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Data-driven Marketing

Course Cluster in Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

Course No. : 231-300810-01


1. Ms. Bridget YIM
2. Mr. Clement SO

Language Used

Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Total Hours

50 Hours


20 Sessions (2.5 hrs per session)


TST Learning Centre

Start Date

13 Apr 2023 (Thu)


Thursday 7:00-9:30pm

Tuition Fee



Course Cluster

Course Enquiries

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Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Course Description

Course Cluster is designed to integrate discipline-specific knowledge and skills with other disciplines from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is developed to build new skill sets or to reskill the workforce to enhance capabilities to meet the needs of a changing environment for long-term career success. The Course Cluster gives an additional dimension to learners to pursue a better quality of life in future.

Course Cluster in Effective Digital Marketing Strategies is categorized under “Data-driven Marketing” which consists of three courses namely: (1) Social Media Strategies; (2) Marketing and Big Data Strategies; (3) Digital Marketing using Google Analytics. Students will learn the characteristics of different social media, the adoption of effective big data strategies and the usage of Google Analytics to refine marketing campaigns.

Course Syllabus

Social Media Strategies (15 Hours)
Social media strategy is a key component in marketing communication. For those who engage in marketing and on-line business, it is essential to understand the characteristics of different media platforms in order to implement a cost-effective promotion plan, monitor the effectiveness of KOL and evaluate the results. By sharing professional experience gained in the field, the instructor will teach how to ride on social media to create “talks of the town” and at the same time to tackle potential social media crises.

1. Create a differentiated brand positioning in social media channels
2. Execute social media marketing programs by understanding the role of owned, earned and paid media
3. Assess the need for and develop influencer-marketing programs
4. Social media e-commerce strategy
5. Managing social media crises
6. Evaluation of your social media strategy

Marketing and Big Data Strategies (15 Hours)
Big data has become the most important resource in digital world. In response to keen competition in the market and increasing demand of consumers’ expectation, the adoption of big data enables the corporations to understand the business environment, their competitors and customers well. This course aims to provide the basic understanding of big data and share real life cases to introduce the application of big data in marketing strategies.

1. Introduction of big data
2. How is big data changing Marketing
3. Big data analysis
4. Big data application
5. The importance of big data analytics in marketing
6. Utilizing big data analytics for marketing strategies

Digital Marketing using Google Analytics (20 Hours)
The objective of this course is to help participants to understand the formulation of digital marketing strategies, the application of Google Analytics and the interpretation of reports generated by Google Analytics and how to refine the digital marketing campaigns.

1. Digital marketing strategies and planning
2. Why use Google Analytics and what can it help for marketing plans
3. How to set up basic Google Analytics campaigns
4. Using and understanding Google Analytics reports
5. How to form marketing strategies using the Google Analytics reports
6. How to interpret and apply the reports from Google Analytics
7. Google Analytics for small businesses
8. How to use Analytics with AdWords

導師簡介 (Chinese Version Only)

社交媒體策略、大數據營銷策略 (第一及第二部分)
Ms. Bridget Yim 從事廣告及營銷業界工作達20年,曾於香港經濟日報、JCDECAUX Pearl & Dean 等大型媒體任職多年。她曾為銀行、藥品、旅遊等界別的機構舉辦不同類型宣傳活動,包括展覽、講座、商場活動等。她參與Digital Marketing相關工作超過10年,現職香港討論區銷售總監,對數碼營銷、社交媒體宣傳、大數據運用等具豐富經驗。

數碼營銷推廣策略 (第三部分)
Mr. Clement So 現任香港跨境電子商務協會執行會長,為香港著名數字營銷服務公司創始人兼總裁。Clement為香港、中國及國際市場的客戶提供大型網站、應用軟件系統開發、社交媒體宣傳管理和跨境電商營銷等服務。在IT相關服務方面擁有三十年經驗,且具相關香港新媒體開發及市場營銷管理十多年經驗。

Class Schedule and Notification

Commencement Date: 13 Apr 2023 (Thu)
Time: Thursday 7:00-9:30pm
Venue: TST Learning Centre
Course Period: Apr - Aug 2023 (tentative)
Notification: via Email and SMS about one week before the course commencement


Participants will be awarded a "Certificate of Attendance" upon fulfilling the following requirement:
- an overall attendance rate of 70% or above

了解更多課程資訊 - 網上實時工作坊(3月31日)


此工作坊由資深數碼營銷人Bridget Yim主持。Bridget將通過真實案例, 分析大數據在營銷中的具體操用及實際應用,為不同界別的從業員提升營商競爭力。同場介紹「數碼營銷策略組合課程」,幫助學員掌握最新課程資訊,為進修增值預先作好準備。
