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  • Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine Issue 58 (Out of Stock)

Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine Issue 58 (Out of Stock)

Special Feature on "Other"

宋子江、鄭政恆、何麗明、洛書、雪堇 等 編著

English, Chinese, Bilingual , 2021/05 Musical Stone Publishing Ltd

Tags: Literature, Bilingual, Poetry

210 x 274 mm , 140pp ISBN : 977-230-822-158-6

  • US$6.50

Out Of Stock

Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine is a Hong Kong-based print poetry publication. In each issue, we publish Chinese-language poems and critique pieces on poetry. We also have a section of English-language poems.



《聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine

第五十八期 No. 58






【Voice & Verse Special Feature: “Other”】 Tammy Lai-Ming Ho◎Deirdre Camba◎Lian-Hee Wee◎Ian Salvaña◎Nay Thit, translated from the Burmese by Thiri Zune◎Paul Lobo Portugés◎Noeme Grace C. Tabor-Farjani◎Vinci Yung◎Polchate (Jam) Kraprayoon◎Jhio Jan A. Navarro◎Sam Cheuk◎Louise Leung◎Crispin Rodrigues◎Shahilla Shariff◎Cara Ernzen◎F. Jordan Carnice◎Amalia Airiz A. Casta◎Alton Melvar M Dapanas◎Vinita Agrawal◎Jason S Polley


【詩文對讀】鄧以楷〈也斯的柏林與圍牆—— 詩與散文並讀〉

【詩人訪問】李浩榮〈把積存的光發酵成螢火—— 專訪劉偉成〉

【專欄:角落羅卡】夏簷譯、洋小漫畫〈Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen 詩十首〉



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