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Residence and Dining Events in Term 2, 2020-21

Residence Arrangements

According to the policy announced by the University on 16 December, 2020, S.H. Ho College will only offer hostel places to students with genuine needs for campus residence in the term. All hostel rooms will remain single occupancy in the period. The hostel fee in Term 2 will be charged on a pro rata basis, to be calculated on the fee of $6,463.50/term. During this period, non-residents without prior approval of the College will NOT be allowed to enter hostel areas.


Communal Dining Arrangements

Cultural Dining and High Table Dinners will remain to be suspended in Term 2.

Communal Dining will take place in a special format. Students could sign up for the meal plan voluntarily. They could collect their boxed meals at the student canteen in Ho Sin Hang Hall and return to their hostel room in single occupancy to enjoy the dinner.

The College Symposium (GESH 1000), which usually takes place during High Table Dinners, will be conducted online. Students are required to attend 80% (i.e. 2 out of 3) of the online talks to fulfil the attendance requirement of the course. In Term 2, the College Symposium will begin from 7:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) on the following dates.

20 January, 2021 (Wednesday)

24 February, 2021 (Wednesday)

17 March, 2021 (Wednesday)