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  • Ching Feng

Ching Feng

Published by Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture, CUHK

English, Chinese , 2023/01

229 x 152 mm ISBN : 0009-4668

  • US$22.00

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Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture

Originally published under the title Quarterly Notes since 1957, Ching Feng (ISSN 0009-4668) is one of the major publications of CSCCRC, by which it seeks to promote critical and constructive studies of all aspects of Chinese Christianity, Chinese religion and culture, and inter-religious dialogue between Christianity and other religious traditions in Asia.

See more at: https://www.csccrc.org/publish_tc.php?category=6

International Advisory Board

John BERTHRONG | Boston University, USA

Mark FANG, SJ | Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

HUANG Po-ho | Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan

KIM Heup Young | Kangnam University, Korea

KWOK Pui-lan | Candler School of Theology, Emory University, USA

Whalen LAI | The University of California, Davis, USA

Archie C. C. LEE | Shandong University, China

Peter K. H. LEE | Retired Director of CSCCRC, Hong Kong

Philip Y. S. LEUNG | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Daniel L. OVERMYER | The University of British Columbia, Canada

YANG Fenggang | Purdue University, USA

Editorial Board

CHU Cindy Yik-yi | Hong Kong Baptist University

LAI Chi-tim | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

LAI Pan-chiu (Editor-in-chief) | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

LAI Tsz Pang John | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

LEE Kam-keung | Hong Kong Baptist University

Lauren F. PFISTER | Hong Kong Baptist University

YING Fuk-tsang | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Editorial Staff

Executive Editor:

Francis Ching-wah YIP | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Assistant Executive Editor:

Marina Xiaojing WANG | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Manuscript Editor:

NG Sau Lai

Notes for Contributors

The editors welcome original research articles, review articles or book reviews, dissertation abstracts, and academic news that are related to the areas of Chinese Christianity, Chinese religions and culture, and dialogue between Christianity and Asian religions and cultures.

All articles are anonymously peer-reviewed. After they are notified of the receipt of their submissions, authors should allow three to four months for a review.

Research or review articles, including notes, should be between 5,000–8,000 words in length. Authors should submit a written declaration that their articles have not been previously published in English and are not concurrently being considered for publication elsewhere.

The editors accept manuscripts in hardcopy or softcopy. Manuscripts in hardcopy should be double-spaced, singled-sided on A4-size or letter-size paper (including footnotes, block quotations and bibliography), with margins on all four sides of at least one inch (2.5 cm). The editors also accept manuscripts sent as e-mail attachments, and strongly prefer MS Word format. Articles should be annotated with footnotes, not endnotes.

Authors should attach a sheet to their manuscripts including the title of the article, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address. An abstract of around 100 words should be included on a separate sheet.

Documentation should conform to the style recommended in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition). Authors are strongly encouraged to use the system of “notes and bibliography”; full details should be provided in a first note. Whenever appropriate, Chinese and other Asian proper names and terms should be provided, together with romanization, for the first occurrence; the pinyin system or the Wade-Giles system should be used for Chinese names and terms.

Contributors will receive a typeset proof (as PDF file) before their articles are published.

It is a condition of publication in Ching Feng that authors assign copyright to the Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture. Authors may use their published articles elsewhere, provided that prior permission of the Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture is obtained and that Ching Feng is acknowledged as the original place of publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material from other sources. Authors of articles are entitled complimentary offprints of their articles.

Articles in Ching Feng represent neither the views of the Study Centre nor those of its editors. Responsibility for opinions expressed therein and for the accuracy of facts rests with the individual authors.

Contributions, exchanges, and business correspondence please address to the executive editor of Ching Feng, Professor Francis Ching-wah Yip, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, K. K. Leung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong (email: francisyip@cuhk.edu.hk, chingfeng@csccrc.org).

