无论伤残人士还是健全人士,有能力去参与运动活动并不是理所当然。透过共融运动,我们希望创造无障碍条件,让每个人都尽其所能以及参于其中。现诚邀您和我们一起体验共融地壸球和硬地滚球! 当日更有机会了解伤健运动员日常的挑战,限制与困难。对共融运动有兴趣的你,👉立即报名!
面对疫情持续,心情和情绪就像坐过山车一样,随着疫情每次的爆发起伏不定。 你可能正在面对一堆不同的情绪:焦虑、沮丧⋯
【只提供英文版本】Have you ever experienced moments that you are so absorbed in one task that you forget the passage of time and worries especially under the current epidemic situation? These moments are called “flow”…
【只提供英文版本】Do you want to improve your concentration? One of the essential elements of mindfulness is to bring our attention to here and now, and…