The Heart of Doctoring

‘S.H. Ho College is not just a place for us to stay, it’s rather a place of vitality for us to learn and grow,’ said Zoe Wong, the second president of the Medical Society of the College. On 14 November 2014, Zoe reported to the attendees of the Medical Society Annual Dinner the contributions of the society on promoting healthy lifestyle, fostering intellectual exchange among medical students and nurturing peer support in the big family. One year ago, the society was officially launched and Dr. Tzu-leung Ho passed the skeleton, a symbol of dedication to caring patients, to the first president Elbert Lee. In the same location, Elbert Lee passed the same skeleton to Zoe Wong. It symbolises the heart of doctoring is being ignited within the close-knit community.
The dinner was graced by the presence of Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-chancellor of the University; Prof. Francis Chan, Dean of Medicine; Dr. Tzu-leung Ho, Chairman of the Committee of Overseers, S.H. Ho College; Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of S.H. Ho College; as well as teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Medicine. Before the commencement of the dinner, the attendees had a great moment appreciating the exhibition of the medical antiquities from the 17th to 20th century set up by Jonathan Leung, a Year Three medical student of the College. This was the first ever student-organised exhibition in Hong Kong showcasing the medical antiquities which Jonathan collected in the United Kingdom and France. With ‘vitality’ as the theme of the annual dinner, Dr. Tzu-leung Ho, explained the choice of the vitalising song dedication at the dinner. ‘I hope that the songs remind you of positive attitude and mutual help under the lion rock. Nothing is impossible,’ said Dr. Ho.
Prof. Sung reminisced the his memory of visiting Christian Zheng Sheng College with Dr. Tzu-leung Ho, and staff of The S.H. Ho Foundation and S.H. Ho College. He appreciated the philanthropic deeds of the Foundation to Zheng Sheng College’s campus renovation project and S.H. Ho College’s continuous development. ‘Have you ever thought of serving the poor in primitive villages or those living under the poverty line?’ Prof. Sung asked. ‘There’s a time to receive, and there’s a time to give.’ He also asked the students to treasure the intimate teacher-student relationship which was far from imagination when he was a medical student.
Following the inspiring speeches, Prof. Joseph Sung, Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dr. Tzu-leung Ho, Prof. Francis Chan, Prof. Chan Kai Ming and some medical students proceeded to the stage to share with the audiences their musical talents which were revitalising and memorable. In Master Sun’s closing remark, he thanked Dr. Ho and Mrs. Ho for their unwavering support, and staff of the Faculty of Medicine for their participation in the dinner. Young generations are the vitality of the society. It is expected the medical students will pass on the heart of doctoring and embrace the challenges that they might encounter.