The Shaw Prize Lecture

The College has the privilege of hosting a public lecture delivered by one of the Shaw Laureates in Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine or Mathematical Sciences. The Shaw Prize is an international award to honour individuals who are currently active in their respective fields and who have recently achieved distinguished and significant advances, who have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research or applications, or who in other domains have achieved excellence.

  • The Shaw Prize LectureProfessor Maria JASIN, Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2019
  • The Shaw Prize LectureDr. Jean-Loup PUGET, Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2018
  • The Shaw Prize LectureProfessor Claire VOISIN, Shaw Laureates in Mathematical Sciences 2017
  • The Shaw Prize LectureProfessor János KOLLÁR, Shaw Laureates in Mathematical Sciences 2017

For more information about the Shaw Prize, please visit its official homepage.

What Goes Wrong in Cystic Fibrosis and Can It Be Repaired? (30 September 2022)

By Professor Michael J WELSH (The Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2022)

Fixing CFTR to Treat Cystic Fibrosis (30 September 2022)

By Dr Paul A NEGULESCU (The Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2022)

Magnetars: extremes of the High Energy Universe (29 October 2021)

By Professor Chryssa KOUVELIOTOU (The Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2021)

Magnetars and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (29 October 2021)

By Professor Victoria M KASPI (The Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2021)

Zeta values and motivic periods (21 May 2021)

By Prof Alexander BEILINGSON (The Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences 2020)

Symmetry through the Representation Theory (21 May 2021)

By Prof David KAZHDAN (The Shaw Laureate in Mathematical Sciences 2020)