“Possibility Through Exploration” — College Assemblies of United College, 2022-2023 Term 1 (Part II)

With the theme of “Possibility through Exploration”, ten College Assemblies in different formats was held in Term 1 of 2022-2023. Let’s review the fifth and sixth ones!
Click HERE to learn about the first four of College assemblies
The College was delighted to have Ms Jade Kwan, Hong Kong Pop Singer, Recipient of the “Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection Award” and Chairman of “Shining Life Charity Foundation” to deliver a talk on “Sharing on Volunteer Work”, with an audience of over 1,000 students, on 2 December 2022. Ms Kwan shared her path of experiencing volunteer work, with her touching voice in singing. To express gratitude from the College, a souvenir was presented by Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, to Ms Kwan.
In the “College Time” session, Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, congratulated the three winning teams of College Sports Teams, including the UC Men’s and Women’s Volleyball Teams and Women’s Swimming Team, which won the Inter-Collegiate Sports Competitions and posed a group photo on stage.
Mr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary, promoted the UC Student Wellness Programmeon stage. Under the Programme, fortune cookies were given to all students at the foyer of the Hall after the College Assembly. The College Head and Associate Heads, together with Ms Jade Kwan, helped to give cookies to students as an encouragement to them in facing the coming examinations.
Professor Alan K L Chan, Provost, CUHK, delivered an inspiring talk on the theme of “Musings on the Laozi” on 11 November 2022, at a College Assembly held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, with an audience of over 1,200 United College students. The talk was conducted in English, to facilitate non-local students to listen direct the academic sharing of Professor Chan.
To express our gratitude to Professor Chan, a souvenir was presented by Ms Lina H Y Yan, Chairman of College Board of Trustees and Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head to Professor Alan K L Chan.