SONG, Xin Yuan 宋心遠

Position Chair
Email xysong [at]
ORCiD 0000-0002-4877-3200
Phone Number 3943 7929
Fax Number 2603 5188
Address LSB 118

Academic Background

BSc (Xiangtan)

MSc (Sun Yat-sen)


Research Interest

Professional Services

Associate Editor, Psychometrika (2011 – )
Associate Editor, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal (2014 – )
Associate Editor, Electronic Journal of Statistics (2022 – )
Associate Editor, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2014 – )
Associate Editor, Statistics and Its Interface (2022 – )
Associate Editor, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society (2017 – )
Associate Editor, Statistical Theory and Related Fields (2017 – )
Associate Editor, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2014 – )
Associate Editor, Biometrics (2014 – 2016)
Associate Editor, The Canadian Journal of Statistics (2019 – 2021)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Quantitative Psychology and Measurement (2009 – 2016)

Selected Publication

Song, X. Y. and Lee, S. Y. (2012). Basic and Advanced Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling: With Applications in the Medical and Behavioral Sciences. London, Wiley.

Journal Article:

  • Zhou, X.X. and Song, X.Y. (2023). Functional concurrent hidden markov model. Statistics and Computing, accepted.
  • Kang K. and Song, X.Y. (2022). Joint modeling of longitudinal imaging and survival data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, accepted.
  • Lin, Y.Q. and Song, X.Y. (2022). Order selection for regression-based hidden Markov model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 192, 105061.
  • Wang, B. and Song, X.Y. (2022). Threshold estimation in proportional mean residual life model. Statistica Sinica, accepted.
  • Yu, C.R., Guo, W.W., Song, X.Y. and Cui, H.J. (2022). Feature screening with latent responses. Biometrics, accepted.
  • Feng, X.N., Li, T.F., Song, X.Y. and Zhu, H.T. (2020). Bayesian scalar on image regression with non-ignorable non-response. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115, 1574-1597.
  • Song, X.Y., Xia, Y.M. and Zhu, H.T. (2017). Hidden Markov latent variable models with multivariate longitudinal data. Biometrics, 73, 313-323.
  • Pan, D., He, H.J., Song, X.Y. and Sun, L.Q. (2015). Regression analysis of additive hazards model with latent variables. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110, 1148-1159.
  • Song, X.Y., Cai, J.H., Feng, X.N. and Jiang, X.J. (2014). Bayesian analysis of functional-coefficient autoregressive heteroscedastic model. Bayesian Analysis, 9, 371-396.
  • Song, X.Y., Lu, Z.H., Cai, J.H., and Ip, H.S. (2013). A Bayesian modeling approach for generalized semiparametric structural equation models. Psychometrika, 78, 624-647.
  • Sun, L.Q., Song, X.Y., Zhou, J. and Liu, L. (2012). Joint analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times and a dependent terminal event. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, 688-700.
  • Sun, L.Q., Song, X.Y. and Zhang, Z.G. (2012). Mean residual life models with time-dependent coefficient under right censoring. Biometrika, 99, 185-197.
  • Song, X.Y. and Lu, Z.H. (2012). Semiparametric transformation models with Bayesian P-splines. Statistics and Computing, 22, 1085-1098.

Please refer to here for more publications in refereed journals.