- (8 February 2022) 【家居檢疫】政府開始實施「居安抗疫計劃」 中大醫學院6招家居檢疫防疫小貼士 (HKET) (Chinese version only)
- (28 January 2022) 中大研究指孕婦或受隱性感染 建議考慮打針保胎兒 (Oriental Daily) (Chinese version only)
- (28 January 2022) 中大研究指孕婦有機會受「隱性感染」 可考慮打針傳抗體保護胎兒 (Sing Tao Daily) (Chinese version only)
- (27 January 2022) 腸菌道消魔長 「長新冠」手尾長 (Wen Wei Po) (Chinese version only)
- (26 January 2022) Pfizer, Moderna shots safe during in vitro fertilization; healthy gut bacteria may help prevent long COVID (Reuters)
- (26 January 2022) 中大研究:76%新冠康復者現疲倦、無記性 缺三種腸道細菌成關鍵 (HK01) (Chinese version only)
- (26 January 2022) 中大發現新冠患者腸道細菌失衡 致現記憶差及脫髮等後遺症 (Sing Tao Daily) (Chinese version only)
- (25 January 2022) Letters | Home quarantine could be on the cards for close Covid-19 contacts, but are Hongkongers prepared? (SCMP)
- (22 January 2022) Omicron: booster shot of BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine provides enough protection against variant, Hong Kong researchers find (SCMP)
- (22 January 2022) 港大中大倡打mRNA加強針抗奧毒 (Wen Wei Po) (Chinese version only)