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Committee on Health Promotion and Protection
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  Home > CUHK Preparedness Plan for Influenza Pandemic/Major Infection > Serious >


Serious Response Level
Serious Response Level corresponds to a situation where the risk of a novel influenza virus causing new and serious impact to human health in Hong Kong is moderate.

For all staff and students

  • Follow the advice from the Department of Health to stay at home or special designated centres during the incubation period, if being identified as a close contact of avian influenza or novel influenza patient.
  • Report to your department/unit heads, College or hostel staff, or UHS Information Coordinator if you consider yourself or have been told by officers of the Department of Health that you are a close contact.
  • Hostel resident student who is required to stay at home for medical surveillance, but is unable to do so, should contact hostel warden to make arrangements.
  • Consult a doctor if you are sick especially with respiratory symptoms with or without fever.
  • Staff who is a close contact and needs to be certified to account for leave of absence may contact UHS.
  • Staff/student may approach UHS for issuance of health certificates if they plan to leave HK.
  • Medical screening at UHS for symptomless close contact or social contact is considered not necessary.

Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP)

  • Call urgent CHPP meeting if considered necessary by the Chairman.
  • Keep all University staff and students informed with updated information of novel influenza outbreak situation in Hong Kong (and overseas) and the measures taken / to be taken on campus through mass mailing, Health Promotion and Protection website, publicity posters, and forums, etc. (in conjunction with Director of UHS and Information Coordinator).
  • Review class/examination arrangements.
  • Review University activity arrangements.
  • Tightening of the mask-wearing guideline in line with prevailing Government and hospital preventive measures.

University Health Service (UHS)

  • All front-line staff at the clinic are required to wear surgical masks whilst in the clinic.
  • Free surgical mask for patients with respiratory symptoms.
  • Maintain and observe infection control measures at UHS.
  • Step up infection control measures and internal operational guidelines at UHS medical and dental clinics.
  • Adopt a triage system for patients with fever.
  • Operate a Fever Clinic by a team of designated physicians and nurses with personal protective equipment (PPE) for patients at higher risk of novel influenza.
  • Monitor any outbreaks of respiratory disease on campus.
  • Screen and monitor University staff sick leave records.
  • Maintain a running record of patients seen with fever and influenza for assessing the trend and for any necessary follow up action.
  • Monitor and follow-up responses to Health Declaration Form from hostel or individual students with positive findings.
  • Influenza vaccination for high risk group of staff and students.
  • Stock up an adequate number of infrared thermometers and earprobe thermometers.
  • Temperature screening for selected patients of the Dental Unit.
  • Organise talks on prevention of infectious diseases for students and staff groups, when necessary.
  • Canteen inspection with Canteen Service Officer.

Colleges, Hostels, International House & Postgraduate Halls

  • College/I-House/Postgraduate Hall Coordinators to call meetings with College representatives to advise on special measures (e.g. mass temperature screening, briefing sessions, demand for masks, disinfection procedures) and relay to members the advice, comments and measures adopted by CHPP.
  • Maintenance of hostel environmental hygiene. Hostel management teams should follow their respective guidelines including intensified cleaning and disinfecting efforts in public areas of the hostel.
  • Maintain sufficient stock of thermometers, surgical masks and disinfectant in hostels.
  • Sale of surgical masks for hostel residents in need.
  • Arrange for designated areas in hostels for relevant information dissemination.
  • Warden to hold meetings with students to disseminate the relevant information.
  • Intensify education of the residents through the notice boards and Resident Committee.
  • Check whether any overseas programmes organized by Colleges are taking place or will take place in the affected areas. Colleges should consider contingency measures as appropriate.
  • All visitors need to log in and out at student hostel receptions.
  • All visitors staying overnight must fill in the Health Declaration Form (online / paper).
  • Completion of Health Declaration Form (online / paper) by all hostel residents (and guests) returning from trips outside Hong Kong.
  • All residents returning from affected areas are required to report to hostel counter and complete the Health Declaration Form (online / paper) upon arrival; wear a surgical mask, record own body temperature and complete the Self-medical Surveillance Form (online / paper) for 14 consecutive days.
  • Temperature screening for mass activities on campus.

Business Unit

  • Sale of surgical masks to staff and students for personal use at Souvenir Counter (while stock lasts).
  • Weekly canteen inspection, issue guidelines for canteen staff, and consider new seating arrangements to minimize the spread of infectious diseases.

University Safety Office (USO)

  • Coordinate and review with EMO on environmental disinfection procedures and programme on campus, in particular areas with bird droppings.
  • Increase the stock of disinfectant to ten days' consumption.
  • To liaise with canteen management committees on inspection of environmental hygiene conditions in canteens, with particular attention on personal hygiene of their staff.
  • When mask-wearing guideline is enforced by the University, liaise with Security Office on implementation of the policy.
  • When mask-wearing guideline is enforced by the University, arrange to set up mask waste bins at strategic locations and organize periodic collection and disposal services of used masks.
  • To liaise with EMO and Security Office to monitor the number of bird carcasses found on campus.
  • Liaise with the Registry and EMO on environmental safety arrangements during examination period and methods to quarantine suspected articles.
  • To liaise with EMO and LASC to monitor the health conditions of birds on campus and other preventive measures for avian influenza.
  • Liaise with LASC on further instruction and preventive measures from the authority in combating avian influenza including removal of home avian species on campus.
  • Liaise with Security Office to close off specific areas considered by CHPP to be of high risk in contracting avian influenza.
  • To monitor the quality of surgical masks acquired by the University.
  • To coordinate with departments on N-95 user testing.

