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Academic Staff
​Prof. Eric Kam-pui LEE 李錦培教授

Prof. Eric Kam-pui LEE 



DPD(Cardiff), Dip Med (CUHK)

Clinical Assistant Professor



ORCID: 0000-0001-8267-9384

Academic Appointments

  • Member, ESH Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability, since 2019


Dr Lee finished medical school and graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 2007. He practiced in family medicine in Hong Kong for more than 10 years and he obtained his specialist qualification in Hong Kong 2016. He had a master degree in mental health from CUHK in year 2014 and another Master degree in Evidence-Based Health Care from the University of Oxford in year 2020.

Dr Lee started to work as a clinical assistant professor since 2016 in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interest included hypertension, mindfulness, burnout in medical professional and medical systems.

Research Interests

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Mindfulness interventions

  • Burnout in medical professionals

Recent Funded Research Projects 

  • Effectiveness of a complex exercise intervention to normalize blood pressure and its nocturnal dipping in patients with hypertension in primary care: a randomized-controlled trial

Selected Publications

  1. Bo Y, Kwok KO, Chung VCH, Yu CP, Tsoi KKF, Wong Samuel SYS, Lee EKP. Short-term reproducibility of ambulatory blood pressure measurements. Journal of Hypertension; 2020 (Volume Publish Ahead of Print). doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002522

  2. Lee EKP, Choi RCM, Liu L, Gao T, Yip BHK, Wong SYS. Preference of blood pressure measurement methods by primary care doctors in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Family medicine 2020; 21:95.

  3. Bo Y, Guo C, Lin C, Chang LY, Chan TC, Huang B, Lee KP, Tam T, Lau AKH, Lao XQ, Yeoh EK. Dynamic changes in long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter and incidence of hypertension in adults. Hypertension 2019; 74:669–677

  4. Y BHK, Lee KP, Sit RWS, Wong C, Li X, Wong ELY, et al. Nurse-led hypertension management was well accepted and non-inferior to physician consultation in a Chinese population: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific reports 2018;8:10302. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28721-2

  5. Lee KP, Lau EY, Sumerlin TS, Kim JH. Urban Chinese Midwives’ knowledge, attitudes and practices toward umbilical cord blood donation. Midwifery 2019;69:59-66.

  6. Y BHK, Lee KP, Sit RWS, Wong C, Li X, Wong ELY, et al. Nurse-led hypertension management was well accepted and non-inferior to physician consultation in a Chinese population: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific reports 2018;8:10302. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28721-2

  7. WuI XY, Kee JCY, Threapleton DE, Ma R, Lam VCK, Lee EKP, et al. Effectiveness of smartphone technologies on glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: systematic review with meta-analysis of 17 trials. Obes Rev 2018. Doi: 10.1111/

Last Updated: 22 July 2020

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