Social Service Mentorship Programme Kick-off Ceremony

S.H. Ho College Student Service Mentorship Programme is a year-long service programme which has been co-organized with Hong Kong Children and Youth Services since 2013. This year, eight S.H. Ho students will mentor 16 F.3 students from GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School (the school), collaborating to develop various programmes to serve the disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong and Macau.
On 8 November, the kick-off ceremony was started by welcome remarks by Prof. Samuel Sun, College Master; Ms. LAU Choi Lin, Guidance Team Master of the school and Prof. WONG Kam Bo, Dean of Students and Chairman of Student Service Mentorship Programme. After the speeches, the three speakers joined other guests, including Mrs. Eva Lo, Dr. NG Pun-hon, Ms. Peggy Yip, three college mentors and Ms. Alice Lee, School Social Worker of the school, in officiating at the ceremony of ‘pasting colourful paper fragments’ on the foam board, symbolizing that student mentors and student mentees would wholeheartedly organize the service programmes together and leave impact on one another’s life.
After the ceremony, all participants were getting to know one another during ice-breaking games and communal dinner. Prof. WONG Kam Bo encouraged participants to enjoy the serving opportunities with an open heart.
On 19 November, student mentors and mentees paid a visit to the lonely elderly in Ma On Shan as their first local service. They learned how to communicate with the elderly which will be important for them when preparing social services in Macau in March 2017.