Mini-lecture: Statistical Modeling and Financial Risk Management
Speaker: Dr. Philip Lee, Department of Statistics
Language: Cantonese
*For students interested in the Statistics Programme and the Risk Management Science Programme Registration
CUHK Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions
The RMSC Programme equipped me with the wide-ranging knowledge and rigorous thinking ability I need to work with various functions and businesses within the financial industry.
Our graduates would like to share some words with you…
The RMSC Programme offers comprehensive training in risk analysis and is very helpful for students who want to pursue careers in the financial industry.
The programme prepared me well for my career after graduation and for obtaining an advanced degree in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon University.
Carol YIN
Quantitative Research Analyst McKinsey Investment Office (Investment Management)
The wide product knowledge and good understanding of risk sensitivities that I gained from the programme enable me to effectively carry out my daily tasks: monitoring risk limits and escalating excess to the front office.
Jason LAU
Valuation and Risk Controller BNP Paribas (Retail Banking Company)
The Risk Management Science Programme provides intensive qualitative and quantitative training in risk analysis, which is extremely valuable given the volatility of the financial market and tightening of regulatory control.
The RMSC Programme equipped me with the wide-ranging knowledge and rigorous thinking ability I need to work with various functions and businesses within the financial industry.
Our graduates would like to share some words with you…
The RMSC Programme offers comprehensive training in risk analysis and is very helpful for students who want to pursue careers in the financial industry.
The wide product knowledge and good understanding of risk sensitivities that I gained from the programme enable me to effectively carry out my daily tasks: monitoring risk limits and escalating excess to the front office.
Jason LAU
Valuation and Risk Controller BNP Paribas (Retail Banking Company)
The Risk Management Science Programme provides intensive qualitative and quantitative training in risk analysis, which is extremely valuable given the volatility of the financial market and tightening of regulatory control.
The programme prepared me well for my career after graduation and for obtaining an advanced degree in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon University.
Carol YIN
Quantitative Research Analyst McKinsey Investment Office (Investment Management)
Our graduates would like to share some words with you…
The RMSC Programme equipped me with the wide-ranging knowledge and rigorous thinking ability I need to work with various functions and businesses within the financial industry.
I graduated from the RMSC Programme in December 2015 and started my career as a data analyst in the consulting industry. In July 2016, I joined UBS as a graduate trainee in group risk. The trainee programme offered me many rotation opportunities in the risk control functions of investment banking, wealth management and asset management. The solid quantitative skills and extensive financial knowledge I had gained from the RMSC Programme enabled me to succeed in all of the rotations, through which I formed a comprehensive view of UBS Group. After the trainee programme, I chose to become a product developer and manager in UBS Asset Management. An important part of my job is performing competitor analysis, and I am able to leverage the strong data analytics foundation provided by the RMSC statistics curriculum. In sum, the RMSC Programme equipped me with the wide-ranging knowledge and rigorous thinking ability I need to work with various functions and businesses within the financial industry.
The RMSC Programme offers comprehensive training in risk analysis and is very helpful for students who want to pursue careers in the financial industry.
Recent economic instability has highlighted the growing importance of risk control for financial institutions and regulatory agencies. The RMSC Programme offers comprehensive training in risk analysis and is very helpful for students who want to pursue careers in the financial industry. The programme also provides students with a career counselling service, internships and research opportunities, ensuring that they can make informed decisions about their career directions after graduation.
Jason LAU
Valuation and Risk Controller BNP Paribas (Retail Banking Company)
The wide product knowledge and good understanding of risk sensitivities that I gained from the programme enable me to effectively carry out my daily tasks: monitoring risk limits and escalating excess to the front office.
The RMSC Programme provides solid quantitative training in statistics and mathematics and interdisciplinary knowledge of finance, economics and computer science. In addition to the well-rounded curriculum, students engage in projects and internships during which they can use their theoretical knowledge to solve real-life risk management problems.
This programme gave me a huge advantage in my current role as Valuation and Risk Controller at BNP Paribas. The wide product knowledge and good understanding of risk sensitivities that I gained from the programme enable me to effectively carry out my daily tasks: monitoring risk limits and escalating excess to the front office. The programme’s rigorous training in derivatives pricing also gave me an advantage in the area of valuation.
The Risk Management Science Programme provides intensive qualitative and quantitative training in risk analysis, which is extremely valuable given the volatility of the financial market and tightening of regulatory control.
The Risk Management Science Programme provides intensive qualitative and quantitative training in risk analysis, which is extremely valuable given the volatility of the financial market and tightening of regulatory control.
The programme is challenging but certainly rewarding for those who take the opportunity to develop their skills. It provided me with the analytical skills and mind-set needed to approach problems effectively and find solutions.
Carol YIN
Quantitative Research Analyst McKinsey Investment Office (Investment Management)
The programme prepared me well for my career after graduation and for obtaining an advanced degree in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon University.
The RMSC Programme provides thorough training in theoretical knowledge, such as topics in statistics and math, and in practical applications, such as simulations. The cohort is small but close, and I received significant help from my professors and classmates. After graduating from RMSC, I gained an employment opportunity with the EY Quantitative Risk Advisory team through an RMSC alumnus.
The programme prepared me well for my career after graduation and for obtaining an advanced degree in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon University. After graduating from CMU, I decided to continue to explore the field of quantitative finance and joined McKinsey Investment Office as a Quantitative Research Analyst.