Centre for Translation Technology
News in DH from around the World

[ Upcoming Events | Past Events ]

Upcoming Events

July 2023
DH 2023: Collaboration as opportunity, its annual ADHO digital humanities conference, to be held on 10 – 14 July 2023 at the University of Graz in Graz, Austria.
Link: https://dh2023.adho.org/
June 2023
MIDHIC2023: Multimedia Innovation and Digital Humanities International Conference 2023, an international conference organized by SMMTC and UUM, to be held on 13 – 14 June 2023 at Universiti Utara Malaysia in Kedah, Malaysia.
Link: http://smmtc.uum.edu.my/midhic2023
March 2023
DHDW 2023, its 1st international workshop on Digital Humanities and Digital World, collocated with the 37th international conference on advanced information networking and applications, to be held on 29 – 31 March 2023 at Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Brazil.
Link: https://parsec.unicampania.it/workshops/index.php/dhdw/dhdw23
DHd2023 Open Humanities Open Culture, an international conference organized by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, to be held on 13 – 17 March 2023 in Luxembourg / Trier, Germany.
Link: https://dhd2023.dig-hum.de/
Global Digital Humanities Symposium 2023, its 8th symposium organized by Michigan State University, to be held on 13 – 15 March 2023 in an online format and 17 March 2023 as an in-person event at Michigan State University in Michigan, United States.
Link: https://msuglobaldh.org/
DHBN 2023 “Sustainability: Environment – Community – Digital” organized in collaboration with University of Oslo, the University of Bergen and the University of Stavanger, to be held on 8 – 10 March 2023 in an online format.
Link: https://dhnb.eu/dhnb-2023-conference-save-the-date/
February 2023
Digital Humanities Utah 7 Symposium (DHU7), its 7th digital humanities symposium to be held on 24 -25 February 2023 at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah, United States.
Link: https://sites.google.com/suu.edu/dhu7/
Is Digital Better? Collection Research in the Digital Age, an end-term conference, organized by MWW Research Association, to be held on 16 – 17 February 2023 at the Klassik Stiftung Weimar in Weimar, Germany.
Link: https://www.mww-forschung.de/en/endterm-tagung
January 2023
The Art Museum in the Digital Age 2023, its 5th annual conference on digital transformation of art museums, organized by the Belvedere Research Center, to be held on 16 – 20 January 2023 in an online format.
Link: https://www.belvedere.at/en/digitalmuseum2023
Computational Sanskrit and Digital Humanities, its 18th Sanskrit conference to be held on 9 – 13 January 2023 at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.
Link: https://www.wsc2021.com.au/
DADH 2022, its 13th international conference of digital archives and digital humanities, organized by the Taiwanese Association and National Chung Hsing University, to be held on 10 -12 December 2022 at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan.
Link: http://dadh2022.nchu.edu.tw/index.asp

Past Events

November 2022
Programming and Data Infrastructure in Digital Humanities, a conference organized by High Performance Computing Chair of the University of Évora, held on 28 – 30 November 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://indico.hpc.uevora.pt/event/36/
DH_BUDAPEST_2022 & DARIAH DAYS, its 3rd annual conference organized by the Department of Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University in collaboration with DARIAH, held on 23 – 25 November 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
Link: https://elte-dh.hu/en/conf22/
NLP4DH 2022, its 2nd international workshop on natural language processing for digital humanities, held on 20 November 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://rootroo.com/en/nlp4dh-2022/
Special Track on Metadata & Semantics for Digital Humanities and Digital Curation (DHC 2022), collocated in the 16th international conference on metadata and semantics research (MTSR 2022), held on 7 – 11 November 2022 at the University College London in London, UK.
Link: http://www.mtsr-conf.org/docs/2022/ST_DHC2022_MTSR2022.pdf
Building Digital Humanities, an open symposium organized by Western Sydney University in conjunction with Gale, part of Cengage Group and the Pondicherry University, held on 6 or 7 – 25 November 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://web.cvent.com/event/811e389e-78de-46cd-877d-b20b9ae9ed85/summary
October 2022
Conference on Digital Humanities 2022 (CODH-22): Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations in Society 5.0 Era organized by Institut Teknologi Bandung, held on 26 – 28 October 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia.
Link: https://digitalhumanities.website/
Vision for Art “Where Computer Vision Meets Art”, its 6th workshop on computer vision for art analysis in conjunction with the 2022 European Conference on Computer Vision, held on 23 – 24 October 2022 in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Link: https://visarts.eu/
Digitorium 2022, a DH conference organized by the University of Alabama Libraries and the Alabama Digital Humanities Center, held on 13 – 15 October 2022 at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama , USA and online.
Link: https://adhc.lib.ua.edu/digitorium/
Digital Humanities and Heritage 2022, an international conference organized by Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, University of Rijeka and University of Zadar, held on 12 – 14 October 2022 in Rijeka, Croatia.
Link: https://www.dariah.eu/2022/06/29/dariah-hr-international-conference-digital-humanities-and-heritage-2022/
Computing the Past: Computational Approaches to the Dynamics of Cultures and Societies, held on 6 – 8 October 2022 in Plzen, Czech Republic.
Link: https://ccs.zcu.cz/ctp2022/
African Digital Humanities: African Archives and Digital Recovery, its 3rd annual African DH symposium, organized by the University of Kansas, held on 6 October 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://africandh.ku.edu/symposium/2022
Shifts in language and culture: computational approaches to variation and change, its 8th Estonian Digital Humanities conference, co-organized by the Estonian Society for Digital Humanities, the Estonian Literary Museum, Tallinn University and the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, held on 5 – 7 October 2022 in Tallinn University, Estonia.
Link: https://dh.org.ee/events/dhe2022/
Digital Models in Humanities Research, a conference organized by It-vest - networking universities and DIGHUMLAB, held on 3 October 2022 in Odense, Denmark.
Link: https://www.it-vest.dk/events/conference-about-digital-models-in-humanities-research
September 2022
Critical Digital Humanities, its 4th annual DH conference organized by the critical digital humanities initiative of the University of Toronto, held on 30 September – 1 October 2022.
Link: https://dhn.utoronto.ca/conference/
Digital Diplomatics 2022: “From Digital to Distant Diplomatics?”, an international conference organized by the ERC Advanced Grant Project, held on 28 – 30 September 2022 in Graz, Austria.
Link: https://didip.hypotheses.org/files/2022/05/Call-for-Papers.pdf
DH+BH, an inaugural conference of the Digital Cultural Cooperative (DCSC), co-organized by the University of Illinois and the University of California Los Angeles and Texas A&M University, held on 22 – 24 September 2022.
Link: https://dcsco-op.org/dhbh/
TPDL 2022, the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, held on 20 – 23 September 2022 in Padua, Italy.
Link: http://tpdl2022.dei.unipd.it/
JT-DH 2022: Language Technologies and Digital Humanities 2022, its biennial conference organized by the Slovenian Language Technologies Society, CLARIN.SI, DARIAH-SI and Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana, held on 15 – 16 September 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Link: https://www.sdjt.si/wp/dogodki/konference/jtdh-2022-english/
El'Manuscript 2022 - Textual Heritage and Information Technologies, its 9th in a series of biennial international conferences entitled "Textual Heritage and Information Technologies", held on 5 – 9 September 2022 in a hybrid format.
