School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

GAO BoAssociate Professor


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Address: 604A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK


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Prof. GAO Bo (高波) is an Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He obtained his bachelor and doctoral degrees from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he received the academic training in the fields of human genetics and developmental genetics. After completing his postdoctoral training at National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), he worked in the same institute as staff scientist. He then set up his own laboratory at the University of Hong Kong, where his research mainly focused on cell signaling in development and disease with a special interest in skeletal disorders. In 2023, he joined CUHK and expanded his research to broader areas of cell biology, developmental biology, and skeletal biology. Prof. Gao has published in international journals including Nature, Nature Genetics, Developmental Cell, Cell Research, Science Advances, Nature Communications, and Development as first and/or corresponding authors. He has received a number of academic honors and awards, including Dr Cheng Yu Tung Fellowship, Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Innovation Mayor Award, Second-Class Prize of National Natural Science Award, National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, NIH The Fellows Award for Research Excellence, NHGRI Intramural Research Training Award, NIH Genome Recognition of Employee Accomplishments and Talents (GREAT) Award, and Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award for Youths.

  1. Skeletal Biology
  2. Skeletal Disorders (e.g., idiopathic scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and osteogenesis imperfecta)
  3. Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (Wnt/PCP) signaling
  4. ER Biology
Skeletal Biology and Skeletal Disorders
  1. 1. Chen, P., Tan, Z., Shek, H.T., Zhang, J., Zhou, Y., Yin, S., Dong, Z., Xu, J., Qiu, A., Dong, L., Gao, B., & To, M.K.T. (2022). Phenotypic Spectrum and Molecular Basis in a Chinese Cohort of Osteogenesis Imperfecta With Mutations in Type I Collagen. Frontiers in Genetics, 28;13:816078.
  2. Lai, W., Feng, X., Yue, M., Cheung, P.W.H., Choi, V.N.T., Song, Y.Q., Luk, K.D.K., Cheung, J.P.Y., & Gao, B. (2021). Identification of Copy Number Variants in a Southern Chinese Cohort of Patients with Congenital Scoliosis. Genes, 12(8), 1213.
  3. Feng, X., Cheung, J.P.Y., Je, J.S.H., Cheung, P.W.H., Chen, S.X., Yue, M., Wang, N., Choi, V.N.T., Yang, X.Y., Song, Y.Q., Luk, K.D.K., & Gao, B. (2021). Genetic variants of TBX6 and TBXT identified in patients with congenital scoliosis in Southern China. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 39(5):971-988.
  4. 4. Li, C., Wang, N., Schaffer, A.A., Liu, X., Zhao, Z., Elliott, G., Garrett, L., Choi, N.T., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Wang, J., Su, P., Chan, D., Cui, S., Yang, Y., & Gao, B. (2020). Mutations in COMP cause familial carpal tunnel syndrome. Nature Communications, 11(1):3642, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17378-z.
  5. Leung, V., Gao, B., Leung, K., Melhado, I., Wynn, S., Au, T., Dung, N., Lau, J., Mak, A., Chan, D., & Cheah, K. (2011). SOX9 governs differentiation stage-specific gene expression in growth plate chondrocytes via direct concomitant transactivation and repression. PLoS Genetics., 7(11):e1002356.
  6. Gao, B., Hu, J., Stricker, S., Cheung, M., Ma, G., Law, K.F., Witte, F., Briscoe, J., Mundlos, S., He, L., Cheah, K.S., & Chan, D. (2009). A mutation in Ihh that causes digit abnormalities alters its signalling capacity and range. Nature, 30;458(7242):1196-200.
  7. Gao, B., & He, L. (2004). Answering a century old riddle: brachydactyly type A1. Cell Research, 14(3):179-87.
  8. Gao, B., Guo, J., She, C., Shu, A., Yang, M., Tan, Z., Yang, X., Guo, S., Feng, G., & He, L. (2001). Mutations in IHH, encoding Indian hedgehog, cause brachydactyly type A-1. Nature Genetics, 28(4):386-8.

