TAM Tony Hong wing
Professor and Chair
Current Research & Teaching Interests
  • Social Inequality
  • Sociology of Education
  • Economic Sociology
Refereed Journal Papers (*=corresponding author for a multi-author paper) Hyperlinked to the official copies on publisher web sites
(A) Educational, Labor Market, and Health Inequality
1 Chen, Jacqueline C., Tony Tam, and Yen-sheng Chiang. Forthcoming. “The Rise of Merit-based Inequality Acceptance after Exposure to Competition: Experimental Evidence from Chinese University Students.” Social Indicators Research. (5yr IF=2.03. Rank=25/98 in Soc Sci Interdis. Top 25.5% journal) Advance copy: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11205-018-2011-3
2 Lao, Xiang Qian, Han-Bing Deng, Xudong Liu, Tai-Chien Chan, Zilong Zhang, Ly-Yun Chang, Eng-Kiong Yeoh, Tony Tam, Martin Chi Sang Wong, G. Neil Thomas. Forthcoming. “Increased Leisure-time Physical Activity Associated with Lower Onset of Diabetes in 44,828 Adults with Impaired Fasting Glucose: A Population Based Prospective Cohort Study.” British Journal of Sports Medicine. (5yr IF= 7.46. Rank=2/81 in Sport Science. Top 3% journal) Publisher advance online copy: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/53/14/895
3 Bo YYeoh EK, Guo C, Zhang Z, Tam T, Chan TC, Chang LY, Lao XQ. Forthcoming. “Sleep and chronic kidney disease: A cohort study.” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. (5yr IF=4.22. Rank=40/195 in Clinical Neurology. Top 21% journal) Publisher advance online copy: http://jcsm.aasm.org/ViewAbstract.aspx?pid=31523
4 Hannum, Emily, Hiroshi Ishida, Hyunjoon Park, and Tony Tam*. 2019. “Education in East Asian Societies: Postwar Expansion and the Evolution of Inequality.” Annual Review of Sociology 45:625-647. (5yr IF=8.76. Rank=1/147 in Sociology. Top 1% journal)
5 Zhu, Ling, and Tony Tam. 2019. “Have Party Premiums Disappeared in Post-2000 China? The Influence of Negative Ability Bias from Position Conditioning.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 5(1):57-79. (CSSCI)
6 Lao, Xiang Qian, Xudong Liu, Han-Bing Deng, Tai-Chien Chan, Kin Fai Ho, Feng Wang, Roel Vermeulen, Tony Tam, Martin C.S. Wong, LA Tse, Ly-yun Chang, Eng-Kiong Yeoh. 2018. “Sleep Quality and Duration and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study with 60,586 Adults.” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 14(1):109–117. (5yr IF=4.22. Rank=40/195 in Clinical Neurology. Top 21% journal)
7 Deng, Han-Bing, Tony Tam*, Benny Chung-Ying Zee, Roger Yat-Nork Chung, Xuefen Su, Lei Jin, Ta-Chien Chan, Ly-Yun Chang, Eng-Kiong Yeoh, and Xiang Qian Lao. 2017. “Short Sleep Duration Increases Metabolic Impact in Healthy Adults: A Population-Based Cohort Study.” Sleep 40(10):130. (*=as corresp. author) (5yr IF=5.87. Rank=19/195 in Clinical Neurology. Top 10% journal)
8 Wu, Hania F., and Tony Tam*, Lei Jin, Xiang Q. Lao, Roger Yat-Nork Chung, Xue F. Su, and Benny Zee. 2017. “Age, Gender, and Socioeconomic Gradients in Metabolic Syndrome: Biomarker Evidence from a Large Sample in Taiwan, 2005-2013.” Annals of Epidemiology 27:315-322. (5yr IF=2.77. Rank=58/181 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 32% journal)
9 Tam, Tony. 2016. “Academic Achievement as Status Competition: Intergenerational Transmission of Positional Advantage among Taiwanese and American Students.” Chinese Journal of Sociology2(2):171-193. (CSSCI)
10 Chang, Ly-yun, and Tony Tam. 2015. “Health Effects of Education, Family Income, and Social Standing: A Comparative Study of Four East Asian Countries.” (in Chinese) Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 57:53-84. (TSSCI).
11 Jin, Lei, and Tony Tam. 2015. “Investigating the Effects of Temporal and Interpersonal Relative Deprivation on Health in China.” Social Science and Medicine. 143:26-35. (SCI&SSCI; 27-yr IF=16.43, ranked 4/40 in Social Sciences-Biomedicine and 27/210 in Public Health).
12 Lao, Xiang Qian, Wenjun Ma, Roger Yat-nork Chung, Yonghui Zhang, Yanjun Xu, Xiaojun Xu, Shaoping Nie, Qiumao Cai, Liang Xia, Xuefen Su, Lei Jin, Tony Tam, and Benny Chung-ying Zee. 2015. “The Diminishing Socioeconomic Disparity in Obesity in a Chinese Population with Rapid Economic Development: Analysis of Serial Cross-sectional Health Survey Data 2002–2010.” BMC Public Health 15:1282 (doi:10.1186/s12889-015-2654-9) (SCI; 7yr IF=2.21)
13 Wu, Hania Fei, and Tony Tam. 2015. “Economic Development and Socioeconomic Inequality of Well-being: A Cross-sectional Time-series Analysis of Urban China, 2003-2011.” Social Indicators Research 124:401–425. (SSCI; 27-yr IF=5.4, ranked 17/98 in Social Sciences).