Link: https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/elmanuscript2022-slawistik/
SWODCH 2022: Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage 2022, its 2nd international workshop on semantic web and ontology design for cultural heritage, held on 5 September 2022.
Link: https://swodch2022.inf.unibz.it/
Spatial Humanities 2022, its 4th Spatial Humanities conference organized by Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research and Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences in collaboration with the Lancaster University Digital Humanities Centre and Digital Humanities Lab, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Lancaster University, held on 7 – 9 September 2022 in a hybrid format.
Link: https://www.ghentcdh.ugent.be/spatial-humanities-2022
Language Technologies & Digital Humanities Conference 2022, an biennial conference co-organized by the Slovenian Language Technologies Society (SDJT), the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana (CJVT), the Institute of Contemporary History (INZ) and the research infrastructures CLARIN.SI and DARIAH-SI, held on 15 – 16 September 2022.
Link: https://www.sdjt.si/wp/dogodki/konference/jtdh-2022-english/
Digital Humanities Congress 2022, its biennial conference organized by the Digital Humanities Institute of University of Sheffield, held on 8 – 10 September 2022 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, the United Kingdom.
Link: https://www.dhi.ac.uk/dhc2022/
Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference 2022 – “Digital Sustainability: From Resilience to Transformation”, organized by Kingston School of Art, held on 4 – 7 September 2022 at Kingston School of Art in Lodon, UK.
Link: https://www.drha.uk/2022/
July 2022
Digital Humanities 2022 – Responding to Asian Diversity, its annual conference organized by Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and the University of Tokyo, held on 25 – 29 July 2022 in hybrid format (Tokyo, Japan and online).
Link: https://dh2022.adho.org/home
June 2022
HHAI2022, its first international conference on hybrid human-artificial intelligence organized by the Dutch Hybrid Intelligence Center and the European HumaneAI Network, held on 13 – 17 June 2022 at the VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Link: https://www.hhai-conference.org/
Digital Humanities and Legal Language, its 17th conference on Legal Translation and Interpreting and Comparative Legal Linguistics, co-organized by University of Verona and Adam Mickiewicz, held on 13 – 14 June 2022.
Link: http://lingualegis.amu.edu.pl/
COMHUM2022, its 2nd workshop on computational methods in the humanities, held on 9 – 10 June 2022 at the University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Link: https://wp.unil.ch/llist/en/event/comhum2022/
May 2022
Big Data in Computational Social Science and Digital Humanities, held on 24 – 25 May 2022 in London, UK.
Link: https://waset.org/big-data-in-computational-social-science-and-digital-humanities-conference-in-may-2022-in-london
AI4DH2021, an international workshop on artificial intelligence for Digital Humanities, organized in conjunction with ICIAP 2021, the 21 international conference on image analysis and processing, held on 23 -27 May 2022 in Lecce, Italy.
Link: https://ailb-web.ing.unimore.it/ai4dh2021/
Digital Geography 2022 – Geography and the Digital: Intersections and Conflations, an international conference organized by the Department of Geography of the University of Delhi, held on 23 – 25 May 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://www.digitalgeography2022.in/home
DH Unbound 2022, a collaborative virtual conference co-organized by the Association for Computers and the Himanities (ACH) and the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH), held on 17 -19 May 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://dhunbound2022.ach.org/
April 2022
CaliDHRI 2022 – The Black Press, a conference organized by California Digital Humanities Research Institute, held on 27 – 29 April 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://calidhri.hcommons.org/2022/03/15/apply-now-for-calidhri/
Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH), its 2nd annual conference of the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium, held on 2 April 2022 at Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL, United States.
Link: https://www.fldh.org/blog/2021/09/07/2nd-annual-conference-of-the-florida-digital-humanities-consortium-fldh/
March 2022
Global Digital Humanities Symposium, its 7th annual global symposium organized by Michigan State University, held on 23 – 25 March 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://msuglobaldh.org/
Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB2022) – Digital Humanities in Action, its 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries conference, held on 15 – 18 March 2022 at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Link: http://dhnb.eu/conferences/dhnb2022/
Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DIPADA 2022), a workshop co-located with the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), held on 15 March 2022 in a hybrid format.
Link: https://dhnb.eu/conferences/dhnb2022/workshops/dipada/
DiHuCon: Kindred Cyberspaces, an annual conference organized by the Digital Humanities Students Association of the University of Alberta, held on 14 – 15 March 2022 in an online format.
DHd2022 "Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses", its annual conference organized by the Verband Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, an associative member of the European Association of Digital Humanities (EADH), held on 7 – 11 March 2022 in Potsdam, Germany.
Link: https://www.dhd2022.de/
Chesapeake Digital Humanities Consortium 2022 – Digital Pandemic Studies: Public Health and Structural Oppressions, it 3rd annual conference, held on 3 – 4 March 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://chesapeakedh.github.io/conference-2022
February 2022
Digital Humanities Utah 6, its 6 symposium, organized by the Office of Digital Humanities at Brigham Young University, held on 25 – 26 February 2022 at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, United States.
Link: https://dhu6.humwp.byu.edu/
IRCDL 2022, its 18th Italian Researcher Conference on Digital Libraries organized by the Italian Research Community, held on 24 – 25 February 2022 at the University of Padua in Italy.
Link: http://ircdl2022.dei.unipd.it/
Digital Humanities Alliance for Research and Teaching Innovations (DHARTI) 2022 - The Digital Divides: Discontents, Debates and Discussions, its 2nd international conference held on 21 – 25 February 2022 in a hybrid format.
Link: https://dhdharti.in/
Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022, its 6th international conference, held on 4 – 5 February 2022 at the Huygens Institute in Amsterdam.
Link: https://historicalnetworkresearch.org/call-for-papers-graphs-and-networks-in-the-humanities-2022/?fbclid=IwAR28KgJsmG5siE2y-tj1rh3bWfFc5t7j34MCsSY-jUHpT2S39TJNGU8PEHQ
January 2022
The Art Museum in the Digital Age, an international conference organized by the Belvedere Research Centre, held on 17 – 21 January 2022 in an online format.
Link: https://www.belvedere.at/en/digitalmuseum2022
December 2021
Programming in Digital Humanities, an international conference organized by University of Evora, held on 16 – 17 December 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://sites.google.com/uevora.pt/programmingdhs
DADH2021, its 12th International conference on Digital Archives and Digital Humanities co-organized by Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanity and National Changhua University of Education, held on 10 – 12 December 2021 in an online format.
Link: http://dadh2021.ncue.edu.tw/pages/conference_en.html
Datafication in the Historical Humanities: Reconsidering Traditional Understandings of Sources and Data, its 5th annual GHI conference on Digital Humanities and Digital History organized by German Historical Institute Washington, held on 9 – 11 December 2021.
Link: https://www.ghi-dc.org/events/event/date/datafication-in-the-historical-humanities-reconsidering-traditional-understandings-of-sources-and-data
November 2021
DHASA2021, its 3rd biennial conference with the theme “Digitally Human, Artificially Intelligent” organized by Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa, to be held on 29 November – 3 December 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://dh2021.digitalhumanities.org.za/
Digital Tools & Hypertext Praxis in African Digital Literature, its 1 African electronic alliance international workshop conference, organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities at University of Lagos, Nigeria & University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Morocco, to be held on 22 – 25 November 2021 in a hybrid format.
Link: https://africanelit.org/AELAIWC.php
DHA2021 “Ka Renarena Te Taukaea / Creating Communities” organized by Australasian Association for Digital Humanities, to be held on 22 – 25 November 2021 in New Zealand and virtually.
Link: http://dh.canterbury.ac.nz/dha2020/
CHR2021, its 2nd conference on computational humanities research, to be held on 17 – 19 November 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://2021.computational-humanities-research.org/cfp/
International Conference on Digital Humanities (ICDH) 2021, to be held on 11 – 12 November 2021 in Tokyo, Japan.
Link: https://waset.org/digital-humanities-conference-in-november-2021-in-tokyo
The Digital Humanities Network, its 5th meeting of Digital Humanities organized by Autonomous University of Querétaro to be held on 9 – 11 November 2021 in an online format.
Link: http://humanidadesdigitales.net/5ehd2021/
October 2021
VIS4DH, its 6th edition of the workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities to be held on 24 October 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/
EGI2021 – Beyond the Horizon: Shaping the Digital Future, to be held on 19 – 21 October 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://dighumlab.org/events/egi-conference-2021-save-the-date/
Digital Humanities & Heritage (DHH 2021), its 1st DARIAH-HR international conference, held on 13 – 15 October 2021 in Zadar, Croatia.
Link: https://dhh.dariah.hr/en/home/
Digitorium 2021, a digital humanities conference organized by the University of Alabama Libraries and the Alabama Digital Humanities Center of the University of Alabama, to be held on 7 – 9 October 2021. The venue is to be confirmed.
Link: https://adhc.lib.ua.edu/digitorium/
Digital, global, transdisciplinary: Impulses for a transdisciplinary Digital Romance Studies, to be held on 4 – 7 October 2021 in Augsburg.
Link: https://dighumlab.org/events/romanistentag-2021/
Digital Transformation in the Humanities, an international conference organized by Kyoto University, held on 2, 16 and 23 October 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://www.kyoto-u-digitization.org/home
September 2021
JCDL2021, an international forum organized by the school of Information Science of the University Illinois in Champaign, to be held on 27 – 30 September 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://2021.jcdl.org/
(Postponed to September 2021) Spatial Humanities 2020, organized by Lancaster University Digital Humanities Hub, to be held on 23 – 24 September 2021 at NOVA University Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal.
Link: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/dighum/sh2020/
EADH 2021: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Data, its 2nd international conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities organized by the Siberian Federal University, to be held on 21 – 25 September 2021 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Link: https://eadh2020-2021.org/
SEMANTiCS2021, its 17th international conference on Semantics Systems with the theme “Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage”, to be held on 6 – 9 September 2021 in Amsterdam, the Netherland.
Link: https://2021-eu.semantics.cc/
JADH2021: Digital Humanities and COVID-19, its 11th annual conference organized by the Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo, to be held on 6 – 8 September 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://www.jadh.org/jadh2021_cfp?fbclid=IwAR2Pno8GPbWQWkKb35ntlplkzrmI-Bfde3l_FzO8AjzgQ9C-ltDGDvNrZek
August 2021
Culture & Technology, 11th European Summer University in Digital Humanities organized by the University of Leipzig, to be held on 3 – 13 August 2021 in Leipzig, Germany.
Link: https://esu.fdhl.info/11th-european-summer-university-in-digital-humanities-culture-technology-postponed-to-2021-3rd-to-13th-of-august-2021/
July 2021
(Cancelled) Digital Humanities Congress 2021, its biennial conference organized by the Digital Humanities Institute of University of Sheffield, held on 22 – 24 July 2021in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, the United Kingdom.
Link: https://www.dhi.ac.uk/dhc2021/
ACH 2021, its biennial conference, organized by the Association for Computers and the Humanities, held 21 – 23 July 2021 in an online format.
Link: http://ach2021.ach.org/
LD4 2021 Building Connections Together, held on 19 – 23 July 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://sites.google.com/stanford.edu/2021ld4conf/home
Keystone DH 2021, an annual conference organized by Charles Library of Temple University, held on 15 – 16 July 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://keystonedh.network/2021/
June 2021
DIGEAH2021, an international Siberian conference on Digital Ethics and Digital Humanities organized by the National Research Tomsk State University, held on 28 – 30 June 2021 in Tomsk, Russia.
Link: http://ortum-publish.ru/en/conference/main/DIGEAH-2021
TSHD Digital Humanities Symposium organized by Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences (TSHD) of Tilburg University, originally scheduled for 24 – 25 June 2020, postponed to June 2021 in Netherlands.
Link: https://tshddigitalhumanitiessymposium.wordpress.com/
DH Benelux 2021, its 7th annual conference, organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities of Leiden University and Centre for Digital Scholarship, held on 2 – 4 June 2021 at Leiden University in Leiden, Netherlands.
Link: https://2020.dhbenelux.org/
May 2021
Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DHH2021, organized by Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities of the University of Helsinki, held on 19 – 28 May 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/helsinki-centre-for-digital-humanities/helsinki-digital-humanities-hackathon-2021-dhh21
ICDHAN2021 - Technology, Cultures, Politics and Social Re-Engineering: Reconfiguring the Human Sciences in the Age of Digital Revolution, its 1st international conference of the Digital Humanities Association of Nigeria, held on 13 – 14 May 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://dhnigeria.org/conferences/
Paleography and Diplomatics on the Digital Humanities Route: Pathways and Proposals, an international conference organized by University of Évora and University of Lisbon, held on 6 – 8 May 2021 in an online format.
Link: http://www.pdcongress.uevora.pt/en/
April 2021
(Cancelled) DHA2020: The Art of Digital Humanities, an international conference organized by CLARIAH-AT, die Angewandte and Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, held on 14 – 16 April 2021 in Vienna, Austria.
Link: https://dha2020.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/
Global Digital Humanities Symposium - Amplifying Local Voices: Perspectives on Digital Humanities Praxis from the South organized by MIT Digital Humanities Lab, held on 15 April 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://digitalhumanities.mit.edu/event/amplifying-local-voices-perspectives-on-dh-praxis-from-the-south/
Global Digital Humanities Symposium, its 6th annual symposium, organized by Michigan State University, held on 12 – 15 April 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://msuglobaldh.org/
March 2021
Digital Studies of Digital Science (DS2) 2021, organized by the Pence Lab, held on 15 – 18 March 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://pencelab.be/events/ds2-2021/
Digital Humanities Conference (DiHuCon) 2021: Discomfort, an annual conference organized by the Digital Humanities Student Association of University of Alberta, held on 15 – 17 March 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://sites.google.com/ualberta.ca/dihucon2021/home?fbclid=IwAR0fTQNtrF6P9_DhCjBmRAbwnAB63E5oy_AsksVjOGG6mm99W4awnmWO7Dc
Digital Approaches to Art History and Cultural Heritage, a digital conference organized by the University of Oxford and Durham University, held on 4 – 5 March 2021.
Link: https://encodingheritage.wixsite.com/digitalconference
February 2021
Chesapeake Digital Humanities Consortium: Social Justice and Online Activism, its second annual conference, held on 25 – 26 February 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://chesapeakedh.github.io/conference-2021
Advanced Tools for Digital Humanities, a Digital Humanities Workshop organized by Digital Humanities Initiative of University of Illinois Chicago, held on 17 February 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://dhi.uic.edu/events/digital-humanities-workshop-advanced-tools/
Digital Humanities and Gender History, a virtual international conference, held on 5, 12, 19 and 26 February 2021 in an online format.
Link: https://socialhistoryportal.org/news/articles/310296
January 2021
AIUCD 2021 - DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age, its 10th annual conference, organized by the Laboratory of Digital Culture (LABCD), the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) – through the Institute for Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” (ILC) and the Institute of Information Science and Technologies” A. Faedo” (ISTI) and CLARIN-IT, the Italian node of the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN), held on 19 – 22 January 2021 at the University of Pisa in Italy.
Link: https://aiucd2021.labcd.unipi.it/en/home-english/
December 2020
HELDIG Digital Humanities Summit 2020: Results of Today – Visions for Tomorrow, organized by Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG), held on 11 December 2020 in an online format.
Link: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/helsinki-centre-for-digital-humanities/heldig-digital-humanities-summit-2020
DADH 2020: Smart Data x Digital Humanities, its 11th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, organized by Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures and Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities held on 1 – 4 December 2020 in an online format.
Link: https://dadh2020.ascdc.tw/index_en.php
November 2020
Digital Preservation 2020: Get Active with Digital Preservation organized by The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA), held on 11 – 12 November 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Link: https://ndsa.org/conference/
October 2020
Digital Humanities Conference, organized by Public Humanities Hub of the University of British Columbia Vancouver, held on 28 – 31 October 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. Remark: This conference is virtual.
Link: http://dhconference.sites.olt.ubc.ca/
Digital Humanities, Pandemic Futures, a research training workshop co-organized by Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University and the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), held on 23 – 24 October 2020 in an online format.
Link: https://culturalresearch.center/Digital-Humanities-Pandemic-Futures
ASIS&T 2020 – Infrastructures of Digital Humanities, its 83rd annual meeting organized by the Association for Information Science and Technology, held on 22 October – 1 November 2020 in a virtual space.
Link: https://www.asist.org/am20/
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) 2020, its 5th conference organized by the association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), postponed to 20 – 23 October 2020 in Riga, Latvia.
Link: http://dig-hum-nord.eu/conferences/dhn2020/
DH 2020: Benevolence and Excellence: Digital Humanities and Chinese Culture, its second national Digital Humanities conference organized by Shanghai Library/Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai and Chinese Association of Digital Humanities, held on 17 – 20 October 2020 in Shanghai, China.
Link: http://dh2020.library.sh.cn/en
DDH20: Data and Digital Humanities 2020, held on 15-17 October 2020 in Tunisia.
Link: https://ddh20.sciencesconf.org/
Digitorium 2020, a Digital Humanities Conference organized by the University of Alabama Libraries and Alabama Digital Humanities Center, held on 1-3 October 2020 at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Link: https://adhc.lib.ua.edu/digitorium/
September 2020
Language Technologies and Digital Humanities 2020, an international conference organized by The Slovenian Language Technologies Society (SDJT), the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana (CJVT), the Institute of Contemporary History (INZ) and the research infrastructures CLARIN.SI and DARIAH-SI, held on 24 – 25 September 2020 at Institute of Contemporary History in Ljubljana.
Link: http://www.sdjt.si/wp/dogodki/konference/jtdh-2020-english/
(Cancelled) Digital Humanities Congress 2020 (DHC 2020), its biennial conference organized by Digital Humanities Institute of the University of Sheffield, held on 10-12 September 2020 in The University of Sheffield in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.
Link: https://www.dhi.ac.uk/dhc2020/
JADH2020: “A New Decade in Digital Scholarship: Microcosms and Hubs”, its 10th annual conference, organized by the The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH), held on 9 – 11 September 2020 at Osaka University in Japan.
Link: https://www.jadh.org/confsys/index.php/jadh2020/jadh2020
July 2020
(Cancellation of the In-person DH2020 Conference. ADHO is presently evaluating the feasibility of holding a virtual conference in its place. Further information will be announced in early May.) Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020), an annual conference organized by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), held on 22 – 24 July 2020 in Ottawa, Canada.
Link: https://dh2020.adho.org/
June 2020
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2020, an annual conference and colloquium organized by the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, held on 2 – 6 June and 9 – 10 June 2020 in a virtual space.
Link: https://dhsi.org/colloquium/
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / La Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN) 2020, an annual conference organized by the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, held on 1-5 June 2020, in an online format.
Link: https://csdh-schn.org/csdh-schn-2020/
April 2020
(Cancellation due to the volatile political situation in Hong Kong.) Genealogies of Knowledge II: Evolving Translational, Transdisciplinary and Translational Epistemologies, an international conference co-organized by the Centre for Translation and the Translation Programme of Hong Kong Baptist University and Genealogies of Knowledge Project of University of Manchester, to be held on 7 – 9 April 2020 at Hong Kong Baptist University in Hong Kong, China.
Link: http://genealogiesofknowledge.net/events/gokconf2020/
March 2020
Global Digital Humanities Symposium, its 5th symposium organized by Michigan State University, held on 26-27 March 2020 at the Michigan State University in Michigan, United States.
Link: http://www.msuglobaldh.org/
Workshop on Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing held on 2 March 2020 at the University of Evora in Portugal.
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/dhandnlp/home
February 2020
Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference, held on 28-29 February 2020 at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
Link: https://ctdh.io/
Graph Technologies in the Humanities 2020, held on 21-22 February 2020 at the University of Vienna in Vienna, Austria.
Link: https://graphentechnologien.hypotheses.org/657
January 2020
Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference (PraVIDCo), held on 27-28 January 2020 at Charles University in Prague.
Link: http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pravidco
Computational History of Ideas: Issues and Directions, a digital symposium Groningen organized by University of Groningen, held on 27 January 2020 at University of Groningen in Netherlands.
Link: https://www.rug.nl/filosofie/organization/news-and-events/news/events/2020-all/gcmemt/digital-humanities-symposium-groningen27jan20.pdf
December 2019
Translation Studies and the Digital Humanities, organized by the Centre of Translation Technology, Department of Translation of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to be held on 9 – 11 December 2019 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China. (This conference has been cancelled.)
Link: http://dh.tra.cuhk.edu.hk/
Medical language in the eighteenth century corpora and Digital Humanities, its 4th International Seminar History and Language: Interfaces, held on 9 – 10 December 2019 at the University of Évora in Évora, Portugal.
