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- Course Cluster in Digital Advertising Campaigns
Digital Media
Course Cluster in Digital Advertising Campaigns
1. Mr. Frankie FUNG
2. Ms. Cynthia LAU
3. Mr. Dino Paul IP
Language Used
Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Total Hours
50 Hours
20 Sessions (2.5 hrs per session)
Start Date
14 April 2023
Part 1: Friday 7:00-9:30pm
Part 2: To be confirmed
Part 3: To be confirmed
Course Cluster
Course Enquiries
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Enrolment Enquiries
2209 0290
1 Course Description
Course Cluster is designed to integrate discipline-specific knowledge and skills with other disciplines from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is developed to build new skill sets or to reskill the workforce to enhance capabilities to meet the needs of a changing environment for long-term career success. The Course Cluster gives an additional dimension to learners to pursue a better quality of life in future.
Course Cluster in Digital Advertising Campaigns is categorized under “Digital Media” which consists of three courses namely: (1) Creativity: from a small idea to a big strategy; (2) Using storytelling: Content Marketing Strategies; (3) Production of Micro Movies and Digital Videos for Online Advertising. Students will learn the development of holistic advertising campaigns, techniques for developing effective content and the production of quality micro movies for online advertising.
Course Cluster in Digital Advertising Campaigns is categorized under “Digital Media” which consists of three courses namely: (1) Creativity: from a small idea to a big strategy; (2) Using storytelling: Content Marketing Strategies; (3) Production of Micro Movies and Digital Videos for Online Advertising. Students will learn the development of holistic advertising campaigns, techniques for developing effective content and the production of quality micro movies for online advertising.
2 Course Syllabus
Creative: from a small idea to a big strategy (15 Hours)
Through different case studies, students will learn how to develop a holistic advertising campaign from idea generation to different channels execution for both online and offline media. Students will identify the differences of insight, proposition, idea, and execution. In addition, students will understand the current advertising trend in social media landscape.
Understanding the current advertising market in Hong Kong is driven by social content, hence students will learn how to use KOL and celebrity endorsement in an effective way. Students will be taught how to develop and present their own advertising campaigns through the process of in-class discussion and brainstorming. Last but not least, the instructor will share professional experience to students about the techniques of idea presentation to clients.
1. Context and trend of the current advertising market in Hong Kong.
2. Skills in developing an advertising campaign, starting from insight, proposition, and idea to execution.
3. What is the difference between an advertising campaign with and without KOL and a celebrity? How to execute it?
4. Storytelling skills of how to convince your client to buy your ideas.
5. How to promote your product if you only have a slim advertising budget?
6. Case study: By sharing different successful advertising campaigns in Hong Kong, students will understand the keys to capturing consumers’ eyeballs and how to win over all competitors in the crowded market.
Using Storytelling: Content Marketing Strategies (15 Hours)
Companies are responding to accelerated marketing trend by investing more on content marketing. To catch up the trend, this course will teach you how to build a winning content marketing strategy step-by-step. We will review the components of winning case studies across social media platforms to inspire you to develop your own unique content strategies. In addition, the course will share tips of content partnership and content promotion so as to provide an all-rounded knowledge about content marketing.
1. Introduction to Content Marketing
2. Maximize the power of storytelling
3. Design a winning Content Marketing Strategy
4. Content research and ideas generation
5. Create SEO-friendly content
6. Amplifying the power of content: Work with external content partner
7. Amplifying the power of content: Effectively promote content
8. Measure of success: Content analysis and optimization
Production of Micro Movies and Digital Videos for Online Advertising (20 Hours)
The course aims to help participants to understand digital marketing and the trend of using micro movies and digital videos for advertising. Students will learn how to prepare advertising projects and video production processes. A mini-project will be conducted by using mobile equipment to experience creative thinking process.
