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  • Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine Issue 56 (Out of Stock)

Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine Issue 56 (Out of Stock)

Special Feature on "Home"

宋子江、鄭政恆、何麗明、洛書、雪堇 等 編著

English, Chinese, Bilingual , 2020/11 Musical Stone Publishing Ltd

Tags: Literature, Bilingual, Poetry

210 x 274 mm , 156pp ISBN : 977-230-822-156-2

  • US$6.50

Out Of Stock

Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine is a Hong Kong-based print poetry publication. In each issue, we publish Chinese-language poems and critique pieces on poetry. We also have a section of English-language poems.



《聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine

第五十六期 No. 56


【卷首語】宋子江 - 在逆境中抗衡強橫的聲音

【特輯:詩影遊記】黃淑嫻、阮智謙 - 徘徊在阻塞的時間中

【譯介天地】廖偉棠譯 - 卡爾.桑德堡詩選

【專欄:角落羅卡】夏簷譯、洋小漫插畫 - Vasco Graça Moura 詩十首

【評論專輯:詩與象徵(上)】彭依仁 - 波特萊爾與惡|鄭政恆 - 勃留索夫與俄國象徵派的崛起


◎愛在動盪時期的詩:四元康祐訪問洛楓|Poetry of Love in the Time of Turmoil: Interview with Lok Fung by Yasuhiro Yotsumoto

◎關於詩歌及其反抗:四元康祐訪問鍾國強|On Poetry and Its Resistance: Conversation between Yasuhiro Yotsumoto and Derek Chung



【Home section】Tammy Lai-Ming Ho (editorial) ◉ Christine Vicera (one poem) ◉ Lydia Kwa (one poem) ◉ Sam Cheuk (one poem) ◉ Kate Larsen (one poem) ◉ Gary Lai (one poem) ◉ Jonathan Chan (two poems) ◉ Brady Riddle (two poems) ◉ Alessandro Rolandi (one poem) ◉ Aiden Heung (two poems) ◉ Stephanie Han (two poems) ◉ Derik Cumagun (one poem) ◉ Ismim Putera (one poem) ◉ Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé (two poems) ◉ Lawdenmarc Decamora (two poems) ◉ Vincent Ternida (two poems) ◉ Vernon Daim (one poem) ◉ Lorette C. Luzajic (two poems) ◉ Sneha Subramanian Kanta (one poem) ◉ Cheng Tim Tim (one poem) ◉ Leo Cosmiano Baltar (one poem) ◉ Pooja Ugrani (two poems) ◉ Banah al Ghadbanah (two poems) ◉ Paola Caronni (two poems) ◉ Jimin Kang (two poems) ◉ Josh Lefkowitz (one poem) ◉ Hsien Min Toh (two poems) ◉ Francis Cesar A. Terrado (two poems) ◉ Kinshuk Gupta (one poem) ◉ Yu Müller (two poems) ◉ Felix Chow (one poem) ◉ Tom Gannon Hamilton (one poem) ◉ Natalie Liu (one poem) ◉ Athena Ramos (one poem) ◉ Cleo Adler (one poem)



【「2019/20 香港樹仁大學中文系文學創作微課程——新詩創作坊」小輯(陳子謙編)】盧嘉傑◎譚影文◎劉冠希◎陳倩瑤◎楊嘉彥◎陳妙芬◎林穎如

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