Home People Teaching Staff TONG Shiu Sing

TONG Shiu Sing

Senior Lecturer

(852) 3943 6400


Room 223, 2/F, Science Centre North Block



  • PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • BSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Current Position:

  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Associate Director, Centre for Promoting Science Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Teaching Awards:

  • Physics Teaching Award 2019, Department of Physics, CUHK
  • Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2015, CUHK
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2015, Faculty of Science, CUHK
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2011, Faculty of Science, CUHK
  • Physics Teaching Award 2010, Department of Physics, CUHK

Research Interest:

  • Physics, Astronomy, and Popular Science Education
  • Open Wave Systems
  • Radiation in Plasma

Recent Research Projects:

Recent Projects as PI Organization
Solar Harvest Educational Kits for Secondary Schools at S4 to S6 levels (2022-23) Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR
Solar Harvest Educational Kits for Secondary Schools at S1 to S3 levels (2022-23) Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR
Production of Multimedia Learning and Teaching Resources for Physics (S4-6) Curriculum (2021-22) Education Bureau, HKSAR
STEM education in Physics for Secondary Schools (2019-21) Knowledge Transfer Fund, CUHK

Selected Publications:

  • W S Chan, S S Tong, The Physics Educator, Vol. 01, No. 01, 1950006 (2019)
  • M K Lai, C H Lam, K C Lau, S S Tong, P P Wong, L T Yung, Active Science Series, Pearson Education Asia Ltd. (2018-19) (Pearson)
  • S S Tong, Active Physics 7: Energy and Use of Energy, Pearson Education Asia Ltd. (2016)
  • S S Tong, Active Physics 6: Astronomy and Space Science, Pearson Education Asia Ltd. (2016)
  • S S Tong, H K Won, P K Kwong, Y L Wong, L C Lee, K L Fung. Active Physics Series, Pearson Education Asia Ltd. (2015-16) (Pearson)
  • Quasinormal-mode expansion for waves in open systems, E. S. C. Ching, P. T. Leung, A. Maassen van den Brink, W. M. Suen, S. S. Tong, and K. Young, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70(4):1545-1554 (1998)
  • Two-component eigenfunction expansion for open systems described by the wave equation I: Completeness of expansion, P T Leung, S S Tong, K Young, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 2139 (1997)
  • Two-component eigenfunction expansion for open systems described by the wave equation II: Linear space structure, P T Leung, S S Tong, K Young, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 2153 (1997)
  • Axially enhanced far field and radiation flux in a magnetoplasma, H M Lai, C S Ng, S S Tong, Phys. Rev. A 40, 959 (1989)