Issue 6
  新月社翻譯思想研究 1
  多語文本與翻譯 23
  求同存異──從跨文化角度看喻語的翻譯 39
  國際新聞編譯方法探索 47
  The Internet and Other IT Resources: Tools for Translators within a Translation Programme 61
  Beverly ADAB  
  Computer Technology and Translation -- Friends or Foes? 87
  Carrie CHAU Kam Hung, Irene IP Kwok Chun  
  Terminological Problems and Language Management for Internet Language Professionals in Hong Kong 95
  Charlotte TO, Bjorn JERNUDD  
  Machine Translation and the Death of the Translator in the Technological Age 111
  Paris LAU Chi-chuen  
  The Future of Drama Translation Research: A Review of Sirkku Aaltonen's Time-Sharing on Stage: Drama Translation in Theatre and Society 117
  Gilbert C. F. Fong  
The Crescent School's Ideas on Translation
ZHANG Shaoxiong and Feng Yan

This paper presents an overall description of the ideas of the members of the Crescent School, including Hu Shi, Liang Shiqiu, Xu Zhimo, Chen Xiying, and others, and a concise exposition of the ideas within a translatological frame of reference.

Multilingualism in Literary Texts
Han Ziman

Due to the elements of foreign language(s) employed alongside the main narrative language, multilingual texts pose challenges for literary translation both conceptually and in practice. However, the multitude of translated versions of such texts is clear evidence that such texts are far from untranslatable as some scholars have claimed. A variety of translation strategies have been adopted both in China and the West for dealing with multilingualism in these texts. However, the strategies taken by Chinese translators are somewhat different from those taken by their Western colleagues, which may be ascribed to the differences between linguistic and cultural realities in China and the West. And those taken by Chinese translators are by no means uniform either, as the translators seem to have different objectives in mind while translating, and are aiming at different readerships.

An Intercultural Approach to the Translation of Metaphorical Phrases
Pan Li

By comparison and analysis of the different effects in domesticating translation and foreignizing translation of metaphorical expressions and the influence of the two strategies on the intercultural communication, this article attempts to argue that “seeking the common ground while preserving differences” is the best guideline for a translator in dealing with metaphorical expressions for the sake of better cultural communication and cultural exchange.

Adaptive Translation of International News from English to Chinese: An Exploration of Methods
Li Defeng

There has been considerable research interest in adaptive translation of non-literary texts in recent years. However, little has been done on adaptive translation of international news from English to Chinese. This article therefore intends to make an initial research effort on this topic. Following an explication of the major reasons why adaptive translation should be employed in translating international news from English to Chinese, the author proposes five methods of restructuring the translated text, namely, restructuring of sentences, reordering of the story, merging of paragraphs, adjustment of direct speech, and deletion of content.


本文先簡短回顧在專業的翻譯市場中,有哪些主要需求。後而進一步探討是哪些因素決定了翻譯是否達到了它本身目的,以及達到這些目的所需的翻譯技能。本文亦檢視翻譯課程中不同科目的功用,包括翻譯理論、資訊概論、電子(平行及比較)語料庫的運用等。文中並以 Aston 大學翻譯系的本科生及研究生課程為例,說明翻譯教育理論與實務結合的方法,讓學生掌握分析與文件處理能力,使他們能夠在工作上,碰任何領域或語段,都可以翻成符合功能要求的譯作。

電腦技術與翻譯──是友是敵 ?




實驗及測驗為期兩週。學生們於實驗前後各接受一次測驗。實驗的內容是讓學生在 20 分鐘之內學習新詞彙,並評量其學習成果。我們取得結果後,就這兩次測驗及兩個組別之間的學習結果進行比較及分析。




現代思潮認為作者所創造出的文章往往蓋去了作者的光彩, 成為全書的中心。麥克.福考特因此提出 「作者是什麼?」 的問題,試圖重新強調作品中 「作者的功能」。如果作者可以藉由功能性重獲地位, 那麼譯者是否也可以呢?我們是否也可在譯本中找出 「譯者的功能」? 機器翻譯對譯者的傳統角色又形成何種挑戰?當人類的主觀性被自動化翻譯機器取代,翻譯中信、達、雅等問題又該如何看待?

開闢戲劇翻譯研究的道路:評 Sirkku Aaltoren 的 Time-Sharing on Stage:Drama Translation in Theatre and Society

本文旨在評論與分析 Sirkku Aaltonen 的 Time-sharing on Stage:Drama Translation in Theatre and Society 一書。此書作者將戲劇的劇本比作出租的公寓,租客可進行裝飾和裝修,改變公寓的面貌。從這個角度看來,翻譯局與其他劇本類似,必須因應所處社會的符號系統做出改變,以在特定的時間和地點與譯文語言的社會話語融合。