Link: https://www.cidehus.uevora.pt/atividades/eventos/(item)/28445?fbclid=IwAR0HGA4zPDaSTJCeWNYrpGEvUol7XGRv9hIup0j9ofBbFPJPXpO1t6i86A0
7th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference, organized by the Estonian Society for Digital Humanities, National Library of Estonia and Estonian Literary Museum, held on 4 – 6 December 2019 at National Library of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia.
Link: https://dh.org.ee/events/dhe2019/
DADH 2019: The Tenth International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, organized by the National Taiwan Normal University, held on 3 – 6 December 2019 in Taiwan.
Link: https://dadh2019.conf.tw/site/page.aspx?pid=901&sid=1308&lang=en
November 2019
Collecting and Collections: Digital Lives and Afterlives, held on 14-15 November 2019 at the Royal Society in London, United Kingdom.
Link: https://store.lincoln.ac.uk/product-catalogue/conferences/digital-scientific-collections-future-afterlives/digital-scientific-collections-future-afterlives
Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS) 2019, its 14th annual meeting, held on 9 - 10 November 2019 at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL, United States.
Link: https://voices.uchicago.edu/dhcs2019/
UCL Heritage Imaging Workshop, held on 6 November 2019 at UCL, London, United Kingdom.
Link: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/digital-humanities/events/2019/nov/ucl-heritage-imaging-workshop?fbclid=IwAR0_WS3iQJgN_HJThnRE3r1P9azWJEfOp6CqU7Q_7nIkV54noC1bLL9hT-U
October 2019
Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 2019: Regionality and Digital Humanities: South-South Connections, organized by the NTU Digital Humanities Research Cluster, held on 15 – 18 October 2019, at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Link: http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/events/2019-pnc/
Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies (MARAAS) 2019: Asian Studies in the Digital Age, its 48th annual conference, organized by Dickinson College and the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Association for Asian Studies, held on 12 – 13 October 2019 at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, the United States.
Link: http://maraas.org/maraas-conference
Digital Humanities Forum 2019, its 9th annual University of Kansas Digital Humanities forum organized by Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, held on 3 – 4 October 2019 in Lawrence, Kansas, the United States.
Link: http://idrh.ku.edu/dhforum2019
September 2019
SmartICT Conference 2019: “Rethinking Research and Pedagogies in the age of Digital Humanities”, an international workshop organized by Mohammed Premier University, held on 26 – 28 September 2019 in Saidia, Morocco.
Link: http://smartict.ardti.org/workshops/dh.html
DH_BUDAPEST_2019, its second annual conference organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University, held on 25 – 27 September 2019 in Budapest.
Link: http://elte-dh.hu/conf2019/
16th International Conference on Digital Preservation, organized by the Dutch Digital Heritage Network, held on 16 - 20 September 2019 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Link: https://ipres2019.org/
DH Benelux 2019, its 6th annual conference, held on 11 – 13 September 2019, at the University of Liège in Belgium.
Link: http://2019.dhbenelux.org/
The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities 2019: Localization in Global DH, an annual conference organized by the Open Research Center for Asian Studies, held on 29 – 31 August 2019 at Kansai University in Osaka, Japan.
Link: https://www.jadh.org/jadh2019_cfp
July 2019
Association for Computers and the Humanities 2019 (ACH2019), a conference co-organized by the Association for Computers and the Humanities, Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University, and the University of Pittsburgh, held on 23 – 26 July 2019 at the Pittsburgh Marriott City Center in Pittsburgh, United States.
Link: http://ach2019.ach.org/cfp/cfp-call-for-participation-en/
Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), an annual conference organized by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), held on 9 – 12 July 2019 in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Link: https://dh2019.adho.org
June 2019
8th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2019), organized by Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF), held on 23 – 24 June 2019 in Singapore.
Link: http://l3-conference.org/
NLP-DH 2019, its first international workshop on NLP for Digital Humanities, held on 12 – 13 June 2019 in Algeria.
Link: http://www.drdhn.cerist.dz/NLP-DH/
Digital Diasporas: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, an international conference organized by School of Advanced Study of University of London, held on 6 – 7 June 2019 at Senate House of University of London, United Kingdom.
Link: https://crosslanguagedynamics.blogs.sas.ac.uk/digital-diasporas/
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities 2019, an annual conference organized by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, held on 1 – 7 June 2019 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
Link: https://www.congress2019.ca/
May 2019
International Conference on Digital Humanities: “The Democratisation of History”, organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, held on 18 May 2019 at University of London in London, United Kingdom.
Link: http://digital.humanities.lcir.co.uk/
March 2019
Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA): African Digital Humanities, its 2nd annual international conference, held on 25 – 29 March 2019 at the University of Pretoria in Pretoria, South Africa.
Link: http://dh2019.digitalhumanities.org.za/cfp-and-guidelines/
Global Digital Humanities Symposium, its 4th annual symposium organized by the Michigan State University, held on 21 -22 March 2019 at in East Lansing, Michigan, United States.
Link: http://www.msuglobaldh.org/about/
Working with different kinds of “text” in the Digital Humanities, a colloquium organized by the Singapore University of Technology and Design, held on 18 -19 March 2019 at Singapore University of Technology and Design in Singapore.
Link: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2018/10/17/working-with-different-kinds-of-%E2%80%98text%E2%80%99-in-the-digital-humanities
Current Research in Digital History, an annual conference organized by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, held on 9 March 2019 at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, United States.
Link: http://crdh.rrchnm.org/conference/
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) 2019, its 4th conference organized by the association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), held on 6 – 8 March 2019 at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
Link: https://cst.dk/DHN2019/DHN2019.html
February 2019
The Fourth Utah Symposium on the Digital Humanities (DHU4), organized by Weber State University, held on 1 – 2 February 2019 at Weber State University in Ogden ,Utah, United States.
Link: https://www.weber.edu/dhu4
January 2019
AIUCD 2019: Pedagogy, teaching and research in the age of Digital Humanities, its 8th annual conference organized by the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine, held on 23 – 25 January 2019 in Udine, Italy.
Link: http://aiucd2019.uniud.it/
December 2018
DADH 2018: Facing the era of AI + DH, the 9th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, organized by Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities and Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, held on 18 - 21 December 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Link: http://dadh2018.dila.edu.tw/?lang=en
EADH 2018: Data in Digital Humanities, organized by the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), held on 7 - 9 December 2018 at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Link: https://eadh2018eadh.wordpress.com/
New York Digital Humanities Symposium, organized by the University at Buffalo, held on 1 December 2018 at the University at Buffalo in New York, the United States.
Link: http://nydh.org/
Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO), an open access database developed by independent programmers and the Heidelberg Research Architecture (HRA). ECPO joins together several important digital collections of the early Chinese press and puts them into a single overarching framework.
Link: https://kjc-sv034.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/ecpo/
November 2018
2nd Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit, organized by Omohundro Institute held on 30 November 2018 at the Omohundro Institute, Virginia, United States.
Link: https://oieahc.wm.edu/events/conferences/supported/summit-cfp/
Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS) 2018, its 13th annual meeting, held on 9 - 11 November 2018 at the Water Tower Campus of Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, IL, United States.