Wnt/PCP signaling
  1. Feng, D., He, Z., & Gao, B. (2022). Analysis of the Ubiquitination and Phosphorylation of Vangl Proteins. Bio Protocol, 2022 Oct 20;12(20):e4533..
  2. Wang, J., Feng, D., & Gao, B. (2021). An overview of potential therapeutic agents targeting WNT/PCP signaling. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, 269:175-213.
  3. Feng, D., Wang, J., Yang, W., Li, J., Lin, X., Zha, F., Wang, X., Ma, L., Choi, N.T., Mii, Y., Takada, S., Huen, M.S.Y., Guo, Y., Zhang, L., & Gao, B. (2021) Regulation of Wnt/PCP Signaling through p97/VCP-KBTBD7-mediated Vangl Ubiquitination and Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation. Science Advances, 7(20):eabg2099.
  4. Gao, B., Ajima, R., Yang, W., Li, C., Song, H., Anderson, M.J., Liu, R.R., Lewandoski, M.B., Yamaguchi, T.P., & Yang, Y. (2018). Coordinated directional outgrowth and pattern formation by integration of Wnt5a and Fgf signaling in planar cell polarity. Development, 13;145(8).
  5. Yang, W., Garrett, L., Feng, D., Elliott, G., Liu, X., Wang, N., Wong, Y.M., Choi, N.T., Yang, Y., & Gao, B. (2017). Wnt-induced Vangl2 phosphorylation is dose-dependently required for planar cell polarity in mammalian development. Cell Research, 27(12):1466-1484.
  6. Gao, B., & Yang, Y. (2013). Planar Cell Polarity in vertebrate limb morphogenesis. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 23(4):438-44.
  7. Gao, B.(2012). Wnt Regulation of Planar Cell Polarity (PCP). Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 101:263-295.
  8. Gao, B., Song, H., Bishop, K., Elliot, G., Garrett, L., English, M.A., Andre, P., Robinson, J., Sood, R., Minami, Y., Economides, A.N., & Yang, Y. (2011). Wnt signaling gradients establish planar cell polarity by inducing Vangl2 phosphorylation through Ror2. Developmental Cell, 20(2): 163-176.
  1. RGC – General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-23]: “A Novel Protein Quality Control Mechanism in Regulating Core Planar Cell Polarity Protein Vangl2 and Beyond” (HK $1,180,218).
  2. RGC – General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-22]: “Investigating the role of Vangl2 phosphorylation at the C-terminal PDZ-binding motif” (HK $1,075,732).
  3. RGC – General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-21]: “Elucidating the role of USP6/32 in Wnt/PCP signaling” (HK $1,195,542).
  4. RGC – General Research Fund [PI; 01-Sept-19]: “Elucidating the role of CUL3-KBTBD6/7 in regulating Vangl2 ubiquitination and PCP signaling” (HK $1,116,019).
  5. RGC – Early Career Scheme [PI; 01-July-17]: “Regulation of non-canonical Wnt/PCP signaling by Vangl2 phosphorylation” (HK $1,313,444).
  6. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 30-Jan-22]: "The role of ECM mutations as predisposing factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” (HK $1,499,848).
  7. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-Sept-20]: “Genetic Diagnosis and Research of Osteogenesis Imperfecta” (HK $1,499,870).
  8. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-June-19]: “Identifying the Genetic Factors underlying Congenital Scoliosis in Hong Kong” (HK $1,499,752).
  9. Health and Medical Research Fund [PI; 01-March-18]: “Understanding the Molecular Basis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” (HK $1,195,048).
  10. National Natural Science Foundation – General Program [PI; 01-Jan-22]: “The molecular mechanism of deubiquitinases in the regulation of planar cell polarity signaling” (RMB $580,000).
  11. National Natural Science Foundation – General Program [PI; 01-Jan-18]: “Elucidating the role of post-translational modification of planar cell polarity core protein Vangl2 in Wnt/PCP signaling pathway” (RMB $580,000).