Distinguished Visiting Scholar Scheme

Distinguished Visiting Scholar Scheme

The Distinguished Visiting Scholar Scheme, sponsored by the United College Endowment Fund, was established in 1981. The programme invites internationally renowned scholars to visit the College every year, in order to promote cultural and academic exchanges between the scholar and the College members.

Criteria of the nominee:

  • scholastically distinguished
  • a good speaker

The nominators must be a member of United College, and the nominations will be handled by the Distinguished Visiting Scholar Committee under the Assembly of Fellows. The structure of the committee includes staff from various faculties and student representative.

DVS package:

  • Business class air ticket for the invited scholar or economy class tickets for the invited scholar and his/her accompanying spouse
  • Hotel accommodation and meals (arranged by the College)
  • Living allowance

Visitation activities:

  • Welcoming lunch
  • Two to three public lectures (depending on visitation duration)
  • Night talk or High Table Dinner organized by the College or student society
  • Visiting related academic departments and meeting colleagues
  • Farewell dinner

Scholar List

Committee Membership


Professor Helen M L MENG


Ex-Officio Members

Professor Stephen H S WONG(Head)
Professor Martin C S WONG(Associate College Head & Dean of Students)
Mr Tony Chan (College Secretary) 



Professor Kevin Y F AU
Professor Paul K S CHAN
Professor Alan C K CHEUNG
Professor Peter C K CHEUNG
Professor HO Che-wah
Professor LAM Ching-man
Professor LU Yi Chun
Professor Enders K W NG
Professor ZHAO Yuhong


Student Representative

Miss CHAN Wing Yin 





Terms of Reference:

1. To plan and organise the College’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programmes.

2. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows and Cabinet.

Nomination Form