SEEM3650/ ESTR3516

CodeCourse OfferingSEEM3650/ ESTR3516
TitleLong Course TitleFundamentals in Decision and Data Analytics決策與數據分析
OverviewLong Description This course introduces the basic concepts of decision and data analytics from a statistical and probability view. Topics include linear regression, classification, sampling techniques, model selection, decision trees, principal component analysis, clustering, and their applications in decision making.訊息系統的基本要素、其概念及相互關係。數據庫系統:數據庫模型、關係數據基本概念、數據庫應用編程。訊息檢索系統:訊息檢索模型、索引構造、性能評估。專家系統:知識與數據工程、專家系統外殼、應用實例。