BrainNow Medical Technology Limited
BrainNow Medical Technology Limited
The mission of BrainNow is to develop and commercialize clinically applicable computer-aided (CAD) software tools for diagnosis of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. Our product meets the requirements for accurate extraction of the relevant biomarkers, and enables their efficient use in clinical practice and clinical research, by providing a comprehensive visualization and analysis workflow that are related to values derived from large population-based imaging studies. Product The major functionality of our product is 1) to support early detection of potential dementia from normal ageing-related cognitive decline; 2) to support differential diagnosis to classify different types of dementia. 博腦的使命是開發和推廣適合臨床應用計算機輔助診斷軟件工具,用於老年癡呆症(又稱認知障礙症、腦退化症)和其他神經退行性疾病的診斷。我們的產品可自動計算有關生物標誌物,能在臨床實踐和臨床研究中有效應用, 為老年癡呆症早期篩查、鑒別診斷提供客觀證據。 產品 我們產品的主與功能 1) 支持篩查早期癡呆引起的認知衰退; 2) 支持對不同類型的癡呆的鑑別診斷。
TSSSU Company