- See more at: http://csccrc.org/note_en.php#sthash.E7IE2RdW.dpuf

Volume 21, 2023

The 10th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”









Other Articles





Book Review

Alexander Chow, ed. Scottish Missions to China: Commemorating the Legacy of James Legge (1815–1897)

Wang Hui

Lauren F. Pfister, ed. Polyglot from the Far Side of the Moon: The Life and Works of Solomon Caesar Malan (1812–1894)

Benoît Vermander

Ambrose Mong. Christianity in the Modern World: A Study of Religion in a Pluralistic Society

Paul Hedges

Paul S. Chung. The Social Scientific Study of Religion: A Method for Constructive Theology

Bryan K. M. Mok

You Bin. Meditations on the Birth of Christ: Reflections for Advent in the Context of Chinese Culture

Naomi Thurston

Volume 20, 2022

The History of Christianity in Modern China
Special Issue Editors: Kinia Choi-lin Ng, Agnes Suk-man Pang and Marina Xiaojing Wang

Introduction: Chinese Christianities in Big Eras

Marina Xiaojing Wang, Agnes Suk-man Pang, and Kinia Choi-lin Ng

Christian Schools, Left-wing Literature and the 1967 Riots in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Youths’ Garden

Ying Fuk-tsang

中國宣道會瑞典宣教團(1893–1900) The Swedish China Mission of the Alliance (1893–1900)

Ellis Ming-cheung Ho 何明章

大時代下的基督徒學者──以燕京大學宗教學院蔡詠春為例 Christian Scholars in the “Grand Epoch”: A Case Study of Cai Yongchun and His Time at the School of Religion, Yenching University

Chin Ken-pa 曾慶豹

「禮賢車騎」──王謙如牧師與他的德國淵源 “The Rhenish General of Chariots and Horsemen”: Pastor Wong Him-yue and His German Origin

Wu Kin-pan 胡健斌


Tribute to Jean-Paul Wiest

Anthony E. Clark

Other Articles

重新評價科玄之爭──五四百年後再思科學與宗教的對話 Revisiting the Dialogue between Science and Religion

Kwan Kai-man 關啟文

Book Review

Gail King. "A Model for All Christian Women": Candida Xu, a Chinese Christian Woman of the Seventeenth Century

Wai-yin Christina Wong

Ma Li. Christian Women and Modern China: Recovering a Women's History of Chinese Protestantism

Zhou Yun

Fenggang Yang, Jonathan Pettit, and Chris White, eds. Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China

Bai Yucheng

Alexander Chow and Easten Law, eds. Ecclesial Diversity in Chinese Christianity

Peter Chen-main Wang

Bibiana Yee-ying Wong. The Short-lived Catholic Central Bureau: National Catalyst for Cultural Apostolate in China (1947–1951)

Robert E. Carbonneau, CP

Joseph W. Ho. Developing Mission: Photography, Filmmaking, and American Missionaries in Modern China

Wang Zhixi

Volume 19, Number 1-2, 2020

Celebrating 500 Years of the Reformation
The Reformation’s Culturally Transformative Influences and Impacts: European and Asian Cultural Perspectives

Eastern and Western Perspectives on the Reformation and Its Impacts

Keith Ka Fu Chan, George Kam Wah Mak, and Benedict Shing Bun Chan

Pineapple and Herring: How the Roman Catholic Church Adapted Protestant Reform Principles to Create a Global Missionary Presence

Philip Jenkins

The Ecological Heritage of Protestantism from a Chinese Christian Perspective

Lai Pan-chiu

Culturally Transformative Impacts from the Reformation in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment (1530s) and Liang Qichao’s New People Theory (1902)

Lauren F. Pfister

The Early Accommodation of German Sacramental Theology in China: A Case Study of the Confession, Translation, and Commentary of the Rhenish Missionaries

Wu Kin-pan

Reformed Traditions and Human Rights: Friends or Foes?

