Shaw College Alumni Association

Shaw College Alumni AssociationShaw College Alumni Association (SCAA) was established in 1991. All Shaw College graduates are eligible to join the Alumni Association.

The fringe benefits listed as below are exclusively provided for members:

  • Reservation on the Shaw College sports facilities, please click here to view the booking procedure;
  • Priority in enrolling alumni activities with special discount.

Apply NOW!

For more details, please visit SCAA Facebook page or instagram.


Board of Directors 2021-2023
  Name Major Graduation Year
President Ms. AU Oi Chi Irene Chinese Language and Literature 1997
Vice-President Dr. LEE Chi Wo Sports Science and Physical Education 1999
Mr. MAN Wing Pong Psychology 1993
Secretary Ms. CHEUNG Mei Mei Chinese Language and Literature 1996
Director Ms. FUNG Shuk Ching Integrated BBA Programme 1996
Dr. HUNG Chi Wan Medicine 2000
Dr. KO Wai San Fanny Medicine 1994
Mr. LAM Cho Wing Integrative Engineering Programme 1994
Dr. LAM Hiu Fung Mechanical and Automation Engineering 1999
Mr. LAM Kin Wing Sports Science and Physical Education 1997
Dr. LEUNG Yu Lung Dexter Medicine     1997
Mr. LO Tsz Wing Hardy Psychology 1993
Dr. LUK Chi Kong David Medicine 1994
Ms. MA Man Sum Sports Science and Physical Education 2011
Dr. SIN Ngai Chuen Medicine 1994
Ms. WONG Chi Shun English and Translation 1995
Mr. YIU Pak Leung Sports Science and Physical Education 1997
Mr. YUNG Chiu Fai Computer Science 1991
Executive Committee 2021-2023
  Name Major Graduation Year
Chair Dr. LUK Wai Yin Sally Medicine 2005
Vice-Chair Ms. LEUNG Yin Han Natalie Information Engineering 2008
  Mr. CHAN Pak Hang English 2011
Secretary Mr. CHONG Kai Shing Government and Public Administration 2007
Treasurer Mr. WONG Kam Hoi Mathematics 2011
Committee Member Mr. CHEUNG Yi Chung Chinese Medicine 2010
Mr. CHOI Shing Fan Ranger Internet Engineering 2007
Ms. CHONG Sui Yee Integrated BBA Programme 2013
Mr. LEUNG Wai Hong Raygo Architectural Studies 2020
Ms. WONG Hang Yu Government and Public Administration 2017
Ms. YAU Yick Hin Biomedical Engineering 2016