Call for Presentations- MACM Alumni Symposium: ON CULTURAL MEDIATION | 演講徵集-文化管理碩士課程 校友論壇:文化中介篇

【Call for Presentations- MACM Alumni Symposium: ON CULTURAL MEDIATION】

31st March and 1st April 2023

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Co-organized by:

MA in Cultural Management Programme & Centre for Cultural Studies

The MACM Alumni Symposium is a platform for current cultural management practitioners who are MACM graduates to share their critical reflections and insights based on their first-hand experience. The symposium focuses on the act of cultural mediation that touches on issues such as professional ethics, cultural rights, cultural identity, and the social dynamics within cultural representation.

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of proposed themes/ topics of discussion for this first symposium:

• On Communities

• On Conserving

• On Creating

• On Curating

• On Education

• On Fundraising

• On Leadership

• On Marketing

• On Research

This symposium is open to alumni of the MACM programme. Accepted presentations are organized into groups based on specific themes. Each presenter has 15 minutes to share their insights. After all presenters in each theme have finished their presentations, a Q&A session will be held.

Presenters are expected to submit their full presentation essays (1500 in English and 2200 words in Chinese) before the symposium. The essays will be reviewed and compiled into an edited volume (e-book). Confirmed presenters will receive a small honorarium.

If you are keen to present in the symposium, please register your interest here by 5th February 2023:




文化管理碩士課程 校友論壇:


2023 年 3 月 31 日和 4 月 1 日



香港中文大學文化管理碩士課程校友座談會為當前畢業的文化管理從業者提供一個平台,根據他們的第一手經驗分享批判性的思考和見解。 本研討會關注文化中介思維的實踐,涉及職業倫理、文化權利、文化認同和文化表徵中的社會動態等問題。 以下是本次研討會的擬議討論主題列表 (初擬):

• 社區社群篇

• 保育篇

• 創作篇

• 策展篇

• 教育篇

• 籌款篇

• 領袖篇

• 營銷篇

• 研究篇

本次研討會的主要對象為香港中文大學文化管理碩士課程的校友。 獲邀的演講將會根據特定主題進行分組。 每位演講者有 15 分鐘的時間來分享他們的見解。 每個主題的所有演講者完成演講後,將舉行問答環節。 演講者需在研討會舉行前提交完整的演講論文(英文 1500 字,中文 2200 字)。 這些論文將被編撰成電子書。主辦單位將向獲邀的演講者提供講員費。

如果您有興趣參加研討會,請在 2023 年 2 月 5 日之前填寫此表格:

