pang will present a paper entitled “The Agony of Freedom: Debates around Hong Kong Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014” which discusses the Hong Kong…