Course Code
CHES3004/ CCSS3101
Course Name
Media China: Feeling Digital in Contemporary China
Tuesday 10:30-13:15
Prof. Jacqueline Zhenru Lin
Teaching Assistant
Kelvin Wu
Yang Yiwei
Course Description
This course will introduce students to the digital transformation of China. The phrase “digital transformation” refers to an array of changes in infrastructures, devices, practices and cultures brough by technologies including but not limited to mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and other computers; websites, online games, virtual worlds, social network sites, apps, and blogs; and governments, corporations, nonprofits, activists, users, makers, hackers, players, and friends.
This course is designed to give you ideas, methods, and experience in understanding how these digital technologies in China change people’s lives, career, and the future of humanity in the broadest sense. You will explore different facets of digital China: e-commerce innovation, online civil society, virtual arts, platform labour, and geopolitics. A choice of readings will provide opportunities to discuss various methods used to “feel” digital, from ethnographic observation and interviews to digital humanities.
Course Outline
Week 1: Introduction: Digital Transformation and the Chinese Experience
Week 2: Understanding the Digital
Week 3: Infrastructure Policy and the Creation of the Chinese Digital Landscape
Week 4: Innovation, E-commerce and Development
Week 5: Forms of the digital divide in China
Week 6: Love, Intimacy, and Family in Digital China
Week 7: Platforms and Labour
Week 8: So Hot Right Now: Digital Culture in China
Week 9: The Digitization of Power
Week 10: Public Sphere and Civic Engagement in Digital China
Week 11: Dreaming of Money in Digital China
Week 12: Chinese Literature, Film, and Art in Digital Time
Week 13: Internship in Chinese Media Industry
Week 14: Technonationalism and globalization
Assessment & Assignments
Participation & Mapping Exercise (20%)
Pop-up Quizzes (15%)
Midterm Exam (20%)
Research Project (45%)