Who needs a placement test?
Non-native Chinese Speaking students who;
are not beginners or
intend to enrol in a course other than level 1
You are highly encouraged to take a placement test prior to arrival and registration in Hong Kong.
Your cooperation will facilitate class planning and place students in an appropriate level in advance.
What is covered in the placement test?
Cantonese Courses: only oral placement is needed. You are required to answer a few questions.
Chinese reading courses taught in Cantonese: both written Chinese and Cantonese placement tests are necessary.
Putonghua courses: both written and oral placements are needed. The written placement includes tasks such as translation, reading comprehension and vocabulary recognition. In the oral placement, you are required to answer a few questions.
More instructions will be given during the placement test(s).
Please submit your course application form first. Placement will not be given to those who have not completed the application procedures.
Choose the written placement version and format according to your choice and click the link for downloading. (Applicable to Putonghua students and Chinese reading courses only).
Click the appropriate link for placement.
If you do not have a suitable device for computer oral placement, you can use other devices to record your speech. Other procedures remain the same. If there are no voice recording devices available, please at least send in the written placement (applicable to Putonghua learners).
Putonghua/ Mandarin or Cantonese
Written Test
Placement for Chinese Reading (Taught in Cantonese using traditional Chinese characters)
All Chinese reading course applicants should complete a placement test as soon as possible after submission of the application form.
Placement test for “Chinese Reading I”
All Chinese Reading courses are taught in Cantonese. Applicants are expected to have attained a Cantonese level equivalent to 200 study hours or above before taking the course. The test covers Cantonese listening and speaking to ensure applicants for Chinese Reading I have sufficient Cantonese proficiency for lessons. You are required to answer a few questions in Cantonese. There is no test on reading comprehension. Click here for more instruction.
Placement test for “Chinese Reading II” and “Chinese Reading III”
The test is divided into 2 sections namely Vocabulary and Sentences. It tests (1) to what extent applicants can read Chinese texts in Cantonese, and (2) to what extent applicants comprehend Chinese texts. Applicants record their answers through speaking and send sound file(s) back to the Centre for assessment. Learners need to attain a pass in both sections to be placed in Chinese Reading II or Chinese Reading III.
Please submit your course application form first. Placement will not be given to those who have not completed the application procedures.
Click the appropriate link for placement materials.
Submit the saved sound file(s) to clcplacement@cuhk.edu.hk. Please indicate your name and programme on the subject line. CLC will inform you of the placement results once they are ready.