1. Introduction to online digital marketing
2. Trends and consumer behaviour shifts
3. Creative methods for multi-social platforms
4. Advertising theories
5. Project briefing and pre-production
6. Production requirements and basic techniques
7. Understanding post-production workflows
8. Project review and presentation
Through different case studies, students will learn how to develop a holistic advertising campaign from idea generation to different channels execution for both online and offline media. Students will identify the differences of insight, proposition, idea, and execution. In addition, students will understand the current advertising trend in social media landscape.
Understanding the current advertising market in Hong Kong is driven by social content, hence students will learn how to use KOL and celebrity endorsement in an effective way. Students will be taught how to develop and present their own advertising campaigns through the process of in-class discussion and brainstorming. Last but not least, the instructor will share professional experience to students about the techniques of idea presentation to clients.
1. Context and trend of the current advertising market in Hong Kong.
2. Skills in developing an advertising campaign, starting from insight, proposition, and idea to execution.
3. What is the difference between an advertising campaign with and without KOL and a celebrity? How to execute it?
4. Storytelling skills of how to convince your client to buy your ideas.
5. How to promote your product if you only have a slim advertising budget?
6. Case study: By sharing different successful advertising campaigns in Hong Kong, students will understand the keys to capturing consumers’ eyeballs and how to win over all competitors in the crowded market.
Using Storytelling: Content Marketing Strategies (15 Hours)
Companies are responding to accelerated marketing trend by investing more on content marketing. To catch up the trend, this course will teach you how to build a winning content marketing strategy step-by-step. We will review the components of winning case studies across social media platforms to inspire you to develop your own unique content strategies. In addition, the course will share tips of content partnership and content promotion so as to provide an all-rounded knowledge about content marketing.
1. Introduction to Content Marketing
2. Maximize the power of storytelling
3. Design a winning Content Marketing Strategy
4. Content research and ideas generation
5. Create SEO-friendly content
6. Amplifying the power of content: Work with external content partner
7. Amplifying the power of content: Effectively promote content
8. Measure of success: Content analysis and optimization
Production of Micro Movies and Digital Videos for Online Advertising (20 Hours)
The course aims to help participants to understand digital marketing and the trend of using micro movies and digital videos for advertising. Students will learn how to prepare advertising projects and video production processes. A mini-project will be conducted by using mobile equipment to experience creative thinking process.
