Recall the Grateful Memories – UChum Online Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop
After the completion of the Mental First-aid Course, UChum members have been busy preparing wellness activities that can relax students’ mind and bring positive energy to the campus. Although the spread of pandemic affected the mode of the activities, they still launched an Online Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop on 8 April 2022.
Pastel Nagomi Art was founded by Mr Hosoya Norikatsu with an aim to offer a sense of happiness and harmony through soft pastel art using simple and unique finger painting techniques. Painting experiences are not necessary but only the willingness to communicate with their inner voice, the acceptance to one’s imperfections, and the passion to rekindle one’s enthusiasm are required.
At first, some basic painting techniques were taught. Then participants were asked to create a piece on “A Recent Grateful Memory” and share it with other classmates. Under the pandemic, we cannot take anything for granted. People around you or even yourself were facing much pressure while adapting to the new changes. We believed that you will be able to recall some grateful moments, no matter big or small, if you think thoroughly. During this difficult time, if we are able to realise and appreciate the happy moments, we can find our own happiness in life and relieve pressure.
The College mailed the materials needed to the participants in order to let them enjoy the healing power that art brings to us.
A group photo.