S.H. Ho College Summer Programmes
S.H. Ho College encourages students to enrich themselves through cross-cultural exposure and make friends from around the world. Students may consider joining an array of cultural excursions, social service trips, enrolling in short courses at renowned universities and exercising during the summer break. Please click What’s New page for more details.
Sketching and Cultural Tour – Dunhuang
Dunhuang is a county-level city in northwestern Gansu Province, Western China. The 2000 Chinese census reported a population of 187,578 in this city. Dunhuang was a major stop on the ancient Silk Road and is best known for the nearby Mogao Caves. Under the guidance of Prof. Ng, trippers will experience sketching in nature and cultural exploration in Dunhuang dated 20-26 June 2016. Prof. Ng yeut-lau was under the tutelage of Professor Chao Shao-ang, with special focus on landscape painting in Lingnan style. Click here for details.
Cultural Exploration – Hawaii
Hawaii, known as the ‘Paradise of the Pacific’, brings up images of warm breezes, hula, magnificent volcanoes, soft sand beaches edged by translucent water. With keen interest in exploring the authentic Polynesian culture in Hawaii, 22 S.H. Ho College members and students will visit historical and geographical sites like Pearl Harbor and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park from 26 May to 3 June 2016. They will immerse in the cultural melting pot with ethnicities and lifestyles. Gaining deeper understanding about the local culture and society through excursions in different cities, students will learn to appreciate cultural diversities and embrace differences in a multi-cultural society. Click here to visit our Facebook fanpage for the trip’s updates in late May.
Social Service Trip – Vietnam
S.H. Ho College organizes its first social service visit to Vietnam dated 16 – 23 May 2016. Partnering with SJ Vietnam (Solidarités Jeunesses Vietnam), our service team would mainly serve at a school for blind children in Ho Chi Minh City. There would also be chances to exchange with local university students. The trip would also bring participants to experience the scenic Mekong Delta. Click here for details.
Summer Study Abroad
To increase students’ language proficiency and international exposure, they are encouraged to take English immersion courses, Putonghua courses or other short academic courses at world renowned universities during summer. To support students’ participation in overseas summer institutes, the S.H. Ho College Scholarships, Awards, Financial Aids and Grants Committee offers the S.H. Ho College Exchange Scholarships (SHHO Summer Institute) for suitable students who apply for this programme. Click here for details.
Sports – Sailing Leadership Training and Tennis Intensive Training Camp
Sports and recreation help students to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. S.H. Ho College organizes sailing training to build students’ confidence, leadership, team work and mutual trust through various sailing tasks and team activities. Click here to peruse the details in regards to sailing adventure this year. To train up talented tennis players for the SHHO Tennis Teams next year, the College is going to select students with great potentials to the Summer Intensive Tennis Training Camp dated 20-23 May 2016 in Kaohsiung Tennis Academy (大高雄網球訓練中心), which is an international tennis center in Taiwan. Intensive training will be provided to selected candidates. Click here for details.
Please stay tuned for updated news regarding summer programmes via mass emails and website update. For further enquiries, please contact the Dean of Students’ Office at shhosa@cuhk.edu.hk.