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Wardens & Resident Tutors

Message from Wardens

Dr. Victor LAU Kwok-chi

Warden of Ho Tim Hall

Mr. Clement WU Tat-cheung

Warden of Lee Quo Wei Hall

‘Living with and taking care of 300 energetic teens day and night is definitely a challenging duty, but being the warden of S. H. Ho College is even more challenging since hostel life is a major means to actualize one important mission of the College – “home”. To create a harmonious home for 300 young people coming from diverse backgrounds is hardly simple, which would need a lot of compromises, tolerance and, above all, trust. My over 20 years’ experiences as teacher, in both secondary and tertiary institutions, have given me faith in young people: they know, sooner or later, what is good or bad if we let them choose the way they live. I hope, as the warden of the hostel, I am not the one who keeps telling students what to do and what not to do, but someone whom students would say hello to in the morning, have a nice chat in the corridor, and get supports when in need. I am teaching science and biology education, particularly interested in science philosophy. Badminton, tennis and table tennis are my favorite sports, but Tai Chi and traditional Chinese Kung Fu are my true love.’

—— Dr. Victor LAU Kwok-chi
Warden of Ho Tim Hall


‘“Communication” is always two-way. It could not be communication at all if teachers just keep lecturing. To build up “mutual communication”, one should have other’s trust in the first place. Trust is the cornerstone of “communication”.

An “ideal hostel” should include all kinds of objective conditions, for example, the hardware and software parts. These have been made possible by the concerted effort of all resident wardens, staff members and students. However, the most important of all is to let students admitted to the College develop a feeling of living in “a small place of their own”. This is signified by the gigantic home sculpture at the lawn. The feeling of living in “a small place of their own” will bring about a sense of belonging. It will motivate us to treasure this place and this home. College students, coming from everywhere in the world, reflect unique personality and show different cultural background. I hope when we meet, we will nod to one another, say hello and have a chat. When we are willing to communicate, we will gradually consolidate the software parts of our hostels and keep brightening our home together.’

—— Mr. Clement Wu Tat-cheung
Warden of Lee Quo Wei Hall

Resident Tutors 2022-23

Miss CHAWLA, Dhvanii


Academic background
Biomedical Sciences, Cell & Molecular Biology

Interests and hobbies

Tennis, painting and travel

Miss TEO Qin Xuan


Academic background
Social Work

Interests and hobbies

Cooking, baking, running, travelling and chatting

Mr. LEUNG Sai To, Janco


Academic background
Chinese Language and Literature

Interests and hobbies
Literature, art, calligraphy, table-tennis, hiking, swimming, and anything that is fun

Mr. SHI Ganquan, Matthew


Academic background

Interests and hobbies
Languages, singing, cooking, badminton and chatting

Miss HUNG Sze Man, Angela


Academic background
Biology, Biochemistry

Interests and hobbies
Chinese music, movies, water sports

Miss TSANG Hin Hung, Rainbow


Academic background
Environmental Science

Interests and hobbies
Water sports, photography and movies

Mr. LAM Ho Wai, Samson


Academic background

Interests and hobbies
Working-out, Doing Yoga and Reading Comics

Mr. NG Tsin Hung, Leo


Academic background
Earth & Atmospheric Science

Interests and hobbies
Watching movie, Backpacking and Hiking

Miss KWAN Yee Man, Joycelyn


Academic background

Interests and hobbies
Music, sports, eating, baking, binge watching netflix. chatting and basically anything fun

Miss KUA Wei Zhia, Wiz


Academic background
Risk Management Science

Interests and hobbies
Statistics enthusiast, an adventurist, exploring nature (more specifically, hiking & kayaking) and learn about everything around me

Mr. TANG Zizhou, Steve


Academic background
Information Engineering

Interests and hobbies
Cinephile, amateur photographer and water sports lover