Home away from Home
Anchor for Students’ Voyage


S.H. Ho College will admit around 150 students each year, in which around 70% are from Hong Kong and 30% from Mainland China and overseas. We will admit students from all the faculties in order to establish a student community with diversity. Academic achievements of students are not the sole criterion of admission. We look for students who appreciate our missions and visions, and would fully participate in the College life through communal dining and full residency. Students with leadership and other talents would have an advantage.

If you want to know more about the College, you are welcomed to:

1. Read our Admission Brochure.


2. Follow us on Instagram and join our Facebook Fan Page

3. Subscribe to SHHO e-newsletter.

4. Watch the feature videos What We Talk About and the Connects Online Channel to learn more about the colourful life at S.H. Ho College.


Each College has its own features. But you may ask, why S.H. Ho College? At our College, you can discover a home-like sense of belonging. Every single person is indispensable. Together they form a big family. You can also equip yourself at this berth where you can build a solid foundation for the future development. For the major features of the College and the application procedures, you can click the following for details.