Kwan Kai-man

A Consequential Evaluation in Christian Approaches to International Human Rights

Benedict Shing Bun Chan

Other Articles

The Semantics and Pragmatics of Translating the CUV Bible

Jerry Hwang



Book Review

Perry Schmidt-Leukel. To See a World in a Flower: A Fractal Interpretation of the Relation between Buddhism and Christianity

Gu Rouyan

Volume 18, Number 1-2, 2019

In Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann

On the Subject of Hope: A Reflection on the Proximity between Theology and Philosophy in Moltmann’s Thought

Jason Lam

On the Subject of Hope: Response to Jason T. S. Lam

Jürgen Moltmann

The Chinese Church and Its Mission: A Dialogue with Moltmann’s Ecclesiology

Kwok Wai-luen

The Chinese Church: Reply to Kwok Wai-luen

Jürgen Moltmann

In Dialogue with Moltmann on Ethics of Hope

Lai Pan-chiun

On Ethics of Hope: Response to Lai Pan-chiu

Jürgen Moltmann

The 9th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”

「偶像」的神學論述─以〈上帝律法十誡注釋〉(1881) 為研究個案


A Chinese Protestant Female Model in Southeast Asia: The “Confucianizing” of Leona Jingling Wu in 1970s Singapore

Joshua Dao-wei Sim

Politicised Faith: The Transformation of the Discourse “Character, China’s Salvation” of the Chinese YMCA, 1908–1927

Chung Cheuk-chi Cecilia

中國的《天路歷程》─《啟蒙誌要》(1895) 的宗教與歷史寓意


Other Article



Book Reviews

Wu Qing. A Study of Bishop R. O. Hall in China: Social Activist and Theologian (1922–1966)

Chloë Starr

Lian Xi. Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, A Martyr in Mao’s China

Joseph Tse-hei Lee

Volume 17, Number 1-2, 2018

Chinese Christianities Seminar, American Academy of Religion Theme: Chinese Christianities and Religious Boundaries

From Pagan Virtues to the Salvation of Non-Christians: Father Wang Changzhi’s Contribution to Chinese Christianity

Lu Jin

Christianity as a Chinese Religion: A Theological Consideration

Alexander Chow

A Nonviolent Model of Liberation Theology in Hong Kong: A Dialogue with Maoism

Lai Tsz-him

Religious Boundaries in Chinese Christianities

Stephanie M. Wong

Festschrift to Professor Lauren F. Pfister



Other Articles





Comparative Study of Religion and Faith Speaking to Faith: A “Nestorian Narrative” in Plural Christianities

Paul S. Chung and Peter Watters

Book Reviews and Review Article

Ambrose Mong. Accommodation and Acceptance: An Exploration of Interfaith Relations

Paul Michael Hedges

Wai-ching Angela Wong and Patricia P. K. Chiu, eds. Christian Women in Chinese Society: The Anglican Story

Wai-Yin Christina Wong

Li Ma and Jin Li. Surviving the State, Remaking the Church: A Sociological Portrait of Christians in Mainland China

Fredrik Fällman



Volume 16, Supplementary Issue, 2017

The 8th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”
Special Issue Editors: John T. P. LAI and YING Fuk-tsang

























Worship Music Localization: A Case Study of the Revival Christian Church of Hong Kong

Fang Bo

Volume 16, Number 1-2, 2017

Festschrift to Professor Lauren F. Pfister

A Life between East and West: Dedication to Professor Lauren F. Pfister

William Yau-nang Ng

Consequential Transatlantic Networks Shaped the Polyglot Nature of the Protestant Missionary Enterprise in China

R. G. Tiedemann

Richard Wilhelm and His Critics: A New Evaluation

Wolfgang Kubin

The Chinese Mission without Jesuits: The Suppression and Restoration of the Society of Jesus in China

Nicolas Standaert

東方宗教研究的開創者──詹姆士・理雅各與麥克斯・繆勒 The Founder of Eastern Religious Studies: James Legge and F. Max Muller

Sun Yiping 孫亦平

Ernst Faber’s (1839–1899) Theories of Human Nature

Gad C. Isay

佛教與基督教論罪惡──評論阿部正雄的比較研究 Buddhism and Christianity on Evil: Critical Evaluation of Masao Abe’s Comparative Studies

Kwan Kai-man 關啟文

淨土祖庭文化及人間淨土觀的實踐 The Culture of Ancestral Temple of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism and The Practice of Humanistic Pure Land

