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Summary and Archive
The Expo was successfully held on 13 December 2012. It attracted the participation of more than 170 teachers and academics from different areas or fields in the higher education sector of Hong Kong. Seven posters received the Poster Awards or Poster Commendations from the Expo, and one of them received the People's Prize which was voted by presenters and participants in the Expo.
You will find the list of the awardees below. We have also put up on this page some snapshots, photos of the posters, and a collection of the PowerPoints (in pdf format) used in the talks for you to better understand the Expo.
After the Expo, a Follow-up Poster Exhibition was organized for seven days (14 to 21 November 2012) on 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Building to provide another opportunity for teachers and students who missed the Expo to learn about the teaching and learning innovations and strategies portrayed on the posters.