Reaching New Horizons on Foot

S.H. Ho College initiated the Runner Force Programme in 2012. Participants receive training for distance races on a regular basis. The programme combines healthy lifestyle with seeing the world. Students’ mental and physical health, perseverance and mind strength will be trained through running. Not only the participants’ horizons are broadened, they can befriend with other runners and share their know-how and pleasure of running. Last year, the runners participated in “UNICEF Charity Run 2013” and “Riverside Winwin Run cum Charity Run for Activist Association”.
On 24 November 2013, six experienced runners of Runner Force, including students Chen Yan Yao, Tsang Fuk Cheung, Ma Ka Chun, and staff members Ida Law and Emery Chan, arrived at the Hong Kong Disneyland at 5:00am to prepare for the famous distance running race, “UNICEF Charity Run 2013”. The race route covered Disneyland, Sunny Bay and Inspiration Lake, and six runners successfully completed the half marathon race (21K). The best performing runner is Tsang Fuk Cheung, who completed the race in around 1 hour and 45 minutes. Apart from joining the race and enjoying running, each runner also expressed care to the world and society by making donation to support UNICEF.
Runner Force emphasizes mutual support among teammates. The six experienced runners led new runners to join the “Riverside Winwin Run cum Charity Run for Activist Association” on 15 December 2013. Despite the heavy rain, slanting and slippery route, runners still completed the race with satisfactory results. The new runner Winky Leung finished 10K in 56 minutes, whose result was placed on top 6 in the Female Youngster Group.
In February 2014, 18 members will join the largest and most significant marathon in Hong Kong, Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon. The College will continue to recruit elite runners to participate in international marathons.