Project/Company Name

ACE VR Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

ACE VR Ltd. aims to develop virtual reality (VR) platform for evaluation of visual performance, providing an unprecedented platform to eye care providers and visually impaired patients to measure and monitor visual disability. Current examination of visual performance in clinical medicine has been largely predicated on visual acuity (VA) and visual field (VF) testing. Although VA and VF results have been demonstrated to be associated with vision-related quality of life, the associations are weak. There are other visual performance indicators including contrast sensitivity, color vision and stereopsis but they are not routinely tested. Notably, no clinical tests evaluate visual performance directly related to patients' activities of daily living. Our VR platform has the potential to revolutionize clinical examination of visual performance by simulating daily tasks of an individual (e.g. navigating in a busy street, walking up and down flights of stairs, locating an object of interest from a shelf). The innovation of our validated VR platform will empower clinicians to devise appropriate treatment, support and visual aids to improve patients' quality of vision and quality of life. 本初創公司旨在利用虛擬實境體驗裝置,建立一個虛擬現實平台來模擬眼疾病人的日常活動,以測量視能力的衰退程度。目前臨床的視能力檢查大多數都是倚靠測量視覺敏銳度和進行視野測試來診斷,雖然視覺敏銳度和視野的測量結果都被認為可反映生活中的視能力問題,但其中的關聯性並不明顯,此外目前尚未有任何臨床的測試,可以切實際地就與病人日常生活有直接關聯的視能力進行評估。因此,本公司所設計的虛擬現實平台 (如在一條繁忙的街道行走,上落樓梯,從貨品架上找出一件商品),經過驗證並完善調校後,可更有效測量和監測因眼疾及其他殘障或疾病如中風所造成的視力衰退, 為病人的及早治療及預後提供更多元化的臨床依據,避免惡化導致失明,從而令眼疾病人受惠。

Project/Company Name

ACE VR Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


ACE VR Ltd. aims to develop virtual reality (VR) platform for evaluation of visual performance, providing an unprecedented platform to eye care providers and visually impaired patients to measure and monitor visual disability. Current examination of visual performance in clinical medicine has been largely predicated on visual acuity (VA) and visual field (VF) testing. Although VA and VF results have been demonstrated to be associated with vision-related quality of life, the associations are weak. There are other visual performance indicators including contrast sensitivity, color vision and stereopsis but they are not routinely tested. Notably, no clinical tests evaluate visual performance directly related to patients' activities of daily living. Our VR platform has the potential to revolutionize clinical examination of visual performance by simulating daily tasks of an individual (e.g. navigating in a busy street, walking up and down flights of stairs, locating an object of interest from a shelf). The innovation of our validated VR platform will empower clinicians to devise appropriate treatment, support and visual aids to improve patients' quality of vision and quality of life. 本初創公司旨在利用虛擬實境體驗裝置,建立一個虛擬現實平台來模擬眼疾病人的日常活動,以測量視能力的衰退程度。目前臨床的視能力檢查大多數都是倚靠測量視覺敏銳度和進行視野測試來診斷,雖然視覺敏銳度和視野的測量結果都被認為可反映生活中的視能力問題,但其中的關聯性並不明顯,此外目前尚未有任何臨床的測試,可以切實際地就與病人日常生活有直接關聯的視能力進行評估。因此,本公司所設計的虛擬現實平台 (如在一條繁忙的街道行走,上落樓梯,從貨品架上找出一件商品),經過驗證並完善調校後,可更有效測量和監測因眼疾及其他殘障或疾病如中風所造成的視力衰退, 為病人的及早治療及預後提供更多元化的臨床依據,避免惡化導致失明,從而令眼疾病人受惠。




Starting Year



TSSSU Company