
September 30, 2017


Workshop on “Hong Kong and Liberty”

香港中文大學 康本國際學術園 9號演講廳
Lecture Theatre 9, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
“Liberty” has been widely considered a core value of Hong Kong, but the idea of liberty or freedom is also notoriously complex and indefinable. Freedom is always relative, being conditioned and restricted by many other factors. There are incessant debates between positive freedom and negative freedom. Critics also strive to differentiate economic freedom and political freedom, and identify the continuities and ruptures between liberalism and neoliberalism. This workshop deals with these discussions within the current context of Hong Kong. While it is beyond doubt that political freedom is highly constrained in the PRC, the freedom Hong Kong people are enjoying can also be understood as alienating, because it is so embedded within the neoliberalist conditions. British colonialism and postcolonial globalization both impact on Hong Kong’s current understanding of political autonomy, and it is very difficult to cast a simple set of moral-political value on the way freedom is conceptualized in Hong Kong.
Papers will be delivered primarily in Cantonese.
朱順慈 (香港中文大學 新聞與傳播學院)
呂大樂 (香港教育大學 亞洲及政策研究學系)
李祖喬(香港中文大學 文化及宗教研究系)
周保松(香港中文大學 政治與行政學系)
林綺雯(香港樹仁大學 英國語言文學系)
袁瑋熙(嶺南大學 政治學系)
梁卓恆 (香港中文大學 大學通識教育部)
陳玉華 (香港城市大學 亞洲及國際學系)
彭麗君 (香港中文大學 文化及宗教研究系)
曾仲堅(北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校 傳播系)
馮蘊妍(一橋大學 社會學研究科)
黃宇軒(香港演藝學院 人文學科系)
楊靜(海德堡大學 跨文化研究中心)
葉菁華 (香港中文大學 崇基學院神學院)
鄧芝珊 (香港大學 社會學系)
鄧健苓(香港教育大學 語言學及現代語言系)
鄧鍵一(香港中文大學 新聞及傳播學院)
謝曉陽 (澳門大學 傳播系)
羅永生(嶺南大學 文化研究系)


