Dr. Chuan XIE

Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests
Helicobacter pylori, Autophagy


For details about citations arising from my publications and links to online versions of some of the publications, refer to:  https://publons.com/researcher/3991782

(*corresponding author, ^co-first author)


  • Xie C, Li N, Wang H, He C, Hu Y, Peng C, Ouyang Y, Wang D, Xie Y, Chen J, Shu X, Zhu Y, Lu N*. Inhibition of autophagy aggravates DNA damage response and gastric tumorigenesis via Rad51 ubiquitination in response to H. pylori infection. Gut Microbes. 2020 Jun 26:1-23.





