Prof. Katrien Jacobs will give a talk at the symposium on “Women Occupying” organized by School of Humanities, the University of Hong Kong on 27 January 2015. In the symposium, speakers will explore women’s involvement in the Umbrella Movement, how their participation has been framed by the media and the…
黃慧貞教授早前於2014年12月20日為社創教師培訓課程主講「社會創業與教育實踐(2)— 批判思考與社會轉化」。黃教授疏理批判思考的歷史和沿流,指出批判思考故之然不是包拗頸、批評與爭辯,卻也不止於明辨是非;而是要揭示謬誤、指出強詞奪理的地方,以便吸收知識、俢正理念、增強論據,尋求每事件的「最」複雜和最深的底蘊,從而能夠認識自己與世界的關係和自身的位置以及責任。批判思考是社創教育的重要一環,師生藉此可剖析資本主義的種種想像和迷思,從而尋求資本社會中的另類選擇與出路。詳見報導文章〈批判思考與創意解難〉,http://www.roundtableedu.hk/articles/42277。
International Institute of Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan and Film Studies Center, National Chiao Tung University have invited Prof. LIM Song Hwee to give a lecture on “Walking in the City, Slowly: Spectacular Temporal Practices in Tsai Ming-liang’s ‘Slow Walk, Long March’ Series” on 17 December 2014. Prof. LIM…
何慶基教授於2014年10月27日出席假北京大學舉行的「文化生態的建構與解構」論壇,發表主題演講「藝術創作作為生產的過程」(Art Making as a Process of Social Production),探討藝術創作的文化生態,以及藝術家的社會責任。詳情請瀏覽: http://www.icipku.org/news/2014/11/05/2747.html
由黃慧貞教授負責的「社創校園通通識」計劃的啟動禮暨《賺出精彩人生》座談會將於11月1日舉行,黃教授並於會上發表主題演講「生命教育到社創教育」,分享社會創業(Social Entrepreneurship)與通識教育、生命教育結及的可能性和必要性,以及社會創業對學校及師生的意義和正面影響。詳情請瀏覽 https://www.316ec.com/cgi-bin/ourdb/bdetail?session_id=start&share=school@fses.hk&template=799180250001
Prof. Katrien Jacobs organized a panel and workshop “When Sex Toys Talk” in The Great Small: Gender Design Conference on 11 Oct 2014 at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. Jacobs examined the debate on sex toy design from the perspectives of feminist, historical, environmental, medical and carnal approaches. For details,…
香港電台邀請林松輝教授於9月12日播放的節目《思潮作動》擔任嘉賓。林教授回顧香港同志電影節的歷史,並介紹不同類型的同志電影。林教授特別推介本屆香港同志電影節放映的《旁觀蘇珊桑塔格》,此片紀錄美國公共知識分子及女性主義者蘇珊.桑塔格的生平,談及她的寫作、行動及愛情。 http://programme.rthk.hk/channel/radio/programme.php?name=radio2/89&d=2014-09-12&p=3436&e=&m=episode
British Film Institution has invited Prof. LIM Song Hwee to give a lecture on Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness at BFI Southbank on 2 Oct 2014. Prof. LIM Song Hwee will explore the relationship between cinematic slowness – increasingly prevelant in global arthouse cinema – and a wider…