William Yau-nang Ng 吳有能

Free to Obey: Gao Panlong and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Selflessness, Fate, and Freedom

Sophia Katz

Other Articles

The Life of Reverend Wong Fook-ping (Huang Fuping 黃福平, 1892–1966): A Testimony of Faith in God and Love for Country

Terese Wong

Book Review

Ambrose Mong. Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism in China

Joseph Tse-hei Lee

Volume 15, Number 1-2, 2016

Chinese Christianities Seminar, American Academy of Religion

Union Theological Seminary’s Dense Social Network in Twentieth-Century Chinese Christianity

Christopher D. Sneller

Ecclesiology from Below: Urbanizing Catholicism in an Urbanizing China

Stephanie M. Wong

Moral Minority: The Changing Face of Christian Politics in Post-Sunflower Movement Taiwan

Chiou Mu-tien

Historiography and Community Identity: Hong Kong Christians and the Recording of the 2014 Pro-Democracy Movement

Kang Di

A Tale of Three Bishops: Mapping the Ideologies of “Chineseness” and “Asian Values” in the Global Anglican Realignment in Vancouver

Justin K. H. Tse

Other Articles

巨人愛恨──王明道所認識的倪柝聲 Watchman Nee in the Eyes of Wang Mingdao

Ying Fuk-tsang 邢福增

中西合作的典範──香港宣道會本土化過程研究 A Partnership Model: Analysis on the Indigenization Process of Hong Kong Christian and Missionary Alliance

Ellis Ming-cheung Ho 何明章

Review and Response

Karl Barth and Christian Theology of Religions: An Asian Response to Ensminger

Paul S. Chung

Brent Fulton. China’s Urban Christians: A Light that Cannot be Hidden

Mary Li Ma

Rejoinder: Book Review by Dr. Anna Qing Wu

Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung

Volume 14, Number 1-2, 2015


Reading the Psalms of 1 Chronicles 16:8–36 Cross-textually and Inter-textually

Archie Chi Chung Lee

A Textual Analysis of Chinese Characters with Their Variants in Two Dunhuang Jingjiao Manuscripts

Wang Lanping

Albert Poulet-Mathis, SJ: Pioneering in Religious Dialogue

Batairwa Kubuya Paulin

美國宣道會傳教士視野下的甘藏邊界 The Kansu-Tibetan Border in the Eyes of American Christian and Missionary Alliance Missionaries

Li Wenwen 李穩穩

「信仰成長」的敘事──中國福建省基督徒中學生的個案研究 The Narratives of “Faith Development”: A Case Study on the Christian Students from the Middle Schools of Fujian Province, China

Wang Zhixi 王志希

融合與創新──看丹楠「五行色」觀念背後的繪畫理念 Integration and Innovation: On Dan Nan’s Painting Philosophy behind the Concept of the Five-Element Color System

Ji Jingyi 紀京一 (彩圖版)

Book Reviews and Review Essays

Philip L. Wickeri, ed. Christian Encounters with Chinese Culture: Essays on Anglican and Episcopal History in China

Joseph Tse-hei Lee

Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung. The Practical Prophet: Bishop Ronald O. Hall of Hong Kong and His Legacies

Anna Qing Wu

Tang Kaijian. Setting Off from Macao: Essays on Jesuit History during the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Thierry Meynard

文化心理視角下的十七世紀中西文化交流──《歐洲遇見中國,中國遇見歐洲》書評 Cultural Exchange between China and the West in the 17th Century from the Cultural-Psychological Perspective: A Review on Europe Meets China, China Meets Europe

Xiao Qinghe 肖清和

新教中國專案和馬禮遜的功績重探 Protestant Plan for China and Robert Morrison’s Achievement Reconsidered: A Review on Christopher A. Daily, Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China

Yao Dadui 姚達兌

Volume 13, Number 1-2, 2014
Volume 12, Number 1-2, 2013

Special Issue for Christianity in Asia: Past, Present and Future

Introduction to the Special Issue

LAI Pan-chiu

The Role of Contemporary Translation Theory in Chinese Bible Translation

CHONG Yau-yuk

Reconsidering the Christian Understanding of Universal Salvation in Mahayana Buddhist Perspective

LAI Pan-chiu

Theology of Creativity: Neo-Confucian and (Neo-) Christian(?)