(B) Environmental Health
14 Zhang Z, Guo C, Chang LY, Bo Y, Lin C, Chuang YC, Jiang WK, Tam T, Wong MCS, Chan TC, Lau AKH, Lao XQ. Forthcoming. “Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter and Liver Enzymes in Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study in Taiwan.” Occupational and Environmental Medicine (5yr IF ranked 23/181 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 13% journal). Publisher advance online copy: https://oem.bmj.com/content/76/7/488
15 Chan TC, Zhang Z, Lin BC, Lin C, Deng HB, Chuang YC, Chan WMJ, Jiang WK, Tam T, Chang LY, Hoek G, Lau AKH, Lao XQ. Forthcoming. “Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and chronic kidney disease: a cohort study.” Environmental Health Perspectives. (5yr IF=9.81. Rank=4/231 in Environmental Science, 4/181 in SCI: Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 2% journal) Publisher advance online copy: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/pdf/10.1289/EHP3304
16 Zhang, Zilong, Cui Guo, Alexis K.H. Lau, Ta-Chien Chan, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Changqing Lin, Wun Kai Jiang, Eng-Kiong Yeoh, Tony Tam, Kam S. Woo, Bryan P. Yan, Ly-Yun Chang, Martin C.S. Wong, and Xiang Qian Lao. 2018. “Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter, Blood Pressure, and Incident Hypertension in Taiwanese Adults.” Environmental Health Perspectives 126(1):0170081-0170088. (5yr IF=9.81. Rank=4/231 in Environmental Science, 4/181 in SCI: Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 2% journal)
17 Zhang, Zilong, Ta-Chien Chan, Cui Guo, Ly-Yun Chang, Changqing Lin, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Wun Kai Jiang, Kin Fai Ho, Tony Tam, Kam S. Woo, Alexis K.H. Lau, Xiang Qian Lao. 2018. “Long-term Exposure to Ambient Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Is Associated with Platelet Counts in Adults” Environmental Pollution 240:432-439 (5yr IF=5.29. Rank=25/231 in SCI: Environmental Science. Top 11% journal)
18 Lao, Xiang Qian, Zilong Zhang, Alexis KH Lau, Ta-Chien Chan, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Jimmy Chan, Changqing Lin, Cui Guo, Wun Kai Jiang, Tony Tam, Gerard Hoek, Haidong Kan, Eng-kiong Yeoh, Ly-yun Chang. 2018. “Exposure to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter and Semen Quality in Taiwan.” Occupational and Environmental Medicine 75(2):148-154. (5 yr IF=3.85. Rank=23/181 in SCI: Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 13% journal)
19 Zhang, Zilong, Gerard Hoek, Ly-yun Chang, Ta-Chien Chan, Cui Guo, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Jimmy Chan, Changqing Lin, Wun Kai Jiang, Yuming Guo, Roel Vermeulen, Eng-kiong Yeoh, Tony Tam, Alexis KH Lau, Sian Griffiths, Xiang Qian Lao. 2018. “Particulate Matter Air Pollution, Physical Activity and Systemic Inflammation in Taiwanese Adults.” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 221(1):41-47. (5yr IF=4.48. Rank=19/181 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 10.5% journal)
20 Guo C, Zhang Z, Lau AK, Lin CQ, Chuang YC, Chan J, Jiang WK, Tam T, Yeoh EK, Chan TC, Chang LY. 2018. “Effect of Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter on Lung Function Decline and Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Taiwan: A Longitudinal, Cohort Study.” The Lancet Planetary Health 2(3):e114-25. (A new specialty journal of the Lancet family, no SCI statistics available yet.)
21 Zhang, Zilong, Ly-yun Chang, Alexis KH Lau, Ta-Chien Chan, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Jimmy Chan, Changqing Lin, Wun Kai Jiang, Keith Dear, Benny CY Zee, Eng-kiong Yeoh, Gerard Hoek, Tony Tam, Xiang Qian Lao. 2017. “Satellite-based Estimates of Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter Are Associated with C-reactive Protein in 30034 Taiwanese Adults.” International Journal of Epidemiology 46(4):1126–1136. (5yr IF=10.18. Rank=3/181 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. Top 2% journal)
2015 Tam, Tony, and Jin Jiang. “The Divergent Urban-Rural Trends in College Attendance: State Policy Bias and Structural Exclusion in China.” Sociology of Education, 88(2):160-180.
2014 Tam, Tony, and Jin Jiang. 2014. “The Making of Higher Education Inequality: How Do Mechanisms and Pathways Depend on Competition?” American Sociological Review. 79:807-816.
2013 Tam, Tony, and Hania Fei Wu. 2013. “Noncognitive Traits as Fundamental Causes of Health Inequality: Baseline Findings from Urban China.” Chinese Sociological Review 46(2):32-62.
2011 Tam, Tony. 2011. “Accounting for Dynamic Selection Bias in Educational Transitions: The Cameron-Heckman Latent Class Estimator and Its Generalizations” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29:287-310.
2008 Tam, Tony. 2008. “Why Do Female Occupations Pay Less?” Pp. 838-842 in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, edited by David B. Grusky. Third edition (original in 2001). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
2005 <制度信任的趨勢與結構:「多重等級評量」的分析策略>,《臺灣社會學刊》,35期:75-126。(與張苙雲合著)
2000 Tam, Tony. 2000. “Occupational Wage Inequality and Devaluation: A Cautionary Tale of Measurement Error.” American Journal of Sociology 105:1752-1760.
1999 <形構產業網絡>,《台灣產業研究》,2期:17-64。(與張苙雲合著)
1997 Tam, Tony. 1997. “Sex Segregation and Occupational Gender Inequality in the U.S.: Devaluation or Specialized Training?” American Journal of Sociology Vol. 102, No. 6, May, pp. 1652-1692.
  • SOCI 1002 Approaching Sociology
  • SOCI 6010 Guided Studies I
  • SOCI 6020 Guided Studies II
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  • Editorial Board Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (ISA)

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