Link: http://ctsdh.org/dhcs2018/
October 2018
DLF Forum 2018, its annual forum organized by Digital Library Federation (DLF), held on 15 – 17 October 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.
Link: https://forum2018.diglib.org/
Dhnord2018: Materialities of Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, the 5th annual conference organized by Maison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la société in collaboration with Humanistica, held on 15 – 17 October 2018 in Lille, France.
Link: https://dhnord2018.sciencesconf.org/
Digital Frontiers 2018/IDRH Conference: Finding Community in Digital Humanities, its 7th annual Digital Frontiers Conference, held on 4 - 6 October 2018 at the University of Kansas, KS, United States.
Link: https://digital-frontiers.org/df2018/
September 2018
6th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference, organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities and Information Society at University of Tartu in co-operation with Estonian Society for Digital Humanities, Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, CAA Estonia, and Archaeovision R&D, held on 26 – 28 September 2018 at University of Tartu in Estonia.
Link: https://dh.org.ee/events/dhe2018/
Digital Humanities Australasia (DHA) 2018: Making Connections, the 4th annual conference organized by the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH), held on 25 – 28 September 2018 at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia.
Link: http://dha2018.org.au/
15th International Conference on Digital Preservation organized by Harvard library and MIT libraries, held on 24 – 27 September 2018 in Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.
Link: https://ipres2018.org/
DRHA 2018: Creative Legacies: Collaborative Practices for Digital Cultural Heritage, its 22nd annual conference, organized by Fondazzjoni Kreattività, held on 9 - 12 September 2018 in Valletta, Malta.
Link: https://drha2018.org/
JADH2018: Leveraging Open data, the 8th conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities organized by Center for Open Data in the Humanities, held on 9 – 11 September 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.
Link: https://conf2018.jadh.org/index.html
June 2018
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Digital Humanities 2018 Conference, organized by El Colegio de México and La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in alliance with La Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD), held on 26-29 June 2018 in Mexico City, Mexico.
Link: https://dh2018.adho.org/en/sobre/
DLFxDSHI — a digital libraries + DH unconference, hosted by Digital Library Federation (DLF) in partnership with the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), held on 8-9 June 2018 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Link: https://www.diglib.org/archives/13621/
May 2018
Asiascape: Digital Asia (DIAS), its 3rd conference co-organized by the Leiden Asia Centre, Leiden University and the International Institute for Asian Studies held on 29 May 2018 at the Leiden University in Leiden, Netherlands.
Link: http://www.politicseastasia.com/research/call-papers-rethinking-communities/
DH_BUDAPEST_2018, a conference organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities of the Eötvös Loránd University, in collaboration with DARIAH, CLARIN and Michael Culture Association held on 27-31 May 2018 in Budapest, Hungary.
Link: http://elte-dh.hu/conf/
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities 2018, an annual conference organized by the Society for Digital Humanities, held on 26-28 May 2018 at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Link: http://csdh-schn.org/2017/11/15/csdhschn-cfp-gathering-diversities-regina-may-26-28-2018/
CIRC16 (Chinese Internet Research Conference), its 16th annual conference organized by the Leiden Asia Centre, held on 22-23 May 2018 at the Leiden University in Leiden, Netherlands.
Link: http://www.politicseastasia.com/research/cfp-circ16/
April 2018
Digital Humanities Asia (DHAsia) 2018 Summit, a conference organized by Stanford University, held on 27-28 April 2018 at Stanford Humanities Centre, Stanford, CA, United States.
Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/digital-humanities-asia-2018-summit-tickets-37824238315
Harnessing Digital Technologies to Advance the Study of the Non-Western World, an international conference organized by Digital Humanities Asia (DHA), held on 26-28 April 2018 at Stanford University, CA, United States.
Link: http://researchconcourse.blogspot.hk/2017_06_23_archive.html
Nebraska Forum on Digital Humanities 2018, its 6th annual forum organized by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), held on 12-13 April 2018 in Lincoln, NE, United States.
Link: https://cdrh.unl.edu/neforum
March 2018
Global Digital Humanities Symposium, its 3rd annual symposium organized by the Michigan State University, held on 22-23 March 2018 in East Lansing, MI, United States.
Link: https://www.hastac.org/opportunities/global-digital-humanities-symposium-michigan-state-university
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) 2018, its 3rd conference organized by the University of Helsinki, held on 7-9 March 2018 in Helsinki, Finland.
Link: http://dig-hum-nord.eu/dhn-2018/
February 2018
ODH (Office of Digital Humanities) at Ten, its 10th anniversary of the Office of Digital Humanities organized by Office of Digital Humanities, held on 9 February 2018 at National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) headquarter in Washington, DC.
Link: https://www.neh.gov/divisions/odh/grant-news/odh-ten-our-tenth-anniversary-project-directors-meeting?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
January 2018
AIUCD 2018: Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Memory, Humanities and Technologies, annual conference organized by The Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e le Culture Digitali (AIUCD), held on 31 January - 2 February 2018 in Bari, Italy.
Link: http://www.aiucd2018.uniba.it/cfp.html
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2018, a conference organized by Society for Imaging Science and Technology, held on 28 January - 1 February 2018 in Burlingame, CA, United States.
Link: https://www.cfplist.com/CFP.aspx?CID=11926
Corpus-based Research in the Humanities (CRH), 2nd edition of the workshop with a special focus on space and time annotations, hosted by Academy Corpora of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, held on 25-26 January 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
Link: http://www.oeaw.ac.at/ac/crh2/
December 2017
DHA 2017: Data First!?, the 4th Digital Humanities Austria Conference organized by the University of Innsbruck, held on 4-6 December 2017 in Innsbruck, Austria.
Link: https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/dha2017/
November 2017
DADH 2017: Digital Humanities Evolving: Past, Present, and Future, the 8th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, organized by National Chengchi University, held on 29 November - 1 December 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Link: http://www.aiecon.org/conference/DADH2017/index.htm
DHnord2017: (De)constructing Digital History: scientific argument, the 4th annual conference organized by European Institute for humanities and social sciences – Lille North of France (MESHS), held on 27-29 November 2017 in Lille, France.
Link: https://dhnord2017.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/1
Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS), its 12th annual meeting hosted by the Illinois Institute of Technology, held on 17-19 November 2017 in Chicago, IL, United States.
Link: https://sites.google.com/iit.edu/dhcs/home
Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology: Recent Advances and Interdisciplinary Approaches, an international conference, held on 13-14 November 2017 in London, United Kingdom.
Link: http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/europhras2017/first-announcement/
EPAD Symposium: European Performing Arts Dataverse, organized by the CREATE Research Programme of University of Amsterdam, held on 9 November 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Link: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-epad-symposium-european-performing-arts-dataverse-36302769561?aff=erelexpmlt
Questioning models: Intersectionality in Digital Humanities, organized by The Cologne Centre for eHumanities (CCeH), held on 8-10 November 2017 at the University of Cologne, Germany.