Revolution and Religious Reform: The Indigenous Church Movement in Republican China


The Policy on Religion and Protestant Christianity in Modern Korea, 1945–2010: History and Prospect

PAEK Chong-ku (PAIK Jong-koe)

Christian Witness in the Marketplace in Hong Kong

LEE Kam-hon, Dennis P. McCANN and MaryAnn Ching YUEN

Wealth Creation in China from a Christian Perspective


Centesimus Annus and China’s Market Economy: A Contextual Commentary


Revisiting the Foundations of Bioethics: Prospects of a Sino-Christian Discourse

Gerhold K. BECKER

Book Review

Paul S. Chung. Church and Ethical Responsibility in the Midst of World Economy: Greed, Dominion, and Justice


Volume 11, Number 2, 2012


Engaging Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Comparative Ethical Study: Political Minjung and Confucian Ethics of Rectification


The Dialogic Dimension of Catholic Engagement in Taiwan

BATAIRWA Kubuya Paulin

Special Contributions

T. C. Chao Re-visited: Questions about His Later Years

Winfried M. GLÜER

Creation Renewed: Heaven-Earth-Humanity. A Journey in Wesleyan-Orthodox-Confucian Theological Interculturation

Peter K. H. LEE

Book Reviews

David A. Palmer, Glenn Shive, and Philip L. Wickeri, eds. Chinese Religious Life

Neky Tak-ching CHEUNG

Richard C. Cook and David W. Pao, eds. After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global Evangelical Movement

Alexander CHOW

Edmund Kee-fook Chia. Edward Schillebeeckx and Interreligious Dialogue: Perspectives from Asian Theology

Ambrose Ih-ren MONG

Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer. The Religious Question in Modern China


Volume 11, Number 1, 2012


Source, Survival and Supremacy: Rethinking the Reception of the Chinese Union Version of the Bible in Chinese Protestant Communities

CHONG Yau-yuk

Waves of Influence across the South Seas: Mutual Support between Protestants in Minnan and Southeast Asia


Christian-Confucian Dialogue in Construction of Cultural Reality: Global-Critical, Intercivilizational, and Postcolonial


How Does Public Theology Engage in Public Debate? Some Implications for Public Theology in the Emerging Sino-Christian Context

Timothy Lee-Yii LAU

Book Reviews

Expanding Process: Exploring Philosophical and Theological Transformations in China and the West

Peter K. H. LEE

The Cave and the Butterfly: An Intercultural Theory of Interpretation and Religion in the Public Sphere

XIE Zhibin

Conference Report

The International Symposium on Justice from Multi-Religious Perspectives Held at Shandong University

DONG Xiuyuan & PAN Donglei

Volume 10, Number 1-2, 2010-2011

Special Issue for Buddhist-Christian Encounter and Dialogue among Civilizations

Introduction to the Special Issue

LAI Pan-chiu

An Early World-Wide Web Religions of Eurasia


Lotus and Swastika in Assyrian Church in China: Buddhist Legacy or Aryan Heritage?

CHAN Kim-kwong

Buddhist-Christian Encounter in the Age of Science: A Case Study of Modern Chinese Buddhism

LAI Pan-chiu & WANG Tao

The “Humanization” of Buddhism: Aspects of Western Adaptations of Buddhism


Toward a Buddhist-Christian Theology of Creation: An Exercise in Inter-religious Theology


Other Articles

Welcoming the Exposure of the Counter Revolutionary. . . A Chinese Theologian Coming to Terms with the Past


Caught in the Middle: Issues of Interculturality in Early Missionary Encounters. The Case of the Basel Mission with Particular Regard to Theodor Hamberg


In Search of the Third Space: Theological Anthropology in Eastern Orthodoxy and Sino-Christian Theology

Alexander CHOW

Review Essays

What is so “Irregular” About it?