1. Introduction to online digital marketing
2. Trends and consumer behaviour shifts
3. Creative methods for multi-social platforms
4. Advertising theories
5. Project briefing and pre-production
6. Production requirements and basic techniques
7. Understanding post-production workflows
8. Project review and presentation
3 導師簡介 (Chinese Version Only)
創意規劃︰小點子大策略 (15小時)
Mr. Frankie Fung 為著名國際4A廣告公司首席創意官。Frankie於中、港兩地從事廣告行業超過二十年,曾負責多種不同類型客戶包括「麥當勞」、「立頓」、「大眾」、「屈臣氏」、「豐澤」、「飛利蒲」、「中國銀行」、「匯豐銀行」、「地下鐵路」、「南華早報」、「港龍航空」、「美贊臣」、「雅培」、「海飛絲」及「佳潔士」等。
Frankie 憑藉對廣告的熱忱,令他獲得多項本地及國際殊榮,例如HK4A “Grand Kam Fan Awards”, “FESTIVAL DE CANNES”, “The One Show Awards”, “The Spikes Asia Awards”, “ADFEST”, 「龍璽獎」及「時報廣告獎」等。
說故事技巧︰內容營銷策略 (15小時)
Ms. Cynthia Lau 擁有超過 10 年的數碼營銷經驗,在數碼媒體、績效營銷、數據分析和品牌戰略方面擁有廣泛的經驗。Cynthia 曾是國際媒體公司數字團隊的主要創始成員,在 Cynthia 領導下,為品牌成功推動數碼營銷方案,不少方案成為市場首創案例,屢獲權威機構獎項。她還通過跨境媒體戰略、社交媒體和內容營銷解決方案替客戶品牌打入中國大陸市場。Cynthia積極參與市場推廣研討會並發表演講,為企業和非營利組織提供數碼培訓以提高競爭力和領導力,應對新數碼時代的挑戰。
線上廣告工具︰制作微電影與數碼錄像 (20小時)
Mr. Dino Paul Ip 獲香港理工大學多媒體科藝理學碩士資歷。從事專業攝影外, Dino Paul專注多媒體創作及教授攝影及創意媒體學科等專業知識。創意作品曾於德國、中國及香港公開展覽,並得到媒體刊載,更兩度獲得香港專業攝影師公會的比賽獎項。
Mr. Frankie Fung 為著名國際4A廣告公司首席創意官。Frankie於中、港兩地從事廣告行業超過二十年,曾負責多種不同類型客戶包括「麥當勞」、「立頓」、「大眾」、「屈臣氏」、「豐澤」、「飛利蒲」、「中國銀行」、「匯豐銀行」、「地下鐵路」、「南華早報」、「港龍航空」、「美贊臣」、「雅培」、「海飛絲」及「佳潔士」等。
Frankie 憑藉對廣告的熱忱,令他獲得多項本地及國際殊榮,例如HK4A “Grand Kam Fan Awards”, “FESTIVAL DE CANNES”, “The One Show Awards”, “The Spikes Asia Awards”, “ADFEST”, 「龍璽獎」及「時報廣告獎」等。
說故事技巧︰內容營銷策略 (15小時)
Ms. Cynthia Lau 擁有超過 10 年的數碼營銷經驗,在數碼媒體、績效營銷、數據分析和品牌戰略方面擁有廣泛的經驗。Cynthia 曾是國際媒體公司數字團隊的主要創始成員,在 Cynthia 領導下,為品牌成功推動數碼營銷方案,不少方案成為市場首創案例,屢獲權威機構獎項。她還通過跨境媒體戰略、社交媒體和內容營銷解決方案替客戶品牌打入中國大陸市場。Cynthia積極參與市場推廣研討會並發表演講,為企業和非營利組織提供數碼培訓以提高競爭力和領導力,應對新數碼時代的挑戰。
線上廣告工具︰制作微電影與數碼錄像 (20小時)
Mr. Dino Paul Ip 獲香港理工大學多媒體科藝理學碩士資歷。從事專業攝影外, Dino Paul專注多媒體創作及教授攝影及創意媒體學科等專業知識。創意作品曾於德國、中國及香港公開展覽,並得到媒體刊載,更兩度獲得香港專業攝影師公會的比賽獎項。
4 Class Schedule and Notification
Commencement Date: 14 April 2023 (Fri)
Part 1: Friday 7:00-9:30pm (6 sessions)
Part 2: Friday 7:00-9:30pm (6 sessions)
Part 3: To be confirmed
Venue: TST Learning Centre
Course Period: Apr - Sep 2023 (tentative)
Notification: via Email and SMS about one week before the course commencement
Part 1: Friday 7:00-9:30pm (6 sessions)
Part 2: Friday 7:00-9:30pm (6 sessions)
Part 3: To be confirmed
Venue: TST Learning Centre
Course Period: Apr - Sep 2023 (tentative)
Notification: via Email and SMS about one week before the course commencement
5 Award
Participants will be awarded a "Certificate of Attendance" upon fulfilling the following requirement:
- an overall attendance rate of 70% or above
- an overall attendance rate of 70% or above
6 了解更多課程資訊 - 網上實時工作坊(3月24日)
此工作坊由資深廣告人Frankie Fung主持。Frankie將通過真實案例分享如何在競爭劇烈的環境中,增強宣傳點子的迴響及構思有效的跨平台宣傳策略。同場介紹「數碼廣告活動組合課程」,幫助學員掌握最新課程資訊,為進修增值預先作好準備。
此工作坊由資深廣告人Frankie Fung主持。Frankie將通過真實案例分享如何在競爭劇烈的環境中,增強宣傳點子的迴響及構思有效的跨平台宣傳策略。同場介紹「數碼廣告活動組合課程」,幫助學員掌握最新課程資訊,為進修增值預先作好準備。