Forum on Documenting the Umbrella Movement: Records, Narratives, Memories

May 30, 2015

Forum on Documenting the Umbrella Movement: Records, Narratives, Memories


Forum on Documenting the Umbrella Movement: Records, Narratives, Memories



Date日期: 30.05.2015

Time時間: 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Venue地點: Room 403, JCCAC 賽馬會創意藝術中心403室

Language 語言: Cantonese 廣東話

Organizer主辦: Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK 香港中文大學文化研究中心

Registration 報名:


How to document the Umbrella Movement? As a social movement with numerous stories, strong feelings and huge energy, countless visual, audio and written records of the movement have been produced and circulated. It is the right time to examine the ways of documenting umbrella movement, explore the issues of collecting, classifying and presenting these materials. Writers and archivists are invited to share their works/projects and to reflect upon the relations between records, narratives and memories.




Session 1: Archiving Text and Images


Speakers 講者:

LAM Siu Wing 林兆榮 (Initiator, Umbrella Movement Constructions Archive「佔領期間民間智慧選輯」發起人)

WONG Yu Hin Sampson 黃宇軒 (Convener, Umbrella Movement Visual Archives and Research Collective 「雨傘運動視覺文化庫存計劃」召集人)

FAN Lok Yi 樊樂怡 (Initiator, Umbrella Terms: A Glossary of Civil Movement in Hong Kong「語傘-公民運動關鍵詞索引 」發起人)


Session 2: Narrating Days and Nights of the Umbrella Movement


Speakers 講者:

Liu Waitong 廖偉棠 (Author, UMTOPIA – Days and Nights of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong 《傘托邦—香港雨傘運動的日與夜》作者)

KONG King Chu 江瓊珠 (Editor, Step Forward Multi Media 「進一步多媒體」出版策劃)

CHOI Po King Dora 蔡寶瓊 (Founding Member, The Incomplete Circle「未圓小組」始創成員)


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