Staff Grant, Funding & Support

International Conference Grant Scheme

The aim of the International Conference Grant Scheme is to encourage staff members to attend and present research papers at international conferences. Subsidies normally cover registration fees and travel/accommodation expenses. The maximum grant for each application is HK$8,000. A staff member may receive grants up to a maximum of HK$10,000 for attending more than one conference in each financial year (July-June). The applicant must apply for the grant prior to the conference.  The two exercises of applications will be open in May and November.  Application forms are downloadable from the College webpage during the application period or can be obtained from Ms Vivian Lam (Tel: 3943 7581) / Mrs Eastre Chan (Tel: 3943 8657), Secretary of the Committee on Academic Exchange and Research of United College.

United College Endowment Fund Research Grant Scheme and Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant Scheme

The United College Endowment Fund Research Grant Scheme and Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant Scheme were established in 1989 to provide financial support to faculty members of the College to carry out academic research projects. The grant amount for each project will normally not exceed HK$30,000.  Applications are invited from staff members of the College in April to May for the new financial year (July-June). Application forms are downloadable from the College Webpage during the application period or can be obtained from Ms Vivian Lam (Tel: 3943 7581) / Mrs Eastre Chan (Tel: 3943 8657), Secretary of the Committee on Academic Exchange and Research of United College.

Conference Sponsorship Scheme

The College has established the Conference Sponsorship Scheme to provide financial sponsorship as “seed money” to staff members of academic departments and units of the University for organizing academic conferences in Hong Kong. The designated conference account holder will be required to provide the College with a full financial report upon completion of the conference, and return, on a pro-rata basis, unused funds to the College if the conference eventually has a credit balance in the final account. Interested parties are invited to apply in May annually.  Application forms are downloadable from the College Webpage during the application period or can be obtained from Ms Vivian Lam (Tel: 3943 7581) / Mrs Eastre Chan (Tel: 3943 8657), Secretary of the Committee on Academic Exchange and Research of United College.

United College Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W N Cheung Research Excellence Award

United College Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W N Cheung Research Excellence Award
(Formerly named “United College Early Career Research Excellence Award” in 2018-2021)

The Award was set up in 2018 to promote research excellence and to recognize and honour outstanding academic staff members of United College at the outset of their independent research careers. It was established with a generous donation from Mr Joseph W N Cheung, College Trustee, and will be given out annually to a promising early career scholar of United College. Applications are invited in April to May each year. Application forms and guidelines are downloadable from the College Webpage or can be obtained from Ms Vivian Lam (Tel: 3943 7581) / Mrs Eastre Chan (Tel: 3943 8657), Secretary of Committee on Academic Exchange and Research of United College.

Distinguished Visiting Scholars

Under the sponsorship of United College Endowment Fund, the College invites one internationally renowned scholar each year for academic exchange activities.  The invited scholar is provided with return air tickets as well as accommodation and living allowance.  The visitation arrangements will be jointly worked out by the Distinguished Visiting Scholar Committee and the nominator, usually include two public lectures and meetings with faculty members and students.  Nomination forms are downloadable from College Webpage, for questions, please contact Mr George W Y Lam, Secretary of the Distinguished Visiting Scholar Committee (Tel: 3943 7598).

Website of the scheme, please click here.

Staff Publications Scheme

This scheme was set up in 2005 to encourage College staff to actively participate in research activities and publish their findings. It is hoped that such activities will enhance their professional and academic standing and help them to gain recognition for their works. Application forms are downloadable from College Webpage, or can be obtained from Ms Amy M Y Luk, Secretary of College Publications Committee (Tel: 3943 8654).

Application Form Guidelines

Student Campus Training and Service Award Scheme

The aim of the scheme is to provide financial support to staff of the College who may need to engage undergraduates of United College as helpers in research or administrative projects. The award rate for a student helper is currently HK$63 per hour (including HK$3 as MPF). The scheme is administered by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. The two exercises of application in each financial year will usually open in May and November. Application forms are downloadable from College Webpage, or can be obtained from Mrs Eastre T Y Chan, Secretary of the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme (Tel: 3943 8657).

Social Fund

The Social Fund was set up with the aim of fostering personal interaction and strengthening contacts among teachers and students of United College outside of the classroom. As such, it covers expenses incurred by teaching and administrative staff of United College while engaged in consultation, tutorial and such other legitimate activities in relation to their teaching and mentoring duties. The yearly budget is $1,000 per staff member but the maximum claim is $100 per person per occasion. Additional funds have been allocated to supervisors of GEUC4011, College Coordinators, Wardens, PE Teachers as well as leaders of study tours. Application for reimbursement should be submitted to the College Dean of Students’ Office before 15 June 2023. Application forms and further details are downloadable from College webpage, or can be obtained from Ms Vivian Lam, Dean of Students’ Office, United College (Tel: 3943 7581).

Guidelines Application Form

United College Staff Residence

The United College Staff Residence is located on United Road opposite Hang Seng Hall. There are 20 family units at the Residence for United College staff who are not entitled to other housing benefits, and for visitors. The College is responsible for the management of the staff residence. For enquiries on the rental of visitor flats, please contact Mr Ken K W Chan, Dean of Students’ Office at 3943 1288.

Reservation Form for Visiting Flats at UC Staff Residence

Staff Emergency Loan

Thanks to the generous donations of College staff members and support from the College Endowment Fund, the College set up an Emergency Loan Scheme for terms of service B and C staff in 2004. The purpose of this Scheme is to provide short-time financial relief to staff in need, especially at times of unexpected family predicaments.

Tien Chi Microcomputer Laboratory

The Tien Chi Microcomputer Laboratory, located on the ground floor of United College Wu Chung Library, opens Mondays through Saturdays. The Laboratory is equipped with computers in Windows, four iMacs, printers (including a 3-D printer), scanners, audio equipment etc. Creative Media Studio is also located inside the lab, with two Full HD Video Cameras, a Live production switcher, an Audio mixer and other filming/production equipment for United College students and staff to use. Please read details here.