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  • Localization of Islam in China 伊斯蘭在地化

Localization of Islam in China 伊斯蘭在地化

Edited by Li Chang-kuan

English, Chinese , 2015/03 Research Institute for the Humanities, CUHK

229 x 152 mm , 204pp ISBN : 978-962-8133-01-7

  • US$14.00

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本書以「伊斯蘭在地化」為主題,共收錄穆斯林與非穆斯林學者十多篇的文章,從多元角度切入探討中國地區傳統漢語穆斯林社群的歷史發展演變、如何適應與融入當地文化、回儒對話、現代化對穆斯林生活與社群結構的衝擊、穆斯林少數群體的問題,以及十九世紀末、二十世紀初西方基督教傳教士對漢語穆斯林的研究等議題。這些論文既能反映當代中國穆斯林學者(insider) 對其自我宗教文化的理解與主張,信仰者又能從非穆斯林學者(outsider) 的理論與觀點反省自我文化之特徵以及社群問題,進而達到對話、交流之目的,以促進不同信仰者社群之間的融合與和平共處。

Lin, Chang-kuan was trained as Islamicist in Jordanian, Canadian, and British universities. He was visiting scholar to SOAS-University of London and Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies-Universitas Indonesia to research Islam in South-east Asia. He has been teaching Islamic sciences at National Cheng-chi University and other academic institutes for more than two decades. In 2003, in order to promote Islamic studies, he founded Centre for the Studies of Islamic Civilization and Thought (CSICT) at Cheng-chi University, which lasted for several years. Dr. Lin was one of the founding members of Taiwan Association of Islamic Studies (TAIS), and served as the first chairman of TAIS since its inauguration in 2009 till 2013. He wrote several articles on Chinese Islam for Leiden-Brill' s Encyclopaedia of Islam (new editon). He has authored numerous articles and reviews on Islamic history and culture, and edited several books on Islamic and Middle Eastern studies. He also serves as editor and advisor to several academic journals.

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