Estates Management Office (EMO)

  • General environmental disinfection on campus.
  • Disinfection of specific locations when a confirmed patient or a close contact is reported.
  • Advise staff to follow the guidelines on removing bird droppings.
  • Increase the frequency of inspection and cleaning for bird droppings.
  • Set up signage at strategic locations to advise against bird feeding.


  • Participate in CHPP meetings.
  • Relay decisions and important messages of the CHPP to Faculty Secretaries and Head of Graduate School Office for information and necessary action.
  • When necessary, consider the need for any special arrangements for classes/examinations, based on the advice of the CHPP/University.

Office of Student Affairs (OSA)

  • Participate in CHPP meetings and provide translation service for CHPP.
  • Disseminate the updates on activity management as advised by CHPP to student societies (in collaboration with the CUSU).
  • Disseminate updated information from CHPP to students via OSA's publication "University MarketPlace" and OSA's website.
  • Maintain a stock of surgical masks for distribution to participants of activities organized by OSA.
  • When necessary, consider the need for any special arrangements for activities organized by OSA, based on the advice of CHPP.
  • For students participating in OSA activities outside Hong Kong, organize pre-trip briefing in collaboration with UHS and provide information about healthcare guidelines, local hospitals, emergency numbers, China embassies, etc.
  • Keep in close contact with outgoing students and overseas partner organizations.
  • Strengthen environmental hygiene in student amenities and OSA's offices (especially toilets) with EMO's assistance.
  • Based on the advice of the CHPP and the USO, step up hygiene measures and implement special measures to reduce the risk of spreading virus in the University swimming pool.

Office of Academic Links (OAL)

For International Students

  • Provide preventative guidelines to international students as issued by CUHK through “practical information” booklet and distribute to the international students when they check-in at OAL and via email.
  • Include preventative guidelines in the E-newsletter to international students before their arrival.
  • UHS to deliver talk during the student orientation on staying healthy and illnesses to be aware of.
  • Provide updated news via email to international students on (a) laboratory-confirmed avian influenza or novel influenza cases inside and outside of Hong Kong; or (b) Influenza Pandemic Alert in Hong Kong and provide preventive guidelines as issued by CUHK.

Partner Universities

  • Ask partner universities for contingency plans should there be confirmed cases in partner universities/cities.
  • Provide updates on any new preventive measures introduced by CHPP to partner universities and steps taken by CUHK and OAL.

For Outgoing Students

  • Remind outgoing students to cities with confirmed cases to be vigilant (pre-departure gatherings and emails).
  • Outgoing students leaving Hong Kong may visit UHS to obtain health certificates 48 hours prior to departure, if necessary.
  • Liaise with outgoing students in cities with confirmed cases on health and safety and any early departure arrangement made by host institutions.


  • Display posters about general hygiene.
  • Inform visitors who plan to visit CUHK, on situation of avian influenza in Hong Kong. It allows them to make their own judgment on visiting.

Security Office

  • Take temperature of all security staff on reporting to duty.
  • Distribute free surgical masks and protective gear to security staff for use whilst on duty.
  • All security staff are required to wear surgical masks and / or gloves whilst on duty.
  • Frequent disinfection of security offices and vehicle fleet.
  • Relay decisions and important messages of CHPP to staff for information and necessary action.
  • Follow the advice from the Department of Health to stay at home or designated centres during the incubation period, if the staff is identified as a 'Close Contact'.

Transport Office

  • Use pressure sprayer to spray dilute bleach with water 1:99 daily.
  • Clean the interior of the bus compartment, such as windows, guard rails, grab rails, straps, stanchions, seats and floor daily.

Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)

  • Stay alert to the announcement by CHPP.
  • Step up cleaning and disinfection for offices, Central Computer Room, user areas, meeting rooms, and seminar rooms.  Disinfect the console area of the Central Computer Room in every 8-hour shift by on-duty operators.
  • Remind on-duty operators to disinfect hands as often as possible.
  • Maintain sufficient stock of surgical masks and disinfectant.
  • Set up the "separated" workplace and make it ready for use so that the previously identified staff members who would work at the "separated" workplace could move in.
  • Advise users to bring along with their own surgical masks and wear the masks during ITSC training classes if necessary.
  • Close user areas and cancel all seminars for users if classes are suspended.
  • Step up the purchase and upgrade work of critical production systems which are tight in capacity, if not completed.

Communications and Public Relations Office (CPRO)

  • Help to disseminate announcement of CHPP via different channels.
  • Handle enquiry from various media.


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