Terra Digita: Digital Approaches to Medieval Mapping, organized by Cornell University, held on 4-5 November 2017 in Ithaca, NY, United States.
Link: https://digitalhumanities.library.cornell.edu/terradigita
October 2017
Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web - WHiSe II, a symposium co-located with the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), held on 21-25 October 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
Link: http://whise.kmi.open.ac.uk/
Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit, held on 13 October 2017 at the University of Virginia, VA, United States.
Link: http://oieahc.wm.edu/conferences/supported/summit/cfp.html
Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Evolution of Digital Scholarship, the 4th Bucknell University Annual Digital Scholarship Conference, held from 6-8 October 2017 in Lewisburg, PA, United States.
Link: http://budsc17.scholar.bucknell.edu/schedule/
Plotting Poetry: On Mechanically-enhanced Reading, an international conference organized by University of Basel, held on 5-7 October 2017 in Basel, Switzerland.
Link: https://machinerlapoesie.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/cfp_plottingpoetry_en1.pdf
September 2017
Digital Storytelling & the Humanities, the 7th Annual Digital Humanities Forum organized by University of Kansas, held on 28-29 September 2017 in Lawrence, Kansas, United States.
Link: http://idrh.ku.edu/dhforum2017
14th International Conference on Digital Preservation organized by Kyoto University, held on 25-29 September 2017 in Kyoto, Japan.
Link: https://ipres2017.jp/
BH and DH: Book History and Digital Humanities, a conference organized by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, held on 22-24 September 2017 in Madison, WI, United States.
Link: http://www.wiscprintdigital.org/bh-and-dh-conference/
Digital Frontiers 2017: Exploring the Edges, Pushing the Boundaries, its 6th annual Digital Frontiers Conference held on 21-23 September 2017 at the University of North Texas, TX, United States.
Link: https://digital-frontiers.org/conference/2017
CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) Annual Conference 2017, organized by CLARIN ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium), held on 18-20 September 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.
Link: https://www.clarin.eu/event/2017/clarin-annual-conference-2017-budapest-hungary
Digital Humanities + Data Journalism (DH+DJ) Symposium, organized by University of Miami, held on 14-16 September 2017 in Miami, FL, United States.
Link: http://dhdj.com.miami.edu/
Digital Strategies for Japanese Studies: Theories and Practices, the 28th EAJRS Conference organized by the Humanities and Social Science Libraries, University of Oslo Library, held on 13-16 September 2017 in Oslo, Norway.
Link: http://www.eajrs.net/
DRHA 2017: DataAche, its 21st International Conference on Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts, hosted by the Arts Institute, held on 10-13 September 2017 at the University of Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Link: http://drha2017.com/
The International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing 2017), held on 10-12 September at Doshisha University, Kyoto.
Link: https://www.cis.doshisha.ac.jp/culture2017/
Eastern ARC Digital Humanities Conference 2017: DH on the Inhabited Environment, held on 7-8 September 2017 in Canterbury, Kent, UK.
Link: http://timeimage.org.uk/glam-events/eastern-arc-digital-humanities-conference-2017-dh-on-the-inhabited-environment/
SPHINx 2017: SPatial Humanities meets Spatial INformation Theory: Space, Place, and Time in Humanities Research, held on 4 September 2017 in L'Aquila, Italy.
Link: http://sphinxworkshop.org/
August 2017
Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, organized by the German National Committee for CODATA and Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science (ICSU), held on 30 August - 1 September 2017 in Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Germany.
Link: http://dch2017.net/
IFLA Satellite Meeting 2017: Digital Humanities – Opportunities and Risks Connecting Libraries and Research, held on 15-17 August 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
Link: https://dh-libraries.sciencesconf.org/
Digital Humanities 2017: Access/Accès, annual conference of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), organized by McGill University and the Université de Montréal, held on 8-11 August 2017 in Montreal, Canada.
Link: https://dh2017.adho.org/
July 2017
Culture & Technology, The European Summer University in Digital Humanities hosted by the University of Leipzig, held on 18-28 July 2017 in Leipzig, Germany.
Link: http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU_C_T/
Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, held on 3-7 July 2017 in Oxford, United Kingdom.
Link: http://www.dhoxss.net/
June 2017
The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) Web Archiving Conference (WAC) 2017, held jointly with the RESAW (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials) Conference, organized by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, held on 14-16 June 2017 in London, United Kingdom.
Link: http://netpreserve.org/general-assembly/2017/overview
2017 Summer conference Digital Humanities, the New Media Consortium’s 24th Annual Summer Conference, held on 13-15 June 2017 in Boston, MA, United States.
Link: https://www.nmc.org/2017-summer-conference-digital-humanities/
Translation Studies and/in the Digital Humanities, organized by Centre for Translation Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, held on 12-13 June 2017 at CUHK, Hong Kong.
Link: http://traserver.tra.cuhk.edu.hk/ws-web/
The Digital Humanities Summer Institute, organized by the University of Victoria, held on 3-16 June 2017 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Link: http://www.dhsi.org/schedule.php
RIDCH Conferences 2017, organized by Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong, held on 1-3 June 2017 in Hong Kong.
  • Conference on Digital Humanities 2017: Digitization of the Humanities and New Ways of Teaching
  • Conference on Digital Culture 2017: Digital Art, Design and Advertising
Link: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/wcsprd/Satellite?pagename=OUHK/tcSchWeb2014&l=C_ASS&lid=1471917205471&lang=eng&sch=ASS
May 2017
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH) Conference, held on 29-31 May 2017 at Ryerson University, Toronto.
Link: http://www.congress2017.ca/associations/255
Investigating (with) Big Data, sponsored by Cardiff University’s Digital Humanities Network, held on 24 May 2017 at Cardiff University, United Kingdom.
Link: https://cardiffdigitalnetwork.org/2017/03/22/cfp-investigating-with-big-data/#more-1181
Visualisation and Visual Thinking: New Perspectives in the Digital Humanities Conference, organized by King’s College London, held on 19 May 2017 in London, United Kingdom.
Link: http://newperspectivesdh.com/
Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Technologies East (DHSITE), organized by University of Ottawa and Carleton University, held on 17-20 May 2017 in Ottawa, Canada.
Link: https://dhsite.org/
Digital Classics III: Re-thinking Text Analysis, held on 12-13 May 2017 in Karlsplatz, Heidelberg, Germany.
Link: http://www.fasticongressuum.com/single-post/2016/10/12/Digital-Classics-III-Re-thinking-Text-Analysis---12-13052017-Heidelberg-Germany
Digital Humanities + Design Symposium hosted by DILAC (The Digital Integrative Liberal Arts Center), Georgia Institute of Technology, held on 4-5 May 2017 in Atlanta, GA, United States.
Link: http://pwp.gatech.edu/dhdesign/
2017 Digital Initiatives Symposium, held on 1-2 May 2017 at University of San Diego, CA, United states.
Link: http://digital.sandiego.edu/symposium/2017/
March 2017
Digital Scholarship Symposium in CUHK Library: Exploring Digital Scholarship Research at CUHK and Beyond, organized by Digital Scholarship Lab of University Library, CUHK, held on 31 March 2017 at CUHK, Hong Kong.
