Pa | Ethos & Dancing Philosophy
26 – 27.8.2022 ( Fri – Sat) 8:00pm
27 – 28.8.2022 ( Sat – Sun) 3:00pm
Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall
$320 | $260 | $180
Tickets now available at URBTIX
Book now: https://qrs.ly/wddxgcs
Discount Schemes:
Shaw College Alumni and staff may enter the following promotion code at URBTIX ticketing page to enjoy 20% off discount for regular price tickets
Shaw College Students may enter the following promotion code at URBTIX ticketing page to enjoy a further 20% off discount on top of the half price student tickets
Programme Information:
Presented by City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC), Pa | Ethos & Dancing Philosophy will be staged from 26 to 28 August 2022 at Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall. This first half of this cross-disciplinary production is a dance work of pure physical movements created by award-winning choreographer Sang Jijia. The second half features the lecture performance by Corrupt the Youth, which is the debut collaboration with CCDC. The two works use body and mind as the medium respectively to prompt a dialogue between dance and philosophy, questioning the essences of dance.
Contact info:
T: 2329 7803/ E: info@ccdc.com.hk