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  • Voices from the Frontline

Voices from the Frontline

Narratives of Nonnative English Speaking Teachers

Icy Lee and Paul Sze

English , 2015/01 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Education

216 x 140 mm , 192pp ISBN : 978-962-996-640-9

  • US$18.00

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Also available in print / e-version

In this handy book, Icy Lee and Paul Sze openly share their stories as nonnative English speaking educators in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). This collection of teachers’ stories provides a source of inspiration for both native and nonnative speaking professionals in the field, encouraging them to re-examine key issues in the profession and to reflect on their own practice critically.


"Voices from the Frontline: Narratives of Nonnative English Speaking Teachers is a must-read for anyone in TESOL as it brings power through stories to inspire teachers, native or nonnative alike, to reflect, recharge and re-imagine what they do by confronting challenges with problem solving tactics, and devoting themselves to the profession with enthusiasm and passion." —Jun Liu, Georgia State University

“'Nativeness' is no magic bullet for effective and successful language teaching. Icy Lee and Paul Sze’s exhilarating accounts of their learning trajectories and teaching experiences will give every thoughtful teacher, whether native or nonnative speaker, cause to reflect deeply on their own career stories.” —Anne Burns, University of New South Wales and Aston University

“Teachers everywhere—and not only nonnative speakers of English—will recognise in these pages the hopes and doubts, joys and regrets, that they have experienced in their journey into teaching. They will also find confirmation that with passion and commitment, the rewards of this journey will not only become rewarding for themselves but also inspire valuable transformation in the lives of students and others whom they meet on the way.” —William Littlewood, Hong Kong Baptist University

Icy Lee is Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Paul Sze is Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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