同心抗疫 Act together against COVID-19

Information for the Public

  • One Story Every Day

    To encourage parents make the most of their time with their children, Prof. Catherine McBride (Department of Psychology) and her social enterprise Cayan Educational Design are now introducing the “One Story Every Day” campaign. The stories were developed based on results from research studies involving thousands of children. Making compound words, either real or creative, is important for improving children’s vocabulary knowledge and reading skills. So in these stories, either real or creative compound words in both Chinese and English are highlighted for learning. Families are encouraged to read interactively and discuss each story together.


    Check out new stories each day here!


    To understand more about the philosophy behind our stories and our game (focused on developing morphological awareness, a key skill for literacy learning), click here.

    Read Cayan’s literacy blog here, where where parents and teachers may find other tips on how to teach literacy and language learning to young children.

    Sing along while washing your hands 

    Perhaps you are more familiar with Prof. Roger Chung (Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care) as a singer-songwriter (in The Chung Brothers with his older brother Henry Chung), a DJ and voice actor for commercials. Just this month, he put both his areas of expertise into full use in a collaboration with Mcdull, narrating basic precautions against the virus as a public health consultant in the animated story. If only Prof. Chung also sang along with Mcdull and friends!


    小朋友呢排成日留係屋企好少行街街,爸爸媽媽又話要戴口罩,又話要成日洗手,同平時好唔同噃!點解嘅?春田花花一班小朋友都唔係好知發生咩事噃,不如我哋一齊睇吓麥兜麥太點講,仲會教大家一齊唱「20秒洗手歌」,唱歌歌洗手手,啱啱好20秒,乾淨哂!「20秒洗手歌」YouTube觀看:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-14E6HBbr1w&list=PLahxSjOdxurL8A0vqVpgcK1i-rnl5YKHz#麥兜 #麥太 #春田花花 #20秒洗手歌

    Posted by 麥兜 Mcdull on Thursday, February 20, 2020


    Coax kids to wear a mask in sign language 


    Prof. Gladys Tang (Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages) is our expert in sign language research and advocate for sign bilingualism. SLCO Community Resources, a social enterprise she and her team founded a few years back, has been offering bilingual training and playgroup sessions popular among parents and children alike. Though their classes are currently suspended, SLCO obtained permission to produce sign language videos based on two illustrated books (611 Bread of Life Christian Church’s I’m not afraid and Mia Lin’s Little masked soldiers) – perfect for families with hard-of-hearing members, or anyone interested in sign language.

    Illustrated books (Chinese and sign language): I’m not afraid , Little masked soldiers


    Video on wearing a mask

    繪本手語雙語版 – 口罩小衞兵

    【小朋友唔肯戴口罩點算好? #繪本系列手語雙語版】戴口罩雖然都講到野,但始終遮住口鼻,小朋友覺得唔舒服、好抗拒,搞到家長好頭痕🤯但其實要令小朋友知道,佢哋唔止係戴緊普通口罩,佢哋仲係同緊《口罩小衞兵》並肩作戰,無佢哋幫手係無辦法對抗病毒架!至於點並肩作戰呢?即刻同小朋友一齊睇下啦👇👇感謝《口罩小衞兵》作者林孜育 Mia(臉書粉絲頁: MIIIA*Mia)授權語橋作手語傳譯。出處:https://www.facebook.com/miiiamia/posts/2340842389349508作者仲整咗可印刷自用嘅免費pdf,有興趣嘅家長可以同小朋友一齊喺屋企試下整~—最近有好多有心嘅機構及作者出咗唔同嘅作品,用繪本令小朋友了解更多社會上發生緊嘅事😳但不論中文英文,都未必係聾童最無障礙嘅語言…希望 Lisa 老師嘅手語翻譯同 Mi 老師聲演嘅手語雙語版本,可以令到聾健共賞🧡 Youtube連結:https://youtu.be/by6JRe60vnE#聾健共融 #語橋 #SLCO #香港手語 #廣東話

    Posted by 語橋社資 SLCO Community Resources on Thursday, February 20, 2020

    《口罩小衞兵》作者林孜育 Mia(臉書粉絲頁: MIIIA*Mia)授權「語橋」作手語傳譯

    *Credits to original authors of illustrated books


    Video guide for emotional wellbeing

    繪本系列手語雙語版 – 我不害怕

    【如何應對肺炎? #繪本系列手語雙語版】最近肺炎令到人心惶惶,小朋友無得返學見朋友仔,有時聽到大人講起肺炎,唔完全明白,淨係覺得有啲得人驚,又唔知點做…😞但繪本《我不害怕》話俾我哋知:「唔洗驚!」到底點解呢?等我哋一齊睇下啦!👇👇感謝 611靈糧堂兒童教會及家庭部授權語橋作手語傳譯,以及使用其繪本內容作後期製作。出處:https://www.facebook.com/811998622169088/posts/2695339700501628/—最近有好多有心嘅機構及作者出咗唔同嘅作品,用繪本令小朋友了解更多社會上發生緊嘅事。😳但不論中文英文,都未必係聾童最無障礙嘅語言…希望Lisa老師嘅手語翻譯同 Mi老師聲演嘅手語雙語嘅版本,可以令到聾健共賞🧡Youtube連結:https://youtu.be/oy_WD8wGL8s#聾健共融 #語橋 #SLCO #香港手語 #廣東話

    Posted by 語橋社資 SLCO Community Resources on Thursday, February 20, 2020


    *Credits to original authors of illustrated books, which the videos are based upon

  • Battle the epidemic of fear and fake news 

    Ex-media practitioner Prof. Donna Chu (School of Journalism and Communication) founded social enterprise Mars Media Academy, coaching with a creative flair how we could digest information and approach media outlets critically. That not only has something to do with your language capabilities, but also media and information literacy. Prof. Chu and her Martian team has been scrutinising news events relevant to the epidemic on their Facebook page – let’s boost our immunity towards myths and learn to read between the lines!

    Mars Media Facebook page

    Great read from Mars (Chinese only): Fact Check – What to Check for?

  • Tech in action

    Last month, CUHK alumnus Rex Sham (CSO of Insight Robotics) presented to the government their newly developed AI-powered temperature screening system, now up and running at Hong Kong Science Park. Previously focused on large-scale detection systems for forest fires, Insight responded swiftly to recent events with a solution that can quickly perform accurate and large-scale human body temperature screening:


    • Have both thermal and visible cameras with trained detection model
    • Enhanced performance (scan 7x more people) and accuracy (down to 0.2 oC) compared with existing solutions
    • Can measure forehead temperature even individuals are wearing spectacles and surgical masks
    • Detect multiple fever suspects within one scene, instead of spotting the object/person with the highest temperature only (currently deployed systems only measure the one with the highest body temperature)
    • Automatically remove false alarms caused by non-human hot objects such as hot drinks, lunch boxes, and vehicles