School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學




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Prof. ZHOU Jingying (周京穎) obtained her Ph.D. degree in Microbiology from the AIDS Institute, Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2013 and received the Awards for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student (HKU).  She continued her research as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Alfred Cheng’s lab, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and became a Research Assistant Professor in 2018.  Prof. Zhou has published in international journals including Gut, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cancer Research, Nature Communications, Nature Microbiology and served as co-inventor of two U.S. patents on DNA vaccines.  She has received academic awards including recognitions from the American Association of Immunologists (AAI), United European Gastroenterology (UEG) and AstraZeneca.  Prof. Zhou’s current research interests are innate and adaptive immune regulation in cancer, with particular focus on the mechanisms of tumor microenvironment in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and aiming at the enhancement of cancer immunotherapy.   

  1. Innate and adaptive immune regulation in cancer. 
  2. Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of immune cells in cancer. 
  3. Tumor immunotherapy.
  1. Zeng, X., Zhou, J.#, Xiong, Z., Sun, H., Yang, W., Mok, M., Wang, J., Li, J., Liu, M., Tang, W., Feng, Y., Wang, H.K.S., Tsang, S.W., Chow, K.L., Yeung, C., Wong, J., Lai, P.B.S., Chan, A.W.H., To, K.F., Chan, S.L., Xia, Q., Xue, J., Chen, X., Yu, J., Peng, S., Sung, J.J.Y., Kuang, M., Cheng, A.S.#. (2021). Cell cycle-related kinase reprograms the liver immune microenvironment to promote cancer metastasis. Cell Mol Immunol. 2021 Apr;18(4):1005-1015. [2/28] [IF: 11.53]. Immunology & Microbiology, 58/556.
  2. Yang, W.#, Feng, Y.#, Zhou, J.#, Cheung, O.K., Cao, J.Q., Wang, J., Tang, W.S., Tu, Y.L., Xu, L.L., Wu, F., Tan, Z., Sun, H., Tian, Y., Wong, J., Lai, P.B., Chan, S.L., Chan, A.W., Tan, P., Chen, Z., Sung, J.J., Yip, K.Y.L., To, K.F., Cheng, A.S. (2021). Enhancer reprogramming by selective HDAC8 inhibition potentiates T cell infiltration and durable antitumor efficacy of PD-L1 blockade. Sci Transl Med. 2021 Apr 7;13(588). [IF: 17.956] Medicine, (miscellaneous) 23/2447.
  3. Kwong, T.T., Wong, C.H., Zhou, J. , Cheng, A.S., Sung, J.J., Chan, A.W., Chan, S.L. (2021). Chemotherapy-induced recruitment of myeloid-derived suppressor cells abrogates efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade. JHEP Rep., 2021 Apr 1; 3 (2),100224. [3/7] .
  4. Liu, M.#, Zhou, J.#, Liu, X., Feng, Y., Yang, W., Wu, F., Cheung, O.K.W., Sun, H., Zeng, X., Tang, W., Mok, M., Wong, J., Yeung, P.C., Lai, P.B.S., Jin, H., Chen, J., Chan, S.L., Chan, A.W.H., To, K.F., Chen, Z., Sung, J.J., Chen, M., Cheng, A.S. (2020). Targeting Monocyte-intrinsic Enhancer Reprogramming Improves Immunotherapy Efficacy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gut. 2020 Feb; 69(2):365-379. [2/23] [IF: 23.059] Gastroenterology, 2/144] .