David Kwang-sun SUH

A New Approach to Ecological Theology in the Frame of Confucian-Christian Dialogue: On Confucian-Christian Dialogue and Ecological Concern

SUN Xiangchen

Book Review

Louis Ha and Patrick Taveirne, ed. History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong. Volume One: Historical Materials. Volume Two: Research Papers

Jean-Paul WIEST

Volume 9, Number 1-2, 2008-2009


The Orientation of the Taiwanese Catholic Church during Chiang Kai-shek’s Government: Sinicization in the Pursuit of Identity

CHEN Tsung-ming

Xie Fuya as a Contributor to Religious Studies in China in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

Christian MEYER

Going Beyond a Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann regarding His Understanding on Daodejing


Pre-Confucian Chinese Beliefs as Reflected by the Religious Symbols in the Book of Poetry

HO Shun-yee

Karl Barth, Israel, and Religious Pluralism


Field Reports

Editors’ Note

Functions of Protestant Churches in Promoting Social Harmony in Socialist China: A Preliminary Study Based on Interviews with Parishioners and Pastors in Shanghai

ZHANG Zhan, HUANG Wei, CHEN Guo, WU Fuyou, CAI Yilun, MAO Yan, LU Liang, and LIU Jingjing

Contributing to the Construction of Social Morality and Harmonious Society: A Study of the Protestant Churches in Shanghai

LENG Xin, XIE Hua, XIA Hui, ZHOU Yong, and LI Jianfeng

Volume 8, Number 1-2, 2007

Special Issue for the Bicentennial of Robert Morrison’s Arrival in China

Editors’ Introduction

LAI Pan-chiu & YING Fuk-tsang

The Right Reverend Dr. George Smith, Anglican Bishop of Victoria (1849–1865): His Advice to the Church Missionary Society and His Missionary Travels on the Chinese Mainland


Robert Morrison and the Old Protestant Cemetery in Macao

Louis HA

A Parting Memorial: Morrison and Missionary Motivation: His Sabbatical Sermons, 1823–1826

Christopher D. HANCOCK

Christian Mission and Higher Education: A Case for the Study of World Christianity Today

Peter Tze Ming NG

In the Eye of a Tornado: Lessons to Be Learned from Critiques of Christian Missionaries


Preaching the Social Gospel: Protestants and Economic Modernization in Republican China, 1927–1931

Thomas H. REILLY

The Importance of Shandong: A Missiological Evaluation of a Place


Protestant “Missionary Cases” (jiao’an) in Shandong Province, 1860–1900


The Chinese Nation-state, Missionary Medicine and Chinese Women


Dealing the Culture Card against Episcopal Women’s Ministry in Asia

Elizabeth KOEPPING

Volume 7, Number 1-2, 2006

Special Issue on the Kingdom of God, the Pure Land and the Human World


Special Issue Editors LAI Pan-chiu & XUE Yu

Part I Buddhist Interpretations of the Pure Land

Eschatological Faith in the Coming Kingdom, East and West: Mao Tzu-yüan and the Four Pure Lands

Whalen LAI

Shin Buddhism and Axial Civilization


Establishing a Pure Land in This World: Xingyun’s Model


Part II Christian Interpretations of the Kingdom of God

The Entrance and Inheritance of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Religion

Eric K. C. WONG

The “Kingdom of Heaven” in China: Exploring the Taiping Millennial Vision

P. Richard BOHR

Part III Comparative Studies

Understanding Suffering from Buddhist and Christian Perspectives


God’s Vow: A Pure Land Perspective on the Cross of Christ


Birth into the Pure Land and Resurrection of the Body: A Comparative Study between Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity

Martin REPP

Part IV Dialogues in Relation to Contemporary Society

The Kingdom of God and the Pure Land: A Dialogical Study of Eschatology and Praxis

LAI Pan-chiu

The Pure Land, the Kingdom of God and the Critique and Transformation of This World

Andres S. K. TANG

God’s Reign and the Pure Land in Interfaith and Scientific Discourse on Imago Dei and Buddha Nature


Volume 6, Number 2, 2005


A Christian Monastery for Buddhist Monks, Part II: Buddhist Rhetoric in Karl Ludvig Reichelt’s Christian Liturgies