Link: http://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/about/news/ds-symposium
Visual Resources Association (VRA) 34th Annual Conference: Unbridled Opportunities, held on 29 March -1 Apr 2017 in Louisville, KY, United States.
Link: http://www.vraweb.org/conferences/vra34/
LDCX 2017, held on 27-29 March 2017, with additional conferences hosted by the Stanford University Libraries: Personal Digital Archiving 2017 on 29-31 March, 2017, and the Born Digital Archiving & Exchange on 28 March 2017 at Stanford University, CA, United States.
Collaborative Digital Humanities Workshop - Archives in Between: Digital Humanities and Material Culture in East Asian Studies Scholarship and Teaching, held on 19 March 2017 at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference (AAS) 2017 (16-19 March 2017) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Building a Common Model for Semantic Interoperability in the Digital Poetry Ecosystems, a workshop organized by POSTDATA (Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data), held on 15 -17 March 2017 in Madrid, Spain.
Link: http://postdata.linhd.es/workshop/
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2nd Conference, organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities of the University of Gothenburg, held on 14-16 March 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Link: http://dhn2017.eu/
Digitorium 2017: Digital Humanities Conference, held on 2-4 March 2017 at University of Alabama, AL, United States.
Link: https://apps.lib.ua.edu/blogs/digitorium/cfp/
December 2016
Digital Humanities Centres: Experiences and Perspectives, held on 8-9 December 2016 at University of Warsaw, Poland.
Link: http://dhlabs2016.lach.edu.pl/
International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities: Digital Scholar, An Emerging profession?, held on 1-3 December 2016 at National Taiwan University, Taipei.
Link: http://www.dadh.digital.ntu.edu.tw/en/
November 2016
Fedora Camp, held on 28-30 November 2016 at Columbia University’s Butler Library, NY, United States.
Link: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ecup3dqg1c82f3d5&llr=5iy95gcab
9th Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age - Reactions: Medieval/Modern, held on 17-19 November 2016 in Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Link: http://www.library.upenn.edu/exhibits/lectures/ljs_symposium9.html
Invisible Work in the Digital Humanities, held on 17-18 November 2016 at Florida State University, FL, United States.
Link: http://iwdh.cci.fsu.edu/
October 2016
2016 Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, held on 24-26 October 2016 in Baltimore, MD, United States.
Link: https://www.hastac.org/opportunities/cfp-2016-workshop-visualization-digital-humanities
The Past Made Present: The 2016 WYSO Archives Digital Humanities Symposium, held on 20-22 October 2016 at Antioch College in Yellow Spring, OH, United States.
Link: http://wyso.org/past-made-present-2016-wyso-archives-digital-humanities-symposium#stream/0
What should be in your Digital Toolbox?, a one-day conference held on 10 October 2016, in London, United Kingdom.
Link: https://www.linnean.org/meetings-and-events/events/what-should-be-in-your-digital-toolbox
September 2016
Digital Humanities + Data Journalism (DH+DJ) Symposium, held on 29 September - 1 October 2016 in Miami, FL, United States.
Link: http://acrl.ala.org/dh/2016/07/14/event-digital-humanities-data-journalism-symposium/
Digital Frontiers 2016, the 5th annual Digital Frontiers conference, and THATCamp, held on 22-24 September 2016 at Rice University, Houston, TX, United States.
Link: http://digital-frontiers.org/conference/2016
Intersectionality in Digital Humanities Conference, held on 15-17 September 2016 in Ku Leuven, Belgium.
Link: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/digitalhumanities/intersectionality
Digital Humanities Congress 2016, held on 8-10 September 2016 at University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Link: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/hri/dhc/dhc2016
DRHA 2016: Place, Ecology and the Digital, the 20th International Conference on Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts, held on 4-7 September 2016 at University Of Brighton, United Kingdom.
July 2016
Digital Humanities 2016, held on 10-16 July 2016 at Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Poland.
Link: http://dh2016.adho.org/
Digital Research in East Asian Studies: Corpora, Methods, and Challenges, held on 10-12 July 2016 at Leiden University, the Netherlands.
Link: http://chinese-empires.eu/events/conferences/digital-research-in-east-asian-studies-corpora-methods-and-challenges/
RIDCH Conferences 2016, organized by Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong, held on 4-6 July 2016 in Hong Kong.
  • Conference on Digital Humanities: Digitization and Reconceptualizations of the Humanities
  • Conference on Digital Culture: Digital Art and Film
Link: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/wcsprd/Satellite?pagename=OUHK/tcSchWeb2014&l=C_ASS&lid=1385179706483&c=C_ASS&cid=1450272762320&lang=eng&sch=ASS&mid=0
May 2016
Digital Humanities 2nd Early Career Conference: Mapping the Scope and Reach of the Digital Humanities, organized by King’s College London, held on 20 May 2016 in London, United Kingdom.
Link: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/newsrecords/2016/call-for-papers.aspx
March 2016
Digital Humanities Approaches to Chinese Culture, Part 1: Tools and Methods for Textual and Historical Analysis and Part 2: New Tools and Literary Networks at The AAS Annual Conference 2016, held on 31 March - 3 April 2016 in Seattle, WA, United States.
Link: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aas/aas16/index.php?PHPSESSID=3316h3i8910nbp78cmqndl2fr7&cmd=Online+Program+Search&program_focus=fulltext_search&search_mode=content&offset=0&search_text=digital+humanities
LDCX (LamDevConX, ie. Libraries, Archives, Museums Developer Conference fill-in-your-own-X) 2016 Conference, held on 21-23 March 2016 at Stanford University, CA, United States.
Link: http://library.stanford.edu/projects/ldcx/2016-conference
Digital Humanities in The Nordic Countries (DHN) Conference 2016, DHN’s first conference held on 15-17 March 2016 in Oslo, Norway.
Link: http://dig-hum-nord.eu/dhn2016/
Digitorium 2016: Digital Humanities Conference, held on 3-5 March 2016 at the University of Alabama, AL, United States.
Link: https://networks.h-net.org/node/GROUP_NID/announcements/82318/call-papers-digitorium-2016-digital-humanities-conference
September 2015
Digital Frontiers 2015, the 4th Annual Conference for the Makers and Users of Digital Resources for the Humanities with THATCamp, held on 17-19 September 2015, at University of Texas at Dallas, TX, United States.
Link: https://digital-frontiers.org/conference/2015
June 2015
Blue Skies Above, Solid Ground Below: Innovation and Sustainability in Digital Humanities, 1st Digital Humanities Early Career Conference, organized by King’s College London, held on 18 June 2015 in London, United Kingdom.
Link: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/ddh/newsrecords/2015/call-for-papers.aspx
March 2015
Mapping Written Topographies: Critical Reflections on Close Reading and GIS at The AAS Annual Conference 2015, held on 26-29 March 2015 in Chicago, IL, United States.
Link: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aas/aas15/index.php?PHPSESSID=m7qpn2jb46ncaogspc8rlj6gt2&cmd=Online+Program+Search&program_focus=fulltext_search&search_mode=content&offset=0&search_text=digital+humanities