Why Donate to New Asia

Your support can make a difference in promoting Chinese Culture and nourishing the next generation


The College strives for educating our students to pay efforts to “acquiring a good understanding of human civilization and contributing to the well-being of our society”. In our over 70 years of history, we carry on our mission under scarce resources. To accomplish our mission, stable resources are essential for us. Thus we hope to invite more philanthropists to join us to pass on the New Asia Spirit.


Why donate to New Asia:

To help us sustain our projects and develop new projects of Chinese culture promotion
Our education focuses on promoting Chinese culture to students, teachers, and the public. We also strive to nurture our students with traditional Chinese morality and broaden their horizons. Without the support from donors, our programmes may need to terminate.


To contribute to the Alma Mater and pass the torch
We welcome our alumni to contribute to the college in all forms including donations. This is not just a gesture, but a way to extend your relationship with your Alma Mater. By supporting our education projects, whether you are an alumnus or not, you are connecting with the next generation.


Government’s subsidy is limited to the expenses for undergraduate academic purposes
All of our Chinese culture promotion projects, the majority of our student enrichment projects, scholarships, bursaries, financial aids, and other development projects, are solely supported by donations. Your gift is most important to us. We are pleased to share with you more about our mission in the following paragraphs.



Brief history and mission of New Asia College

“In adversity and perils I forge ahead, in poverty and want I remain passionate”

New Asia College was founded in 1949 at a time of extreme adversity by Mr. Ch’ien Mu and other scholars from mainland China. Their objective was to establish an educational institution which combines the essence of the scholarship of the Song and Ming academies and the tutorial system of Western universities. With humanism as its basis, the College also aimed to facilitate cultural exchanges between East and West and to promote peace and well-being of the human race.


At that time, the College was financially challenged. Our founders raised funds by all means. We were blessed by some philanthropists. In 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded. New Asia College became one of the constituent colleges of The CUHK and moved to its present campus in Shatin in 1973. The College continued to develop, but we are still the most financially challenged College among all. Nevertheless, we remain passionate about accomplishing our education mission.


To promote Chinese Culture and to facilitate cultural exchanges between East and West
After half a century, the College becomes one of the centers of Chinese Culture academic research. We continue to raise resources to achieve finance our projects, which include:


Public Education

  • Organization of cultural talks: We established the “Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture” in the 1980s and the “Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History” in the 2000s.

Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture

Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History
  • Increased to 6 cultural talks: themes cover academic, history, contemporary China, Confucianism, life science, and social culture. The talks discuss how Chinese Culture influences our world in the past present and future.

Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences

New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China

New Asia Cultural Talks

Contribution to the education of the Cross-Strait and Four Places

We organize seminars on traditional Chinese culture and Chinese moral education for primary and secondary school teachers of the Cross-Strait and Four Places. The programme has brought a significant impact on moral education in the Mainland.

Student Enrichment

  • To enhance the national awareness and sense of belonging to the country: supports our students to organize academic and cultural activities where Chinese Culture is one of the core elements.
  • To enhance the global vision of our students: organize exchange schemes. Our partner universities include: USA: Yale University and UC Berkeley; UK: Hertford College of Oxford University and Korea: Ewha Womans University.
  • To provide whole-person development apart from major studies: through our General Education courses, culture and sports activities, social service, and hostel life.
  • To emphasize the communication between teachers and students: we welcome students and teachers to participate together in most of our activities.


Future plan: Inherit and Create
In this challenging society, we persist in inheriting the educational ideal of our founders. Apart from continuing and enhancing our recent projects, we also strive for elevating our influence locally and internationally. We would focus on:


  • To outreach our public lectures internationally
  • To extend our Chinese culture to international students
  • To increase the oversea exchange programmes

Student Enrichment

  • To increase service-learning experiences
  • To initiate more regular academic and cultural activities which promote Chinese culture, so as to enhance our students’ national awareness and sense of belonging to the country
  • To elevate the communication among teachers, alumni, and students, so as to enhance the social and work skills of students
  • To strengthen the mental health education and counselling
  • To extend our Chinese culture education to primary and secondary schools

We can make a difference with your support to promote Chinese culture and educate the next generation


For the past 72 years, the College strives to inherit the education mission of our College founders. With your generous support, we can continue and expand our scope of work to contribute to society.