Literacy, Canon and Social Reality: Socio-cultural Dimension of the Reception of the Bible among Ethnic Groups in Southwest China


Alfred North Whitehead and Yi Yulgok on Cosmology: A Preliminary Comparison with Special Reference to Confucian–Christian Dialogue

Chung Soon LEE


Typology and Prospect of Sino-Christian Theology

LAI Pan-chiu

Book Review

Harold V. Bennett, Injustice Made Legal: Deuteronomic Law and the Plight of Widows, Strangers, and Orphans in Ancient Israel

Joseph Tse-hei LEE

Volume 6, Number 1, 2005

A Christian Monastery for Buddhist Monks, Part I: Karl Ludvig Reichelt’s Sacred Mountains


System of Harmony According to Confucius and Paul: Music, Goodness, Beauty

YEO Khiok-Khng

Transcending Differences between Christianity and Buddhism with Love: The Life and Literary Works of Xu Dishan

CHAN Wai-keung

Reinterpreting Christianity Buddhistically: Xu Songshi’s Indigenous Theology

HO Hing-cheong

Reflections on the History of Buddhist–Christian Encounter in Modern China

LAI Pan-chiu

Volume 5, Number 2, 2004

Transcultural Imaging: The Jesuits and China


Musical Harmony According to Confucius and Paul

YEO Khiok-khng

Pride’s Place in Picturing Persons


The Doctrines of the Trinity and Christology and Hua-yen Buddhism

LAI Pan-chiu

The First Protestant Convert of China, Tsae A-ko (1788–1818)

SU Ching

Volume 5, Number 1, 2004

Special Issue: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, Part II


The Sacred and the Ordinary: Spiritual Maturity According to the Teaching of Teresa of Avila and the Ox-Herding Pictures

Ekman P. C. TAM

Onto-Dynamics of the Triunity and Its Contribution to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue

LAI Shen-chon

The Dialogic Encounter between Christian and Buddhist Thought in Late Ming and Early Qing China

Andrew K. CHUNG

A Case Study of Interreligious Relations in Contemporary China: Buddhist-Christian Interaction in Four Southeast Cities

LI Xiangping

The Role of Hong Kong in the Buddhist-Christian Encounter in China: A Post-Conference Reflection

LAI Pan-chiu

Book Review

A Translated Adoption of Translation and Adoption (Review of D. Yeung and P. Rabbe, eds., Fanyi yu xi’na)

Jason T. S. LAM

Volume 4, Number 2, 2003

Special Issue: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, Part I

Introduction to the Special Issue of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue

LAI Pan-chiu


Ultimate Reality: A Comparative Study of Kitarō Nishida’s Concept of Nothingness and Paul Tillich’s Concept of God

AU Kin Ming

“The Conversion of the Missionary”: Changes in Buddhist-Christian Relations in Early Twentieth-Century China


Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China: Taixu’s Perspective on Christianity


The Modern Chan Society and the China Lutheran Seminary in Conversation: A Case Study of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in Contemporary Taiwan

HE Jianming

Conference Report

Building Bridges for Communication and Understanding: Remarks on the International Conference on the Boxer Movement and Christianity in China

Peter T. M. NG

Volume 4, Number 1, 2003


Cross-textual Reading Strategy: A Study of Late Ming and Early Qing Chinese Christian Writings

Archie C. C. LEE

Merit Transfer and Life after Death in Buddhism


Zhang Chunyi’s Chinese Buddhist-Christian Pneumatology

LAI Pan-chiu & SO Yuen-tai

Status Enhancement of Catholic Women in a Chinese Village

KONG Kit-fan


Edmund Ryden, Just War and Pacifism: Chinese and Christian Perspectives in Dialogue

KUNG Lap Yan

Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China (ed. Lai Pan-chiu)


Volume 3, Number 1-2, 2002


Ancestor Worship and Cardinal Yu Bin


Identity Crisis Reflected in Romans 14:1-15:13 and the Implications for the Chinese Christians' Controversy on Ancestral Worship