  5. Sun, H., Yang, W., Tian, Y., Zeng, X., Zhou, J., Mok, M.T.S., Tang, W., Feng, Y., Xu, L., Chan, A.W.H., Tong, J.H., Cheung, Y.S., Lai, P.B.S., Wang, H.K.S., Tsang, S.W., Chow, K.L., Hu, M., Liu, R., Huang, L., Yang, B., Yang, P., To, K.F., Sung, J.J.Y., Wong, G.L.H., Wong, V.W.S., & Cheng, A.S. (2018). An inflammatory-CCRK circuitry drives mTORC1-dependent metabolic and immunosuppressive reprogramming in obesity-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Commun. 2018 Dec; 6;9(1):5214. [5/26] [IF: 12.121] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, (miscellaneous) 11/254.
  6. Zhou, J., Liu, M., Sun, H., Feng, Y., Xu, L., Chan, A.W.H., Tong, J.H., Wong, J., Chong, C.C.N., Lai, P.B.S., Wang, H.K., Tsang, S.W., Goodwin, T., Liu, R., Huang, L., Chen, Z., Sung, J.J., Chow, K.L., To, K.F., & Cheng, A.S. (2018). Hepatoma-intrinsic CCRK inhibition diminishes myeloid-derived suppressor cell immunosuppression and enhances immune-checkpoint blockade efficacy. Gut. 2018 May; 67:931-944. [1/20] [IF: 23.059]. Gastroenterology 2/144,.
  7. Cheung, K.L., Kwok, H.Y., Huang, Y.R., Chen, M., Mo, Y.F.,Wu, X.L., Lam, K.S., Kong, H.K., Lau, C.K., Zhou, J., Li, J.J., Cheng, L., Lee, B.K., Peng, Q.L., Lu, X.F., An, M.H., Wang, H., Shang, S., Zhou, B.P., Wu, H., Xu, A.M., Yuen, K.Y., & Chen Z. (2017). Gut-homing Δ42PD1+Vδ2 T cells promote innate mucosal damage via TLR4 during Aacute HIV type 1 infection. Nat Microbiol. 2017 Oct; 2(10):1389-1402. [10/23] [IF: 15.540] Immunology & Microbiology,, 14/556.
  8. Tan, Z.#, Zhou, J.#, Cheung, K.L., Yu, Z., Cheung, K.W., Liang, J., Wang, H., Lee, B., Man, K., Liu, L., Yuen, K., & Chen, Z. (2014). Vaccine-elicited CD8+ T cells cure mesothelioma by overcoming tumor-induced immunosuppressive environment. Cancer Res. 2014 Nov; 74; 6010. [2/12] [IF: 12.701] Oncology, 20/354.
  9. Zhou J.#, Cheung K.L.#, Liu, Henggui#, Tan, Z., Xian, Tang, Kang, Yuanxi, Du, Yanhua, Wang, Haibo, Liu, L., & Chen, Z. (2013). Potentiating functional antigen-specific CD8+ T cell immunity by a novel PD1 isoform-based fusion DNA vaccine. Mol Ther. 2013 Jul; 21(7): 1445-1455. [1/10] [IF: 12.701] Medicine, (miscellaneous) 48/2447.
  10. Zhou, J., Cheung, K.L., Tan, Z., Wang, H., Yu, W., Du, Y., Liu, L., Yuen, K., & Chen, Z. (2013). PD1-based vaccine amplifies CD8+ T cell immunity in mice. J Clin Invest. 2013 Jun; 123(6):2629-42. Medicine, (miscellaneous) 24/2447.

    # First/Co-first author; corresponding/co-corresponding author
  1. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-21 to 31-Dec-23]: "Delineating the immunoregulatory role of cholesterol on natural killer T cells in cancer liver metastases" (HK$996,285).
  2. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-Sep-20 to 31-Aug-22]: "Improving liver cancer immunotherapy by co-targeting monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells" (HK$1,000,000).
  3. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-20 to 31-Dec-21]: "Mechanistic delineation of myeloid CCRK signaling in tumor immunosuppression" (HK$1,004,845).
  4. AstraZeneca Pre-clinical Oncology Research Programme [PI; 30-Nov-17 to 29-Nov-19]: "Enhancement of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Immunotherapy through mTOR Inhibition" (HK$400,000).