Volume 11, Number 2
  從糅雜看杜甫「秋興」詩的互文性翻譯 1
  Overcoming Prejudice: On Translating Hong Kong Popular Fiction 13
  Roberta Raine  
  Visualization and Gary Snyder's Translation of Cold Mountain Poems 31
  Joan Qionglin Tan  
  母語中文與母語英文譯者中譯英謂語動詞時體選擇之比較分析 55
  《意拾喻言》考述 81
  政治與文學的角力:論晚清《魯濱孫飄流記》中譯本 99
  雜合化:譯者主體性在強勢文化與弱勢文化裏的操縱 121
  眾裏尋他千百度-「雙關語」英漢互譯的「動態層次策略觀」 135
  Notes on Contributors 161
  Notice to Contributors 164
Overcoming Prejudice: On Translating Hong Kong Popular Fiction
Roberta Raine

Hong Kong popular fiction is an area of study that is often overlooked by both translation scholars and practicing translators. There are a number of reasons for this, chief among them being the disdain toward popular fiction frequently found in both academia and the literary world. This paper challenges this attitude, as it often causes translators to ignore the very real value that can be found in popular narratives. The paper begins with an overview of Western and Chinese scholarly writing on how to distinguish popular fiction from "high" or "elite" fiction. Arguments from the fields of popular culture studies and sociology are presented to support the contention that popular narratives can serve as valuable diagnostic tools for studying a society’s attitudes and beliefs. The concept of “worthiness” in translation is then discussed, drawing upon Steiner’s theory of the hermeneutic motion and other sources to examine what (or who) determines whether or not a given work is “worthy” of translation. Such a determination must be based on the interests and needs of the target-language audience, needs which will, by definition, be different to those of the source-language audience. It is argued that translators must avoid falling prey to prejudice against popular fiction if they are to serve their readers and to help preserve the full scope of Hong Kong's literary heritage.

Visualization and Gary Snyder's Translation of Cold Mountain Poems
Joan Qionglin Tan

Visualization is Gary Snyder's unique translation method used in translating the Tang hermit-poet Han Shan's poems. This consists of four steps: remembering, visualizing, writing and checking, and it emphasizes a visual process of the mind, which is very similar to Ezra Pound’s translation principle of phanopoeia and Snyder’s own poetic production method. The mastery of visualization makes a translated poem sound like an English poem, although some distortions are inevitable in the translation process because of the reworking. Thus, selection and adaptation principles appear to be more important for a translator before and after the visual activities in his mind and it is these which largely determine the quality of translation.

This article thoroughly examines Snyder's twenty-four translations of the Cold Mountain poems, and compares them with Arthur Waley's translations. It demonstrates that Snyder's success is not separate from his personality, cultural taste and mountain experiences influencing his visualization. Snyder's direct treatment of diction, style and form is in accordance with Han Shan's vernacular language and Chinese Chan poetic aesthetics. His selection and adaptation principles present Han Shan as an old mountain hermit in self-forgotten joy on Cold Mountain, a place of seclusion which becomes synonymous with Chan enlightenment. With regard to Snyder's inaccuracies, three aspects should be considered: first, errors caused by his misunderstanding of the original; second, deliberate naturalization of exotic terms; and third, unconscious replacement of the Chinese mountain scenery with his American wilderness. Therefore, the article contends that while Snyder's visualization provides a good paradigm for some poet-translators, it is not a method to be followed by all translators.


譯者在從母語譯入第二語的過程中,往往會出現時體誤用的問題。引起這種問題的原因頗多,本研究僅探討母語是中文的譯者在中譯英社論文章時,謂語動詞時體的選擇、中文原文時體、中文原文時體的表達方式、中文原文語篇結構以及譯者翻譯能力等多重因素之間的關係。本研究採用語料庫的量化研究方法,透過資料收集,獲取一百二十七篇譯文,原文皆為經貿領域社論型文章,譯文由母語是中文和母語是英文的有經驗譯者以及母語是中文無經驗譯者三類譯者所翻譯。在建立中英平行語料庫(parallel corpus)之後,本研究使用統計學「最適尺度法」進行分析。研究結果顯示,母語是英文的譯者與母語是中文的譯者,時體選擇都有跟隨原文的趨勢,而且譯者對時體的選擇似乎不受原文語篇結構的影響。母語是英文的譯者對原文時體的改變多集中於中文具明顯標記的「過去時」,而母語是中文的譯者對中文原文時體的改變,則無任何規律可循。母語中文譯者時體選擇上問題,似乎是由缺乏對英語時體語篇層面上用法的認知所造成,這是母語中文譯者亟需增強之處。