LO Lung-kwong

A Korean Theological Anthropology of Filial Piety

Jung Sun OH

The Transformation and Development of Church-State Relations in Contemporary China: A Case Study of the Catholic Church

CHAN Shun-hing & LAM Sui-ki, Anthony

"Woman's Work for Woman": An Argument against the Amalgamation of Hwa Nan Women's College

ZHU Feng

Is There Forgiveness in the Ghost World? Daoist and Christian Views on the Moral Order


The Worship of Local Gods and Traditional Chinese Society

TAM Wai-lun

Soteriological Centrality in the Christian Faith and Engaged Buddhism

Jiwhang LEW


The Power of Buddha: The Ideological and Institutional Role of Buddhism in the Koryo Dynasty (918-1392)


Volume 2, Number 1-2, 2001

Special Issue: Christian and Confucian Dialogue on Life & Ethics


Guest Editor's Introduction

LAI Pan-chiu

On the Confucian Resources of the Study of Environment Ethics

CHENG Chung-yi

A Study of Confucian Ecology and Its Modern Values

GE Rongjin

Between Anthropocentrism and Ecocentrism: Eco-theology and Confucian-Christian Dialogue

LAI Pan-chiu

On Wang Chuen-Shan's and Jürgen Moltmann's Understandings of the Nature with Reference to System Theory

Andres S. K. TANG

A Comparative Study of the Views on Sustainable Development in Confucianism and Christianity

HO Kin-chung

Agape, Ren, and Altruistic Suicide

LO Ping-cheung

The Father-Son Relation in Traditional Chinese Thought

ZHENG Jiadong

In an Age of Violence, What's the Use of Talking about "Peace under Heaven" and the "Gospel of Peace"?

Peter K. H. LEE

Revelations and Prophets: The Comparison of Judaism and Confucianism

FU Youde

The Social Implication of the "Eyes of God" - A Comparison between Saint Augustine and Confucius on Sincerity and Social Life


Book Review

Scott W. Sunquist: A Dictionary of Asian Christianity

YEUNG Kwok-keung

Volume 1, Number 2, 2000


Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China: A Case Study of Ren Jian Jue Banyuekan

HE Jianming

Influence of Chinese Buddhism on the Indigenization of Christianity in Modern China

LAI Pan-chiu

Love and Ren: A Comparative Study of the Religio-Ethical Principle of Paul Tillich and Zhu Zi

AU Kin-ming

Multiculturalism and Global Theology of Religions: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century

CHAN Shun-hing

A Critical Study on the Early Mission Policies of the Council of Missions in Korea in the light of the Nevius Plan

KANG Keun Whan


Conversion or Protection? Collective Violence and Christian Movements in Late-Nineteenth-Century Chaozhou, South China

Joseph Tse-hei LEE

Volume 1, Number 1, 2000

Special Issue: Christian-Confucian Dialogue


Guest Editors' Introduction

Peter K. H. LEE & LAI Pan-chiu

Moral Ecology: The Ecological Dimension of Ren in Song-Ming Confucian Thought


Response to Neo-Confucian Ren Moral Ecology from a Christian Perspective

Peter K. H. LEE

Critique and Reconciliation: On the Dialogue between Contemporary Neo-Confucian Philosophy and Christianity

CHENG Chung-yi

The Centrality of Relations in the Confucian and Christian Views of Human Personhood

Edwin C. HUI

Re-examining Whole Person Cultivation: Reconsidering The Significance of Master Kong's "Knowing The Heavenly Decree" and Yeshuah's "Beatitudes"


Confucianism and Bonhoeffer on Individualism and Community: From the Perspective of the Way of Humanization

Andres S. K. TANG

A New Stage in Christian-Confucian Dialogue? A Postscript to the Fourth International Christian-Confucian Dialogue Conference

Peter K. H. LEE & LAI Pan-chiu

Book Review

Kwong Chungwah: Hong Kong's Religions in Transition - The Restructuring of Religions during Hong Kong's Incorporation into Mainland China (1984-1998)

CHOW Wai-yin

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