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  • How Can I Call What Is between Us a Past? 我怎麼稱呼我們之間過去的一切?

How Can I Call What Is between Us a Past? 我怎麼稱呼我們之間過去的一切?

Adonis 阿多尼斯

Bilingual , 2013/11 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Literature, Poetry, Translation, Bilingual, International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong

170 x 109 mm , 72pp ISBN : 978-962-996-610-2

  • US$3.50

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Also available in print / e-version

Following the convening of Hong Kong International Poetry Nights 2013, Islands or Continents is a collection of selected works by some of the most internationally acclaimed poets today. The poem of "How Can I Call What Is between Us a Past?" by Adonis (Syria) is finest contemporary poetry in trilingual or bilingual presentation.

阿多尼斯, 原名阿里 艾哈邁德 賽義德 伊斯伯爾,1930 年出生於敍利亞北部農村。他畢業於大馬士革大學哲學系,並在貝魯特聖約瑟大學獲文學博士。阿多尼斯迄今共創作了50 多部著作,包括詩集、文學與文化評論、散文、譯著等。阿多尼斯不僅是當今阿拉伯世界最重要的詩人、思想家、文學理論家,也在世界詩壇享有盛譽。評論家認為, 阿多尼斯對阿拉伯詩歌的影響, 可以同龐德或艾略特對英語詩歌的影響相提並論。阿多尼斯對阿拉伯政治、社會與文化的深刻反思和激烈批判, 也在阿拉伯文化界引發爭議,並產生廣泛影響。

阿多尼斯曾屢獲各種國際文學大獎, 如匹茲堡國際詩歌論壇獎( 1971)、黎巴嫩國家詩歌獎( 1974)、布魯塞爾詩歌雙年展大獎( 1986)、法國讓 馬里奧外國文學獎( 1991)、地中海獎( 1994)、土耳其希克梅特文學獎( 1994)、意大利Lerici - Pea 獎( 2000)、阿聯酋阿維斯文化基金獎( 2004)、挪威比昂松獎( 2007)、中國中坤國際詩歌獎( 2009)、德國歌德文學獎( 2011) 等。1997 年,法國政府授予阿多尼斯文學藝術騎士勳章。



Ali Ahmad Said Esber, known to readers as Adonis, was born in a rural village in Syria in 1930. He graduated with a degree in philosophy from the Damascus University and went on to earn a doctoral degree in Arabic literature from St. Joseph University in Beirut.


Adonis has written more than fifty books of poetry, criticism, essays, and translation in his native Arabic. He is recognized as one of the most important poets and theorists of literature in the Arab world, and one of the most important contemporary poets and thinkers in any language or context. His influence on Arabic poetry can be compared with that of Pound or Eliot on poetry in English, combined, however, with a radical and secular critique of his society.


Adonis’s many awards include the International Poetry Forum Award (Pittsburgh, 1971), National Poetry Prize (Lebanon, 1974), Grand Prix des Biennales Internationales de la Poesie (Belgium, 1986), Prix de Poesie Jean Malrieu Etranger (France, 1991), Prix de la Mediterranee (France, 1994), Nazim Hikmet Prize (Turkey, 1994), Lerici-Pea Prize (Italy, 2000), Oweiss Cultural Prize (UAE, 2004), BjOrnson Prize (Norway, 2007), Zhong Kun International Poetry Prize (China, 2009), and Goethe Literature Prize (Germany, 2011). In 1997 the French government named him Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

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